Title Problemi u ponašanju adolescenata: pedagoški izazov
Title (english) Behavioral problems of adolescents: a pedagogical challenge
Author Iva Čondić-Galiničić
Mentor Dejana Bouillet (mentor)
Committee member Ana Blažević Simić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dejana Bouillet (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mara Sesar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-04-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Social Pedagogy
Abstract Problemi u ponašanju najčešće su definirani kao oblici ponašanja koje karakteriziraju odstupanje od uobičajenog ponašanja, štetnost za sebe i druge u okolini te potreba za intervencijom, a koji su posljedica širokog ekološkog konteksta djeteta, uključujući djetetove osobine te međuodnos činitelja rizika i zaštite u njegovoj okolini. Prevencija problema u ponašanju usmjerena je na rano prepoznavanje problema te pravovremeno i primjereno pružanje podrške i zaštite. Očekuje se suradnja obrazovnog, socijalnog i zdravstvenog sustava i stalan razvoj prevencije različitih problema u ponašanju djece i mladih (npr. nasilje, ovisnosti). Sve je veći naglasak na istraživanjima i primjeni raznolikih programa prevencije, u svim sustavima za djecu i mlade, a posebice u školama. Istraživanje pedagoškog izazova mogućnosti prevencije problema u ponašanju djece i adolescenata ima za cilj ispitivanje postojanja i kvalitete programa i strategija prevencije integriranih u školske kurikulume te potrebu za daljnjim razvojem i primjenom prevencije. Istraživanje je usmjereno i na ispitivanje kompetencija učitelja koje su potrebne za pedagoško preventivno djelovanje, kao i mjeru mogućnosti za njihovo stručno usavršavanje i podrške uprave. Kvantitativno istraživanje uz primjenu Upitnika za procjenu mogućnosti prevencije problema u ponašanju u školama provedeno je u lipnju 2023. godine, a sudionici su odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici s područja čitave Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanjem se ispitao osobni doprinos i utjecaj odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika na prevenciju problema u ponašanju, najčešćih pedagoških strategija, tehnika i programa kojima se služe djelatnici u prevenciji te mogućnosti stručnog usavršavanja i institucionalne podrške odgojno-obrazovnim djelatnicima u njihovom profesionalnom razvoju. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na ključnu ulogu pedagoga u provedbi programa prevencije, slabije sudjelovanje učitelja predmetne nastave u programima prevencije i na važnost kontinuiranog profesionalnog razvoja učitelja u tom području.
Abstract (english) Behavioral problems are most often defined as forms of behavior that are characterized by deviation from usual behavior, harm to oneself and others in the environment, and the need for intervention, which are a consequence of the child's broad environmental context, including the child's characteristics and the interrelationship of risk and protection factors in his environment. Prevention of behavioral problems is aimed at early recognition of problems and timely and appropriate provision of support and protection. The cooperation of the educational, social and health systems and the constant development of the prevention of various problems in the behavior of children and young people (e.g. violence, addictions) are expected. There is an increasing emphasis on research and the application of various prevention programs, in all systems for children and young people, especially in schools. The research of the pedagogical challenge of the possibility of preventing problems in the behavior of children and adolescents aims to examine the existence and quality of prevention programs and strategies integrated into school curricula and the need for further development and application of prevention. The research is also aimed at examining the competences of teachers that are necessary for pedagogical preventive action, as well as the measure of opportunities for their professional development and support from the administration. Quantitative research with the application of the Questionnaire for assessing the possibility of preventing behavioral problems in schools was conducted in June 2023, and the participants were educational workers from the entire Republic of Croatia. The research examined the personal contribution and influence of educational workers on the prevention of behavioral problems, the most common pedagogical strategies, techniques and programs used by workers in prevention, as well as opportunities for professional development and institutional support for educational workers in their professional development. The results of the research indicate the key role of pedagogues in the implementation of prevention programs, the weaker participation of subject teachers in prevention programs and the importance of continuous professional development of teachers in this area.
problemi u ponašanju
prevencija problema u ponašanju
školski preventivni programi
profesionalne kompetencije odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika
Keywords (english)
behavior problems
prevention of behavior problems
school preventive programs
professional competencies of educational staff
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:564081
Study programme Title: Pedagogy (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-24 08:56:34