Abstract | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je koncept programirane nastave kao suvremenog nastavnog sistema. U radu su prikazani ključni aspekti programirane nastave, počevši od definicije i osnovnih karakteristika, slijedeći analizu njezinog povijesnog razvoja radi boljeg razumijevanja konteksta i evolucije ove pedagoške metode. Nadalje, detaljno su objašnjeni osnovni dijelovi programirane nastave - članak, sekvenca i algoritam, te različite vrste programirane nastave - linearni program, razgranati program i kombinirani program. Također su predstavljeni principi koji čine osnovu programirane nastave: princip malih etapa, aktivnog učešća, neposredne verifikacije, individualizacije i empirijske revizije programa. Nadalje, istraženi su problemi i izazovi s kojima se suočavamo u implementaciji programirane nastave, s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu nastavnika u tom procesu. Nakon toga dolazi istraživački dio rada u kojem je opisan eksperiment proveden s ciljem procjene učinkovitosti programirane nastave u usporedbi s klasičnom nastavom informatike. Kroz empirijsko istraživanje, postavljeni su ciljevi i hipoteze, detaljno je prikazan plan istraživanja, sudionici, korišteni materijali te analiza istraživanja po fazama. Predstavljeni su rezultati predtestiranja, zatim eksperimentalne faze, te na kraju faze posttestiranja. Uspoređeni su rezultati predtestiranja i posttestiranja obje skupine sudionika. Također, analizirana su mišljenja i stavovi ispitanika o programiranoj nastavi. Na kraju su sažeti ključni nalazi, ističući važnost programirane nastave u suvremenom obrazovanju te nudeći smjernice za buduća istraživanja i implementaciju ovog suvremenog nastavnog sistema. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this master's thesis is the concept of programmed instruction as a modern educational system. The thesis presents key aspects of programmed instruction, starting from its definition and basic characteristics, followed by an analysis of its historical development to better understand the context and evolution of this pedagogical method. Furthermore, the basic components of programmed instruction are explained in detail, such as the frame, sequence, and algorithm, as well as different types of programmed instruction such as linear, branched, and combined programs. Additionally, the principles underlying programmed instruction are presented, including the principles of small steps, active participation, immediate verification, individualization, and empirical program revision. Moreover, the challenges and issues encountered in the implementation of programmed instruction are explored, with a particular focus on the role of teachers in this process. Following the theoretical part, the research section describes an experiment conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of programmed instruction compared to traditional computer science education. Through empirical research, goals and hypotheses were set, and a detailed research plan, participants, materials used, and phase-wise analysis of the research were presented. First, the results of pre-testing are introduced, followed by a description of the experimental phase, and finally the post-testing phase. Furthermore, the pre-test and post-test results from both participant groups are compared to draw conclusions about the research. Additionally, the opinions and attitudes of the participants regarding programmed instruction are analyzed. Finally, the key findings and conclusions of this thesis are summarized, emphasizing the importance of programmed instruction in modern education, and providing guidelines for future research and implementation of this contemporary educational system. |