Title Čimbenici razvoja čitateljskih navika učenika
Title (english) The factors affecting the development of pupils' reading habits
Author Ivana Repak
Mentor Zoran Horvat (mentor)
Committee member Ante Kolak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mara Sesar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Abstract Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi povezanost čitateljskih navika učenika s raznim čimbenicima, među kojima su obitelj, učitelji, knjižnica, mediji i vršnjaci, te pritom procijeniti njihove kauzalne odnose. U teorijskom dijelu rada predstavljaju se važnost čitanja i čitateljske navike adolescenata, a potom slijedi pregled relevantnih čimbenika razvoja čitateljskih navike djece, tj. obitelji, učitelja, knjižnice, medija i vršnjaka. Teorijski dio rada poslužio je kao osnova za provođenje istraživanja u
... More kojem je sudjelovalo 106 učenika završnih razreda osnovne škole u Zagrebu. Utvrđeno je da učenici čitanje smatraju korisnim, najviše čitaju lektiru i sadržaje na internetu, čitaju 1-2 knjige mjesečno, a knjige koje nisu vezane uz školske obaveze čitaju uglavnom tijekom praznika, najčešće kriminalističke, pustolovne te tematike za mlade. Prema rezultatima istraživanja, majke su uložile najviše napora u razvoju čitateljskih navika učenika čitajući im, dok članovi obitelji općenito pretežno i sami vole čitati, a danas učenici rijetko pričaju s njima o pročitanome. Utvrđena je slaba uključenost učenika u odabir lektirnih djela koja uglavnom smatraju dosadnima. Također, učitelji hrvatskog jezika rijetko ukazuju na povezanost pročitanih tekstova sa svakodnevnim životom i ostalim nastavnim predmetima. Rezultati pokazuju da učitelji ostalih nastavnih predmeta rijetko motiviraju učenike na čitanje, dok se knjižnica posjećuje prvenstveno radi posudbe lektire. Utvrđeno je da učenici na internetu najčešće čitaju radi pronalaska potrebnih informacija, a preferiraju internet i za dobivanje knjiških preporuka, ali ne biraju knjige i ostale materijale za čitanje zbog njihove popularnosti na društvenim mrežama. Iako dojmove o pročitanome učenici najradije dijele s prijateljima, iz rezultata je razvidno da rijetko čitaju o temama koje zanimaju njihove prijatelje. Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike s obzirom na spol u zainteresiranosti za aktivnosti čitanja ni u poticanju u aktivnostima vezanima uz čitanje od strane obitelji, niti među razredima s obzirom na učestalost čitanja i utjecaj prijatelja na razvoj čitateljskih navika. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to establish the relationship between students' reading habits and various factors, including family, teachers, libraries, media and peers, and to assess their causal connection. The theoretical part of this paper presents the importance of reading and adolescents' reading habits, followed by the review of the factors affecting the development of pupils' reading habits, i.e., family, teachers, library, media and peers. The theoretical part of this paper served as a
... More basis for the conduction of the research which involved 106 pupils of the final grades of elementary school in Zagreb. The research established that pupils find reading useful, they mostly read the required reading for the class and content on the internet, they read 1-2 books a month, and the books that are not related to school duties are usually read during the school holidays, mostly crime, adventure and young adult books. According to the research results, mothers put the most effort into developing students' reading habits by reading to them, while family members in general often like to read themselves, and nowadays pupils rarely talk to them about what they have read. The research confirmed a weak involvement of pupils in the selection of the required reading for the class that they mostly consider boring. In addition, Croatian language teachers rarely indicate the connection of the texts read in class with everyday life and other teaching subjects. The results indicate that teachers in different school subjects rarely motivate pupils to read, while the library is visited primarily to borrow the required reading. It was established that pupils most often read on the internet to find the necessary information, and they also prefer the internet to get book recommendations, but they do not choose books and other reading materials because of their popularity on social media. Although pupils prefer to share their impressions of what they read with their friends, the results show that they rarely read about topics that are interesting to their friends. No statistically significant differences were found with regard to sex in interest in reading activities, nor in encouragement in reading activities by the family, nor between classes with regard to the frequency of reading and the influence of friends on the development of reading habits. Less
čitateljske navike učenika
utjecaj obitelji
učitelja i vršnjaka
školske i gradske knjižnice
Keywords (english)
pupils' reading habits
influence of family
teachers and peers
school and city libraries
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:084046
Study programme Title: Pedagogy (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-09-05 19:26:11