Abstract | U radu se iznosi povijesni pregled naseljavanja i razvoja vodičkog prostora, te sam nastanak i strateška vrijednost naselja Vodica kroz povijest i u suvremenosti. Vodičko područje naseljeno je još od prapovijesnog doba, zbog čega je prožeto arheološkim nalazištima, sakralnom, stambenom i fortifikacijskom arhitekturom, te suhozidnom gradnjom. Današnji grad Vodice podijeljen je na tri cjeline: obalu, zaleđe i otočje, pri čemu se obrađena graditeljska baština nalazi na obali i u zaleđu. U radu su izneseni svi poznati podaci o izgradnji, renoviranjima, adaptacijama i promjenama na građevinama, povijesni pregled događanja važnih za te građevine, te njihova namjena i svrha, a opisano je i u kakvom su stanju danas. Naglasak je stavljen na građevine u Registru kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske, istraživanja, konzervatorsko-restauratorske radove i projekte renoviranja i adaptiranja koji su osmišljeni i provedeni na građevinama i nalazištima. Također su navedeni projekti financirani iz europskih fondova, na kojima su sudjelovali vlasnici i skrbnici graditeljske baštine. Na temelju svih predočenih podataka mogu se razmotriti izazovi i problemi očuvanja graditeljske baštine Vodica, grada koji je danas poznat kao ljetovalište u blizini Šibenika. |
Abstract (english) | The paper presents a historical overview of the settlement and development of the Vodice area, as well as the origin and strategic importance of the settlement of Vodice throughout history and in modern times. The Vodice area has been inhabited since prehistoric times, which is why it is rich in archaeological sites, sacred, residential, and fortification architecture, and dry-stone construction. Today, the town of Vodice is divided into three parts: the coast, the hinterland, and the archipelago, with the architectural heritage being located on the coast and in the hinterland. The paper presents all known data on the construction, renovations, adaptations, and changes to the buildings, a historical overview of events important for these buildings, as well as their purpose and function. Additionally, the current condition of these buildings is described. The emphasis is placed on the buildings listed in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia, research, conservation-restoration work, and renovation and adaptation projects that have been designed and implemented on the buildings and sites. Projects funded by European funds, involving the owners and caretakers of the architectural heritage, are also mentioned. Based on all the presented data, the challenges and problems of preserving the architectural heritage of Vodice, a town known today as a tourist resort near Šibenik, can be considered. |