Abstract | Pismenost je jedna od najvažnijih kompetencija koje djeca trebaju steći jer je sredstvo kojim se postavlja temelj za školski uspjeh i stjecanje znanja. Zelena pismenost predstavlja sposobnost razumijevanja utjecaja čovjekovih odluka i radnji na okoliš kroz širenje svijesti o održivom razvoju i poticanju kritičkog mišljenja. U svrhu poticanja zelene pismenosti važno je provoditi radionice i druge aktivnosti u najranijoj dobi u čemu knjižnica može biti poticajno mjesto u zajednici. Poruka održivog načina života je i mijenjanje vlastite svijesti, rad na sebi i stvaranje sebi ugodne okoline, a sve to doprinijet će u konačnici boljem svijetu i društvu. Razvojem novih sadržaja i poticanje na čitanje zelenih tema te aktivnosti i edukacija za djecu, u suradnji s ustanovama, udrugama, organizacijama koje provode takve radionice pokazuje koliko se može utjecati svakodnevno na navike, a poznato je da se one stječu od najranije dobi. Literatura je važan čimbenik kojim se može početi utjecati na zelene navike, na recikliranje, na život u skladu s prirodom. Ako se to ne potkrijepi slikovitom radionicom ili edukacijom, kad je riječ o predškolskom uzrastu, teže će biti doći do željenog rezultata. Održivi razvoj tema je koja je poprimila veliki značaj u svim segmentima društva. Znajući koliko je važan i potreban za cjelokupno stanovništvo, ova tema kroz razne situacije, radionice, suradnje, edukacije, prezentacije, može doprijeti do svijesti svih osoba, a najvažnije, do djece predškolskog uzrasta. Veliku ulogu u promicanju održivog razvoja imaju udruge, institucije, ustanove koje se bave zelenim temama, a mogu ga slikovito približiti djeci predškolskog uzrasta. Odjel za djecu predškolskog uzrasta Gradske knjižnice „Ivan Goran Kovačić“ Karlovac u sklopu svog programa poseban naglasak ima na teme vezane za očuvanje prirode, zaštitu životinja i biljaka, održivog razvoja, zelenih tema. Uzimajući u obzir to da se navike stječu u predškolskoj dobi, o ovoj temi potrebno je i nužno govoriti upravo djeci jer oni mogu utjecati i na odrasle. Jedan od ciljeva ovog rada je ispitati stavove roditelja o čitanju s djecom, odnosno čitaju li im slikovnice i dječje knjige o zelenim temama i koliko često. |
Abstract (english) | Literacy is one of the most important competencies that children need to acquire because it is the means by which the foundation for school success and knowledge acquisition is laid. Green literacy represents the ability to understand the impact of human decisions and actions on the environment through spreading awareness of sustainable development and encouraging critical thinking. In order to encourage green literacy, it is important to conduct workshops and other activities at an early age, in which the library can be a stimulating place in the community. The message of a sustainable lifestyle is also to change one's own consciousness, work on oneself and create a pleasant environment for oneself, all of which will ultimately contribute to a better world and society. The development of new content and encouraging the reading of green topics as well as activities and education for children, in cooperation with institutions, associations, organizations that conduct such workshops, shows how much can be influenced on a daily basis, and it is known that they are acquired from an early age. Literature is an important factor with which we can begin to influence green habits, recycling, living in harmony with nature. If we do not support this with a picturesque workshop or education, when we think of preschool age, it will be more difficult to achieve the desired result. Sustainable development is a topic that has taken on great importance in all segments of society, knowing how important and necessary it is for the entire population, this is a topic that can reach the consciousness of all people, and most importantly children, through various situations, workshops, collaborations, educations, presentations of preschool age. Associations, institutions, and institutions that deal with green issues play a big role in promoting sustainable development, and they can bring it closer to preschool children. The department for preschool children of the "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Public Library in Karlovac has a special emphasis on topics related to nature conservation, animal and plant protection, sustainable development, and green topics as part of its program. In addition to already existing programs and workshops on this topic, new ideas are always appearing, through which the Library influences and brings this important topic closer to preschool children in an interesting and educational way. One of the goals of this paper is to examine the attitudes of parents about reading with children, i.e. whether they read picture books and children's books to them. about green topics and how often. |