Abstract | Cilj je ovoga rada objasniti koncept pučkog kazališta i pučkog komada te prikazati koliko je pučko kazalište, ali i pučka književnost uopće, važno za ljude i njihov život. U ovome se radu to čini pomoću predstavljanja festivala kazališnih amatera pod nazivom Dani hrvatskog pučkog teatra te analizom pučkih komedija Stjepana Banas, utemeljitelja Dana hrvtaskog pučkoga teatra. Riječ je o festivalu koji se održava već dugi niz godina u malenom mjestu Hercegovcu u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji, čiji su pokrovitelji Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija i Općina Hercegovac, organizator Hrvatska čitaonica Hercegovac, a suorganizator Hrvatska matica iseljenika. Festival okuplja glumce amatere, odnosno amaterske kazališne udruge susjednih zemalja koji vuku svoje korijene iz Hrvatske. Analizom tema predstava pokušava se izvući zaključak o najzastupljenijim temama i likovima pučkih komada, imaju li oni pouku ili im je svrha samo zabava. Osim što festival svake godine dvije večeri u veljači u Hercegovac unosi zabavu, radost i osmijeh na lica stanovnika, on pridonosi još nečemu mnogo važnijem – to je očuvanje hrvatske tradicije, kulture i same hrvatske riječi, odnosno jezika. On spaja domovinsku i iseljenu Hrvatsku te stvara nova neraskidiva prijateljstva koja se prenose iz generacije u generaciju. Sve već navedeno može se vidjeti u izjavama voditelja kazališnih udruga, ali i samih sudionika festivala. Spoj svega ovoga, održavanje odnosa iseljene i matične Hrvatske, njegovanje pučke književnosti, očuvanje hrvatske tradicije, kulture i jezika vrlo je važno u Hrvatskoj, ali je još važnije kada se sve to postigne izvan nje. A amaterska kazališna društva koja redovito i rado posjećuju Dane hrvatskog pučkog teatra, to zasigurno uspijevaju. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this work is to explain the concept of folk theater and folk play, and to show how important folk theater, and folk literature in general, is for people and their lives. In this paper, this is done by means of the presentation of the festival of theater amateurs called the Days of the Croatian Folk Theater and the analysis of the folk comedies of Stjepan Banas, the founder of the Days of the Croatian Folk Theater. It is a festival that has been held for many years in the small town of Hercegovac in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the Bjelovar-Bilogora County and the Municipality of Hercegovac, the organizer is the Croatian Reading Room Hercegovac, and the co-organizer is Croatia Motherland of Emigrants. The festival gathers amateur actors, that is, amateur theater associations from neighboring countries that have their origin in Croatia. By analyzing the themes of the plays, an attempt is made to draw a conclusion about the most represented themes and characters of folk plays, whether they have a lesson or their purpose is just entertainment. In addition to the fact that the festival brings fun, joy and smiles to the faces of the inhabitants of Herzegovina every year for two evenings in February, it also contributes to something much more important - the preservation of Croatian tradition, culture and the Croatian word itself, that is, the language. He unites the homeland and expatriate Croatia and creates new unbreakable friendships that are passed on from generation to generation. All of the above can be seen in the statements of the leaders of theater associations, but also of the festival participants themselves. The combination of all this, the maintenance of relations between expatriate and native Croatia, the nurturing of folk literature, the preservation of Croatian tradition, culture and language is very important in Croatia, but it is even more important when all this is achieved outside Croatia. And the amateur theater companies that regularly and willingly visit the Days of the Croatian Folk Theater certainly succeed. |