Title Varieties of English in Hero and Villain Tropes in Animated Movies
Title (croatian) Varijeteti engleskog jezika u ulogama heroja i zlikovaca u animiranim filmovima
Author Marija Bošnjak
Mentor Mateusz-Milan Stanojević (mentor)
Committee member Višnja Josipović-Smojver (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anđel Starčević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of English language and literature) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Anglistics
Abstract An individual’s speech patterns most often reveal obvious characteristics such as gender, age or place of origin. However, given that language variation carries social meanings, speech patterns can also create stereotypes in the minds of those listening. Even though there is no inherent characteristic or feature that should make one accent or language variety better or worse than others, in practice language varieties are judged and perceived stereotypically. More specifically, it is
... More non-standard varieties and varieties that are not perceived as belonging to higher social classes that are often looked down upon. Given that movies can reflect different societal norms of the time they were made in, they can also reveal hidden stereotypes. Lippi-Green's (2012) analysis of 38 Disney movies showed that 54% of all antagonists spoke British, other English, and foreign-accented English. Lippi-Green (2012) therefore claimed that children learn how to discriminate by watching Disney animated movies which employ stereotypes and a US-centric worldview. Based on her work, this thesis seeks to discover if there is a correspondence between varieties of English and hero and villain tropes in the six top-rated Disney and DreamWorks movies. A comparison with DreamWorks, another major American animation studio, was made, given that Disney has been accused of using accents in a discriminatory manner. After conducting a phonological analysis of the characters’ speech in order to ascertain what variety each hero/villain speaks, the results showed that there is a correspondence between varieties of English and hero and villain tropes in the top-rated Disney and DreamWorks movies. Heroes were predominantly assigned the General American variety, while villains were predominantly either assigned Received Pronunciation, an RP-like variety, or they spoke English with a non-native accent. Between the two studios, DreamWorks was more likely than Disney to assign villains varieties of English based on stereotypes. Less
Abstract (croatian) Govorni obrasci pojedinca najčešće otkrivaju očite karakteristike kao što su spol, dob ili mjesto podrijetla. Međutim, s obzirom na to da jezične varijacije nose društvena značenja, govorni obrasci, kada ih čujemo, također mogu izazvati stereotipe u našim umovima. Iako ne postoji nijedna inherentna karakteristika ili značajka koja bi jedan naglasak ili jezični varijetet trebala učiniti boljim ili lošijim od drugih, u praksi se vrijednost jezičnih varijeteta procjenjuje i
... More doživljavaja na temelju stereotipa. Točnije, često se omalovažavaju nestandardni varijeteti i varijeteti za koje se smatra da ne pripadaju višim društvenim klasama. S obzirom da filmovi mogu odražavati različite društvene norme vremena u kojem su snimljeni, oni također mogu otkriti skrivene stereotipe. Analiza Lippi-Green (2012.) kojom je obuhvaćeno 38 Disneyevih filmova pokazala je da 54% svih zlikovaca govori britanskim engleskim, drugim engleskim varijetetima i engleskim sa stranim naglaskom. Lippi-Green (2012.) stoga tvrdi da djeca uče kako diskriminirati gledajući Disneyeve animirane filmove koji koriste stereotipe i svjetonazor usredotočen na SAD. Na temelju njezina rada, ovaj diplomski rad nastoji otkriti postoji li korespondencija između varijeteta engleskog jezika i uloga heroja i zlikovaca u šest najbolje ocijenjenih filmova Disneyja i DreamWorksa. Usporedba s DreamWorksom, još jednim velikim američkim studijem za animaciju, napravljena je s obzirom na to da je Disney optužen da koristi naglaske na diskriminirajući način. Nakon provođenja fonološke analize govora likova kako bi se utvrdilo kojim varijetetom govori svaki heroj/zlikovac, rezultati su pokazali da postoji korespondencija između varijeteta engleskog jezika i uloga heroja i zlikovaca u najbolje ocijenjenim filmovima Disneyja i DreamWorksa. Herojima je većinom dodijeljen General American (GA), dok je negativcima većinom dodijeljen ili Received Pronunciation (RP), ili varijetet nalik RP-u, ili su govorili engleski sa stranim naglaskom. Između dva studija, DreamWorks je više nego Disney dodijeljivao zlikovcima varijetete engleskog jezika na temelju stereotipa. Less
animated movies
varieties of English
Keywords (croatian)
animirani filmovi
varijeteti engleskog jezika
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:950719
Study programme Title: English Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Linguistics, Literature and Culture, Translation, TEFL Course: Linguistics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra engleskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra engleskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-10-04 13:21:21