Title (croatian) | Pragmemi u komunikaciji |
Author | Neda Pintarić |
Author's institution | University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of West Slavic languages and literatures) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Slavic Studies |
Abstract (croatian) | U prvom dijelu knjige autorica rekonstruira razvoj jezika iz različitih neverbalnih kodova (zvuka i pokreta) koji prethode artikuliranome govoru. Zatim definira pragmatiku kao znanost o multikodovima i njihovu ujezičavanju te određuje njezine jedinice - pragmeme.
U drugome dijelu knjige na dva konkretna jezika, hrvatskom i poljskom, autorica kontrastivno proučava tri tipa pragmema: kulturološke, emotivne i automatizirane. Kulturološki pragmemi su pozdravne fraze u invokaciji (početku razgovora), eksvokaciji (kraju razgovora) te pragmemi za održavanje razgovora (u intervokaciji) koji se dijele na adresativne, inicijativne i modalne. Emotivni pragmemi su metaforizirane jezične jedinice kojima se pokazuju pozitivni ili negativni osjećaji pomoću fitonima, zoonima, dječjih hipokoristika - pueritiva, antroponima, etnonima, toponima, brojaka i spacijalnih (prostornih) elemenata. Automatizirati pragmemi su razliciti jezični umetci u obliku podštapalica |
Abstract (english) | In the first part of the book the author reconstructs the development of language from various nonverbal codes (sound and movement) that precede articulated speech. Then she defines pragmatics as a science of multicodes turning into language code and determines the pragmeme as its unit.
In the second part of the book the author, using concrete examples of Polish and Croatian, contrastively looks into three types of pragmemes: cultural, emotive and automated. Cultural pragmemes refer to opening and closure greetings as well as phrases used to maintain the conversation. These are addresive, initiating and modal pragmemes. Emotive pragmemes are metaphorised pragmatic units that are used to express positive or negative emotions by means of: phytonyms, zoonyms, anthroponyms, ethnonyms, toponyms, child language hypocoristics, numbers and spatial phrases. Automatized pragmemes are various slot fillers in conversation. |
Keywords (croatian) | |
Keywords (english) | |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Authored book-Scientific book-Texbook for higher education |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review - domestic |
Publication version | Published version |
Pages | 278 |
ISBN | 953-175-157-9 |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:131:355034 |
Printed book publication date | 2002 |
Type of resource | Text |
Publisher | FF press, Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu |
Publishing place | Zagreb |
Access conditions | Open access |
Created on | 2020-05-22 11:53:57 |