Title Znanstveni katalog u muzejskom nakladništvu
Title (english) Scientific catalog in museum publishing
Author Natalija Lalatović
Mentor Žarka Vujić (mentor)
Mentor Daniela Živković (komentor)
Committee member Žarka Vujić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Stublić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Živković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-06-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Museology
Abstract Pod pojmom konvencionalni katalog podrazumijeva se izdanje koje osim kataloške obrade građe sadržava: uvod, predgovor, sažetak s prijevodom na strani jezik, studiju (jedan ili više tekstova) koja se odnosi na predmetne događaje, osobe, pojave i sl.
Katalozi muzejskih zbirki vrlo su brojni i obilježeni su iznimnošću i kvalitetom tekstova te popratne ilustrativne građe. Ti su katalozi često ishod višegodišnjih stručnih, a ponekad i znanstvenih nastojanja kustosa, ostalih muzejskih stručnjaka i njihovih suradnika na izradi detaljnih popisa i opisa te dokumentacije muzejskih fundusa.
Knjižničari, dokumentaristi, informatičari, ekonomisti ravnopravni su sudionici u muzejskoj djelatnosti s autohtonim područjima rada. Njihovim dolaskom muzej postaje dostupan publici na svim razinama od stručne do zabavne pri čemu se središnja pozicija zbirke mijenja, ali ne i gubi.
Velik broj muzeja ima u svojem sastavu knjižnicu koja podupire i prati osnovnu djelatnost muzeja i omogućuje zaposlenicima svojim fondom i uslugama znanstveno-istraživački i stručni rad. Muzejska knjižnica je svojim stručnim kadrom i informacijskim izvorima potpora razvoju nakladničke djelatnosti muzeja. Muzejski katalog ubraja se u najbrojnije publikacije u nakladi muzeja, a uvođenje digitalnog medija i dostupnost na webu omogućili su zamah ovoj vrsti muzejskih publikacija.
Objavljeni katalozi muzejskih zbirki donose i popratne fotografije te dokumentaciju o izložbama i bibliografiju uz svaki predmet. Kvaliteti kataloga muzejskih zbirki doprinos daju popratna kazala te višejezičnost njihove izrade. Katalozi izložaba su informativni, edukativni i dokumentarni pratitelji izložbe. Znanstveno istraživački rad ima važnu ulogu radi što boljeg ostvarenja svrhe muzeja i predstavlja važnu muzejsku djelatnost.
Katalog je ono što ostaje nakon zatvaranja neke tematske izložbe ili u nemogućnosti uvida u neku zbirku. To je trajan zapis i izvor informacija i ideja i predstavlja puno više od nabrajanja izložaka i navođenja njihovih materijalnih obilježja. Kvalitetan katalog dopunjava izložbu čineći je cjelovitom te ostaje kao trajno svjedočanstvo o njoj.
Muzejske publikacije odražavaju ulogu muzeja u širenju znanja i imaju važnu ulogu u smještanju muzejskih zbirki u širi kontekst. Bitne značajke muzejske publikacije jesu pokretljivost odnosno neovisnost o muzejskom prostoru i statičnom načinu muzejske prezentacije i mogućnost izbora medija kojim će se služiti.
Znanstvena funkcija muzeja obuhvaća istraživanje u muzeju i znanstvene dijelove muzeja kao što su knjižnica, laboratorij i dokumentacijski centar, muzejsku dokumentaciju poput inventarne knjige i bazu podataka te muzejske publikacije. Istraživačka djelatnost u muzeju jedna od njegovih najbitnijih zadaća uz skupljanje, čuvanje i prezentiranje muzejskih predmeta.
Znanstveno-istraživački rad u prirodoslovnim, arheološkim i povijesnim muzejima ima vrlo važnu ulogu u ostvarivanju svrhe i funkcije djelovanja tih muzeja i važan je pokazatelj u ocjeni djelatnosti muzeja kao znanstvene i edukacijske ustanove.
Znanstveni katalozi objavljuju se nakon istraživanja određene teme ili autora, a njihov cilj je objavljivanje rezultata istraživanja na temelju obrade radova. Ta analiza dovodi do određenih znanstvenih spoznaja ili opsežne kataloške obrade.
Svrha znanstvenih kataloga je kontinuirano upoznavanje šire stručne javnosti s djelatnostima muzeja i galerija, stručnim i znanstvenim radom muzeja na obradi muzejske građe te stručno-znanstvenim radovima muzejskih djelatnika i ostalih stručnjaka iz tematskih područja pojedinih muzeja.
Abstract (english) The term conventional catalog means an edition which, in addition to catalog processing, contains: introduction, preface, summary with translation into a foreign language, study (one or more texts) relating to the events, persons, phenomena, etc.
The catalogs of the museum collections are very numerous and are marked by the exceptionality and quality of the texts and the accompanying illustrative material. These catalogs are often the result of many years of professional and sometimes scientific efforts of curators, other museum experts and their associates to create detailed lists and descriptions and documentation of museum holdings.
Librarians, documentarians, computer scientists, economists are equal participants in museum activities with indigenous areas of work. With their arrival, the museum becomes available to the public at all levels from professional to entertainment, with the central position of the collection changing, but not losing.
A large number of museums have a library that supports and monitors the basic activities of the museum and provides employees with its fund and services of scientific research and professional work. With its professional staff and information sources, the Museum Library supports the development of the museum's publishing activities. The museum catalog is one of the most numerous publications published by the museum, and the introduction of digital media and availability on the web have enabled the momentum of this type of museum publications.
Published catalogs of museum collections also bring accompanying photographs, as well as documentation on exhibitions and a bibliography with each item. The qualities of the catalogs of museum collections are contributed by the accompanying indexes and the multilingualism of their production. Exhibition catalogs are informative, educational and documentary companions of the exhibition.
Scientific research work has an important role in order to better achieve the purpose of the museum and is an important museum activity.
Professional and scientific work in museums is inseparable from the daily performance of museum activities by all its professional employees, and museums are publishers of scientific and professional catalogs, journals and anthologies.
The catalog is what remains after the closing of a thematic exhibition or in the impossibility of insight into a collection. It is a permanent record and source of information and ideas and represents much more than listing the exhibits and listing their material features. A quality catalog complements the exhibition, making it complete and remains a permanent testimony to it.
Museum publications reflect the role of museums in disseminating knowledge and play an important role in placing museum collections in a broader context. Important features of a museum publication are the mobility or independence of the museum space and the static mode of museum presentation and the possibility of choosing the medium to be used.
The scientific function of the museum includes research in the museum and the scientific parts of the museum such as the library, laboratory and documentation center, museum documentation such as the inventory book and database, and museum publications. Research activity in the museum is one of its most important tasks, along with the collection, storage and presentation of museum objects.
Scientific research work in natural history, archeology and history museums has a very important role in achieving the purpose and function of these museums and is an important indicator in assessing the activities of the museum as a scientific and educational institution.
Scientific catalogs are published after the research of a certain topic or author, and their goal is to publish the results of research based on the processing of papers. This analysis leads to certain scientific findings or extensive catalog processing.
Scientific research work in natural history, archeology and history museums has a very important role in achieving the purpose and function of these museums and is an important indicator in assessing the activities of the museum as a scientific and educational institution.
Znanstveni katalog
znanstveno istraživački rad
znanstvena funkcija muzeja
muzejske publikacije
muzejska knjižnica
Keywords (english)
Scientific catalog
scientific research work
the scientific function of the museum
museum publications
museum library
museum publishing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:320420
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Library Science Course: Library Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra bibliotekarstva (magistar/magistra bibliotekarstva)
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Museology and heritage management Course: Museology and heritage management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom (magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2020-06-12 14:52:08