Abstract | U ovom radu osvrnuli smo se na sakralne predmete smještene u vjerskim institucijama te smo u kratkim crtama naveli i karakteristike onih smještenih u sekularni prostor. Prilikom analiziranja ta dva fenomena uočili smo kako muzeji i vjerske institucije imaju mnogo zajedničkih karakteristika, no i među njima postoji mnogo razlika u pristupu i predstavljanju baštine. Tijekom povijesti, različite su religijske zajednice čuvale i pohranjivale baštinske predmete u svoje institucije, a s vremenom su se ti predmeti oblikovali u zbirku koja danas čini stalni postav muzeja koji su te zajednice osnovale. Kao što sekularni muzeji sabiru, čuvaju i prezentiraju svoje predmete, tako i religijske zajednice, putem svojih muzeja, vrše jednake funkcije. U radu smo naveli primjere takvih religijskih institucija na području Hrvatske, kao što su Riznica zagrebačke katedrale, Židovski muzej i Muzej srpske pravoslavne crkve u Zagrebu te Muzej posvećene umjetnosti (Museum of Sacred Art) u Belgiji. Prilikom analize četiriju nabrojanih muzeja, uvidjeli smo kako se i oni međusobno razlikuju. Dok Musem of Sacred Art posvećuje pažnju živućoj umjetnosti, preostale religijske zajednice rad svojih muzeja, uglavnom, temelje na kulturno-povijesnoj ostavštini i liturgijskim predmetima. Taj nam podatak dokazuje da muzeji religijskih institucija nisu identični, niti nužno imaju jednaku koncepciju svoga rada, nego se i među njima mogu pronaći različiti pristupi. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis we reviewed the sacral objects, situated in religious institutions, and shortly described characteristics of those that are situated in a secular space. During the analysis of these two phenomena, we noticed that museums and religious institutions have a lot of mutual characteristics, as well as a lot of differences in both approach and presentation of the heritage. During the history, various religious communities have been conserving and preserving heritage objects in their institutions, and, after some time, they have been formed in collection which is today a part of permanent exhibitions of the museum they have established. Just as secular museums collect, conserve and present their objects, religious communities also have the same objectives regarding their museums. In this thesis, we presented these kinds of museums, situated in Croatia, such as Zagreb Cathedral's Reservoir, Jewish Museum, and Orthodox Museum in Zagreb, and also Museum of sacred Art, which is located in Belgium. During the analysis of these four museums, we noticed that they differ from one another. Whereas Museum of sacred Art rather focuses on the living art, other religious institutions are more based on historical and cultural inheritance as well as liturgical objects. This fact is a proof that museums of religiuos institutions are not identical, and they do not have the same conception of their work, on the contrary, there are different approaches among them. |