Title Zadovoljstvo korištenjem slušnih pomagala
Title (english) Satisfaction with hearing aids
Author Ana Matijašević
Mentor Vesna Mildner (mentor)
Committee member Diana Tomić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Arnalda Dobrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Mildner (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Phonetics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Phonetics
Abstract Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati zadovoljstvo korištenjem slušnog pomagala s obzirom na učestalost korištenja slušnih pomagala i korist od nošenja slušnog pomagala te utvrditi odnos komunikacijskih navika korisnika slušnih pomagala i zadovoljstva korištenjem slušnog pomagala.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 22 punoljetnih korisnika slušnih pomagala (klasičnih slušnih pomagala i umjetne pužnice) koji su ispunili online upitnik. Ispitanci su ispunili Upitnik skraćeni profil koristi od dodjele slušnog pomagala (Cox, R.M., Alexander, G.C., 1995), Upitnik profil ishoda rehabilitacije slušanja, dio 4. Komunikacijske navike i reakcije sugovornika (Šulja, I., Bonetti, L., Hrastinski, I., 2017), Upitnik o zadovoljstvu te su odgovorili na neka audiološka i demografska pitanja. Rezultati su analizirani izračunom Spearmanova koeficijenta korelacije.
Rezultati su pokazali da su korisnici većinom zadovoljni korištenjem svojih slušnih pomagala. Učestalost korištenja slušnih pomagala nije se mogla povezati sa zadovoljstvom korištenjem slušnih pomagala zbog neravnomjerne raspodjele rezultata, no ispitanici su prijavili visoke razine korištenja slušnih pomagala. Nadalje, korist od slušnog pomagala nije se pokazala povezanom sa zadovoljstvom korištenjem slušnog pomagala. Štoviše, rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici ne primjećuju korist od slušnih pomagala, što može biti razlog subjektivnog načina mjerenja koristi, ali i načina provođenja istraživanja. Zatim, utvrđena je povezanost komunikacijskih navika korisnika slušnih pomagala i zadovoljstva korištenjem slušnih pomagala. To znači da su ispitanici koji su imali više razine zadovoljstva korištenjem slušnih pomagala imali i bolje komunikacijske obrasce. Treba napomenuti da je zbog malog broja ispitanika (n = 22) rezultate nemoguće generalizirati. Ipak, dobio se uvid u problematiku ovog istraživanja te smjernice za daljnja istraživanja na ovom području. Na kraju rada predložene su i rehabilitacijske vježbe.
Abstract (english) The aim of this study was to examine satisfaction with hearing aids with regard to the hearing aid usage and the hearing aid benefit, and to determine the relationship between communication habits of hearing aid users and satisfaction with hearing aids.
The study involved 22 adult users of hearing aids (classic hearing aids and cochlear implants) who completed an online questionnaire. The participants completed the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit questionnaire (Cox, R.M., Alexander, G.C., 1995), the Aural rehabilitation outcome profile questionnaire, part 4. Communication habits and speaker reactions (Šulja, I., Bonetti, L., Hrastinski, I., 2017) and Satisfaction Questionnaire. They also responded to a list of questions about their demographic and audiological characteristics. The results were obtained by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient.
The results showed that users were mostly satisfied with their hearing aids.The hearing aid usage could not be related to satisfaction with hearing aids due to the uneven distribution of results, but respondents reported high levels of hearing aid use. Furthermore, the association between hearing aid benefit and satisfaction with hearing aids was not shown. Moreover, the results showed that respondents do not report hearing aid benefit, which could be the result of the subjective way of measuring benefit, but also the way the research is conducted. Furthermore, an association between the communication habits of hearing aid users and satisfaction with hearing aids was found. This means that participants who had higher levels of satisfaction with hearing aids had better communication patterns. It should be noted that due to the small number of respondents (n = 22) it is impossible to generalize the results. Nevertheless, an insight was gained into the problems of this research and guidelines for further research in this area. At the end of the paper, rehabilitation exercises were also suggested.
zadovoljstvo korištenjem slušnih pomagala
rehabilitacija slušanja i govora
učestalost korištenja slušnog pomagala
korist od slušnog pomagala
Keywords (english)
satisfaction with hearing aids
hearing and speech rehabilitation
hearing aid usage
hearing aid benefit
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:628606
Study programme Title: Phonetics (double major); specializations in: Clinical Phonetics, Rhetoric, General Phonetics, Rhetoric and General Phonetics Course: Clinical Phonetics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije fonetičar rehabilitator (magistar/magistra edukacije fonetičar rehabilitator)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-22 11:57:56