Abstract | Ženski su likovi u književnopovijesnim razdobljima hrvatske književnosti različito oblikovani, nerijetko u rasponu od veličanja do demoniziranja. Te su koncepcije ženskih likova naravno imale svojih sličnosti, ali i stanovitih razlika. Tako su oblikovane osnovne predodžbe žene, poput mučenice, heroine, grešnice, pokajnice, svetice, bojnice ili pak vještice. Budući da su uglavnom muški autori stvarali ženske likove, posebice u starijoj hrvatskoj književnosti, nije rijetka pojava da su svoja djela naslovljavali ženskim imenima, odnosno da su već samim naslovom implicirali važnost ženskoga lika. Nerijetko su upravo ženski likovi instrumentalizirani u pragmatične svrhe kako bi se naglasile zajednici važne političke ideje ili moralne pouke, a pri tomu je gotovo redovito ženska prozopografija nosila ključni semantički potencijal. Stoga se u korpusu književnih djela odabranih za ovaj rad našlo sedam žanrovski različitih tekstova od srednjovjekovlja do kraja 19. st. koji u svom naslovu nose žensko ime: prikazanje Muka svete Margarite, Marulićeva Judita, Gundulićeva Dubravka, Kanižlićeva Sveta Rožalija, potom Demetrova Teuta, Šenoina Branka i naposljetku Kozarčeva Tena. U analizi odabranih naslovnih junakinja bilo je važno razlikovati žanrovske konvencije pri oblikovanju pojedinoga lika, poetiku samoga razdoblja, odnosno autora, te društvenoga konteksta u kojem nastaju. Na koncu, izdvojeni su određeni elementi u koncepciji ženskoga lika koji su se prenosili kroz sva razdoblja od srednjovjekovlja do kraja 19. st., kao i zajednički motivi koji su se mogli primijetiti u svim analiziranim djelima, a tiču se ustaljenih rodnih uloga (poput vrlo izraženog motiva ljepote, pristanka na brak i služenja). S obzirom na to da postoje snažni i ukorijenjeni mizogini stereotipi o ženama prisutni još od antike, a koji se već stoljećima prenose, ovim radom zaključeno je da se u analiziranim djelima ipak radi o apologiji žena, uz poneka odstupanja, što se prvenstveno vidi u vrlinama (ili razumijevanju mana), te utjecaju i važnosti koja se dodjeljuje naslovnim junakinjama. |
Abstract (english) | Throughout the different eras of Croatian literary history, female characters have been modeled in various fashions, with these models often ranging from glorification to demonization. All of these concepts of female characters naturally contained some similarities, as well as certain differences. In this manner, the basic notions of women were formed: the martyr, the heroine, the sinner, the penitent, the saint, the warrior and the witch. Seeing how most female characters were created by men, especially in the earlier periods of Croatian literature, it was not uncommon for these authors to title their works with female names, ie. to use the work’s very title in order to imply the importance of the female character in question. Frequently, female characters in particular were instrumentalized for pragmatic purposes, to emphasize certain political ideas or moral teachings which were of importance to the community, whereby female prosopography almost invariably carried the key semantic potential. For this reason the corpus of literary works chosen for analysis contained seven texts of different genres spanning from the Medieval age to the end of the 19th century, all of which contain female names in their titles: the presentation Muka svete Margarite, Judita by Marko Marulić, Dubravka by Ivan Gundulić, Sveta Rožalija by Antun Kanižlić, Teuta by Dimitrije Demeter, Branka by August Šenoa and Tena by Josip Kozarac. Whilst analyzing the specific titular heroines, it was important to differentiate the conventions of the genre in regard to forming a particular character, the poetics of the given literary period and the author himself, as well as the social context in which the characters exist. Finally, certain elements in the concepts of the female character were extracted which have been carried on throughout all the literary periods from the Medieval ages to the 19th century, as well as common motives detected in all the texts which concern established gender roles (such as the firmly emphasized motive of beauty, the agreement to marriage and servitude). Considering the existence of strongly rooted misogynous stereotypes of women dating back to the Antics, which have been carried on in literature to the 19th century, this study concludes that it is a matter of Apology of women, with certain deviations. This is most apparent in the virtues (or an understanding of the flaws), as well as the influence and importance assigned to the heroines. |