Abstract | Partizanska gimnazija Ivana Ribara Lole u Osijeku osnovana je u listopadu 1945. godine, nakon oslobođenja grada Osijeka od ustaških vlasti te je dobila ime prema poginulom narodnom heroju. Osječka Partizanska gimnazija bila je, uz zagrebačku i hvarsku, jedna od tri takve škole na prostoru Hrvatske čija ja namijena bila omogućiti nadoknadu izgubljenih godina, onim učenicima koji su aktivno sudjelovali u ratu ili su bili žrtve fašističkog terora. Partizanska gimnazija radila je prema skraćenom i ubrzanom nastavnom programu sve do njezina ukidanja u kolovozu 1947. godine. |
Abstract (english) | The Partisan Grammar School “Ivo Lola Ribar” in Osijek was founded in October 1945 after the liberation of Osijek from fascist authority, and it was named after one of the wartime national heroes. Along with Grammar Schools in Zagreb and Hvar, it was one of the three Grammar Schools in Croatia with shortened schooling program, where students had the opportunity to complete two classes in one year. These students were partisan fighters who abandoned education in order to join the country’s liberation movement or the ones who were sent to concentration camps. In two years of its existence, 497 students mostly of Serbian and Croatian nationality attended the Grammar Schools, and some of them left significant mark in Croatian and Yugoslav society. The school had 14 teachers who were participants, or at least active supporters of National Liberation Movement, with special task to provide their students with education, but also civil society integration. In its active years, the school was faced with many challenges and problems such as lack of textbooks, specialist literature and teaching aids, but also lack of teachers. However, students participated in many school and extracurricular activities and work actions. Also, it should be mentioned that there are many important dates, related to the history of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, marked on the school. In August 1947, after it was evaluated that the school fulfilled its role of shortened schooling, the school was closed. Its students continued their education in the Partisan Grammar School “Marshal Tito” in Zagreb or vocational schools in Osijek. |