Title Primjena metoda računalne arhivistike na obradu povijesnih izvora
Title (english) Application of computational archival science methods in processing of historical sources
Author Marta Pokos
Mentor Hrvoje Stančić (mentor)
Committee member Vlatka Lemić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Ivanjko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Stančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-02-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Archives and Documentation Studies
Abstract Zahvaljujući prethodnim generacijama, sačuvana je izuzetno bogata arhivska baština bez koje bi tisućljetna povijest ostala nepoznata. Razvojem suvremene arhivistike, arhivisti neprestano preoblikuju, reinterpretiraju i doprinose arhivima. U korak s razvojem tehnologije i računalnim napretkom, arhivistika se sve više odmiče od svojih tradicionalnih okvira te se usredotočuje na zahtjeve modernog društva. Potreba za stvaranjem novih sustava za upravljanje povijesnim izvorima koji se čuvaju u
... More arhivima, potiče i usmjerava arhivistiku prema korištenju računalnih metoda. U skladu s napretkom tehnologije, korisnici očekuju mogućnost proučavanja i interpretacije povijesnih izvora iz novih i drugačijih perspektiva. Na temelju svega navedenog, postavlja se pitanje na koji način mogu biti obrađeni povijesni izvori te koje su prednosti i nedostaci suvremene arhivske tehnologije. Razvoj suvremene arhivske tehnologije nudi više prednosti, ali istovremeno predstavlja i izazov za modernu arhivistiku. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati korisnost i učinkovitost upotrebe suvremenih tehnologija u području arhivistike na oblikovanje uloge, planiranje ciljeva i strategiju rada arhiva. Ovim se radom ujedno nastoje formirati preduvjeti za izgradnju mreže arhivskih informacija i ustanova. Metodološki, rad je utemeljen na analizi literature i projekata koji tematiziraju primjenu računalnih metoda u arhivistici, promatrajući ovu problematiku iz teorijske perspektive moderne arhivistike. Pisani izvori, koji su poslužili kao temelj za istraživanje suvremenih tehnologija u ovom radu, nastali su između 13. i 15. stoljeća i vezani su uz sluškinje koje su živjele i radile u Dubrovniku. Konačno, rad predlaže kako rezultate primjene računalne arhivistike povezati s arhivskom pedagogijom te donosi ideje i preporuke za buduća istraživanja i projekte. Također, predložena su rješenja koja bi se mogla implementirati u hrvatskoj praksi rada s primjenom računalnih metoda nad odabranim gradivom. Less
Abstract (english) Thanks to previous generations, an extremely rich archival heritage has been preserved, without which the multi-millennial history would remain unknown. With the development of modern archival science, archivists are constantly reshaping, reinterpreting, and contributing to archives. Following the development of technology and computer progress, archival science is increasingly moving away from its traditional frameworks and focusing on the demands of modern society. The need to create
... More new systems for managing historical sources stored in archives encourages and directs archivists towards the use of computer methods. In line with advances in technology, users expect the opportunity to study and interpret historical sources from new and different perspectives. Thus, the question arises as to how historical sources can be processed and what are the advantages and disadvantages of modern archival technology. The development of modern archival technology offers several advantages, but at the same time represents a challenge for modern archival science. The aim of this graduate thesis is to analyze usefulness and effectiveness of the use of modern technologies in the field of archiving to shape the role, planning of the goals, and strategy of the archives. This thesis also seeks to form the preconditions for building a network of archival information and institutions. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the analysis of literature and projects that thematize the application of computer methods in archiving, looking at this issue from the theoretical perspective of modern archiving. The written sources, which served as the basis for the research of modern technologies, originated between the 13th and 15th century and are related to the maids who lived and worked in Dubrovnik. Finally, the thesis proposes how to connect the results of the application of computational archival science (CAS) methods with archival pedagogy and brings ideas and recommendations for future research and projects. Also, the thesis proposes solutions that could be implemented in the Croatian practice of working with the application of computer methods on selected written sources. Less
računalna arhivistika
računalne metode
digitalno očuvanje
srednji vijek
Keywords (english)
Computational Archival Science (CAS)
computer methods
digital preservation
Middle Ages
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:075639
Study programme Title: Information Sciences (double major); specializations in: Archivistics Study, Library Science Course: Archivistics Study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti (magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-03-03 18:42:00