Abstract | Dvorac Opeka, smješten unutar značajnog arboretuma u mjestu Marčan u općini Vinica, sagradila je obitelj Keglević u 17. stoljeću te je isti poslužio kao dom još dvjema plemićkim obiteljima – Drašković i Bombelles – od kojih je svaka svojim graditeljskim intervencijama pridonijela konačnom izgledu dvorca kakav poznajemo danas. Svojom slojevitom stilskom građom dvorac nosi veliku arhitektonsku, povijesnu i ambijentalnu vrijednost.
Pokušaji zaustavljanja propadanja, saniranja i adaptiranja devastiranog dvorca bili su višekratni, ali su redom bili neuspješni. Od 2011. godine, kad je tim Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda proveo temeljita istraživanja dvorca Opeka te ostalih objekata u arboretumu, radi se na obnovi. Istraživanja su pokazala da se konzervatorsko – restauratorskim zahvatima treba prezentirati najbolje sačuvani sloj građevine, a cijela znamenitost s perivojem prenamijeniti u funkciju koja bi obuhvaćala obrazovno-kulturno-gospodarsku vrijednost. Time bi projekt revitalizacije dvorca Opeka zasigurno pridonio gospodarskom rastu regije. Godine 2018. usvojen je projekt revitalizacije dvorca koji bi obuhvaćao sve navedene karakteristike.
U sljedećim poglavljima dvorac Opeka smješten je u kontekst profane arhitekture 18. i 19. stoljeća u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj. Na kraju rada razrađen je projekt obnove dvorca iz 2018. godine. Kroz analizu projekta istaknut će se prednosti i nedostaci ovakvog pothvata s ciljem poticanja zahvata na preostalim zapuštenim dvorcima Hrvatskoga zagorja te stavljanja u primjerenu novu namjenu. |
Abstract (english) | Opeka Manor, located inside of a remarkable Garden in Marčan, a village of Vinica municipality, was built by the Keglević family in the 17th century and served as the home of two other noble families - Drašković and Bombelles - each of whom contributed to the final appearance of the manor as we know it today. With its layered style, the Opeka Manor has great architectural, historical and environmental value.
There were many attempts to conserve and to rebuild the devastated castle, but all of them ended up unsuccessful. Ever since 2011, when the team of Croatian Restoration Institute did a complete research of the Castle and other objects inside the Garden, the creation of a plan for the restoration has been underway. The researches have shown that the aim of the restoration should be to present the most preserved layers of the Castle. Meanwhile, the entire monument, including the Garden, would be reused as a place that would include educational, cultural and economic values. The renovation project of the Opeka Manor would certainly contribute to the economic growth of the local area. In 2018, the project for the renovation of the Castle, which included all of the above characteristics, was accepted.
In the following chapters, the Opeka Manor is presented in the context of the profane architecture of the 18th and 19th centuries in continental Croatia. At the end, the signed project for renovation and revitalisation of the Opeka Manor and Garden is elaborated. Through the analysis of the project, the advantages and disadvantages are highlighted with the aim of encouraging the reconstruction of the remaining abandoned castles and manors of Hrvatsko Zagorje. |