Title Sociokulturne odrednice ekološke proizvodnje hrane u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Sociocultural determinants of organic food production in Croatia
Author Adna Herak
Mentor Jasmina Božić (mentor)
Committee member Tijana Trako Poljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract U radu se razmatraju sociokulturne odrednice ekološke proizvodnje hrane u Hrvatskoj. Pritom se posebno usredotočujemo na održivost ekološke mikro proizvodnje voća i povrća. Tematskom analizom transkripata intervjua provedenih s ekološkim mikro proizvođačima voća i povrća, te sa stručnjacima za ekološku proizvodnju hrane, identificirane su dvije sociokulturne odrednice održivosti ekološke proizvodnje voća i povrća u Hrvatskoj: profil potrošača ekoloških proizvoda, te socijalne komponente
... More održivosti i održivog razvoja OPG-ova. Također su identificirane tri važne ekonomske odrednice: profitabilnost proizvodnje i prerade ekoproizvoda, veličina tržišta i kupovna moć potrošača. Sve su navedene odrednice međusobno povezane. Primjerice, mala veličina tržišta, usko profilirani potrošači i slaba kupovna moć potrošača negativno utječu na profitabilnost proizvodnje i prerade, što također negativno utječe na socijalnu održivost. S druge pak strane, niska socijalna održivost i usporen razvoj lokalnih zajednica ne omogućuju jačanje kupovne moći potrošača, pojavu novih segmenata kupaca, niti znatnije širenje tržišta, a sve to znači da profitabilnost ekološke proizvodnje i prerade ostaje relativno niska. Na temelju iskustava i iskaza sudionika istraživanja, kao svojevrstan izlaz iz začaranog kruga predlažemo jačanje suradnje unutar sektora, udruživanjem OPG-ova u zadruge, udruge i saveze udruga, putem kojih bi se ostvarivao snažniji zajednički nastup na tržištu, a također i snažniji utjecaj na javne politike kojima se oblikuje institucionalno okružje unutar kojega mikro proizvođači djeluju. Također upozoravamo na važnost međusektorske suradnje sa sektorima ugostiteljstva i turizma, te znanosti i obrazovanja, putem kojih bi se mogle otvoriti nove tržišne mogućnosti. U idealnom slučaju, time bi se povećala najprije ekonomska, a zatim i socijalna održivost OPG-ova i drugih subjekata uključenih u ekološku proizvodnju voća i povrća. Osim samih ekoloških proizvođača, u osmišljavanju i realizaciji rješenja postojećih problema potreban je snažniji angažman s nacionalne razine, a također i s razina regionalne i lokalne samouprave. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis considers sociocultural determinants of organic food production in Croatia. In doing so, we especially focus on sustainability of organic micro production of fruits and vegetables. Using thematic analysis for transcripts of interviews with organic micro fruits and vegetables manufacturers and with experts for organic food production, we identify two sociocultural determinants of sustainability for organic production of fruits and vegetables in Croatia: consumers profile
... More and social determinants of sustainability and sustainable development of family farms. Also, we identify three important economical determinants: profitability of production and process of organic products, market size and consumer's purchasing power. All of the determinants above are mutually connected. For example, small market size, narrowly profiled consumers and low purchasing power have negative affects on profitability of production and processing which also has a negative effect on social sustainability. On the other hand, low social sustainability and delayed development of local communities don't allow the strengthening of consumers' purchasing power, occurrence of new segments in customers or significant market expansion, which means that profitability of organic production and processing stays relatively low. Based on experience and statements of participants in our research, sort of an exit from the vicious circle, we suggest strengthening cooperation within the sector, merging family farms into associations, cooperatives and unions of associations through which they would achieve stronger mutual market presence and also stronger affect on public policy which molds institutional environment within which micro producers act. In addition we draw attention on the importance of inter-sectoral collaboration with food service industry and tourism, science and education, which can open up new market opportunities. Ideally, that would firstly increase economical and then social sustainability of family farms and other subjects involved in organic production of fruits and vegetables. Beside organic producers stronger engagement from the national level as well from the regional and local autonomy in autonomy in designing and implementing the solution of the existing problem is necessary. Less
ekološka proizvodnja
sociokulturne odrednice
ekonomske odrednice
Keywords (english)
organic production
socialculturaln determinants
economic determinants
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:786249
Study programme Title: Sociology (single major); specializations in: Research Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-07-19 08:18:28