Abstract | Predmet proučavanja u ovome diplomskome radu dva su djela recentne hrvatske književnosti, romani "Črna mati zemla" i "Ciganin, ali najljepši" Kristiana Novaka. Na makro- i mikrostilističkoj razini istražuje se postupna izgradnja traumatičnih priča glavnih likova djela te se uspoređuju ovi postupci u oba romana. Oba tematiziraju nemogućnosti iskaza vlastite prošlosti zbog traume koja je stilski vrlo vješto protkana u romanima, a slična im je i narativna struktura koja uključuje razne tehnike pripovijedanja: "Črna mati zemla" započinje izvješćem o čudnim događajima u jednome selu, zatim se uranja u srž problematična ljubavnoga odnosa, analepsom se radnja vraća u prošlost gdje se saznaje o traumatičnome djetinjstvu lika, da bi kraj romana zaokružio sve tri razine priče. Sličan je postupak prisutan i u romanu "Ciganin, ali najljepši" koji također kombinira izvješća policijskoga ispitivanja, zamršen ljubavni odnos i traumatično djetinjstvo lika. Makrostilistička analiza podrazumijeva istraživanje postupaka kojima Novak gradi priču u romanima, tj. stilsku kompoziciju romana: fragmentiranost pripovijedanja kao odraz nemogućnosti progovaranja o traumi; stilizaciju različitih oblika usmenoga pripovijedanja, tj. umetanje drugih žanrova (predaje o Međimurju i o dolasku Roma na izmišljene lokalitete međimurske okolice, SMS-poruke, policijski izvještaji, pisma, školski sastavci); stilsku funkciju dijalektnoga govora i govora nacionalnih manjina u odnosu na funkciju standardnoga govora; grafičku izdvojenost iskaza svjedoka – što su sve ključni aspekti diskurza ovih romana. Također, detaljno se proučava i paratekst jer su već naslovi romana vrlo indikativna mjesta. Naslov "Črna mati zemla" odnosi se na međimursku frazu u kojoj se krije slojevitost djela i atmosfera straha, a "Ciganin, ali najljepši" intermedijalno uvodi pjesmu koju ispjeva lik na kojega se naslovom aludira te se ona nadalje lingvostilističkom analizom može dovesti u vezu s problematikom drugosti kao važne teme djela, a oba romana imaju i zanimljive naslove poglavlja pogodne za daljnja istraživanja. Mikrostilistička analiza uključuje uglavnom leksikostilistiku i raznovrsnost funkcionalnih stilova. Ovakvom analizom navedenih elemenata uspoređuju se postupci oba Novakova romana koje čvrsto povezuje upravo stil. |
Abstract (english) | The analysis of this thesis focuses on two works of recent Croatian literature, the novels "Črna mati zemla" and "Ciganin, ali najljepši" by Kristian Novak. The gradual development of protagonists’ traumatic stories, along with the comparison of their actions, is explored on macro- and microstylistic level. Both novels deal with the incapability of verbalizing the past, induced by the trauma that is stylistically intertwined in the novels. The similarity also lies in the narrative structure, which includes different techniques of narration. "Črna mati zemla" begins with a report of strange events in a village, then it dives into the core of a problematic romantic relationship, followed by returning into past by means of analepsis, where the traumatic childhood of the character is revealed, whereas the end of the novel rounds up all the levels of the story. Similar approach can be noticed in "Ciganin, ali najljepši", which also combines reports of police interrogation, a complex romantic relationship and the traumatic childhood of the character. Macrostylistic analysis implies exploration of the following methods Novak uses to develop the story in the novels. Firstly, exploration of the stylistic composition of the novels and the fragmentation of the narration as to reflect the incapability of discussing the trauma. Then, the stylization of different types of oral narrative, that is, insertion of other genres (stories of Međimurje and the arrival of Roma people to the imaginary sites in the outskirts of Međimurje, text-messages, police reports, letters, school essays). Next, the stylistic function of dialectal speech and the language of minorities in regards to the function of standard speech. Lastly, the exploration of graphical detachment of witness’ testimony - which are the key aspects of these novels’ discourse. Furthermore, the paratext is also examined in detail, as the titles are very indicative of the localities. The title "Črna mati zemla" refers to the phrase originating in Međimurje, and it carries the many layers of the novel, along with the fearful atmosphere. "Ciganin, ali najljepši" intermediately introduces a song, sung by the character alluded to in the title. Through means of linguistic analysis, the song can be connected to the problem of otherness as a very important topic of the novel, whereas both novels also have interesting chapter titles suitable for further examination. Microstylistic analysis implies mostly lexicostylistics and the diversity of functional styles. Such analysis of the above mentioned elements compare the actions of Novak’s both novels, often related through the similar style. |