Title Novi prostorni identitet Trešnjevke: preobrazba arhitekture i svakodnevice
Title (english) Spatial Identity of Trešnjevka: the transformation of architecture and everyday life
Author Lana Harjaček
Mentor Jasna Galjer (mentor)
Committee member Zlatko Jurić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Špikić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Galjer (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of History of Art) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Problematika kojom se ovaj rad bavi polazi od dinamike međusobnog utjecaja prostora i njegovog potrošača, to jest, društva, na konkretnom urbanom primjeru zagrebačke Trešnjevke. Preobrazbe arhitekture i svakodnevice na Trešnjevci, a posljedično i njezinog prostornog identiteta, mogu se podijeliti u nekoliko faza. Prva faza obuhvaća period od druge polovice 19. stoljeća do kraja Prvog svjetskog rata, kad se identitet ovog područja zbog gradnje željezničke pruge i industrijalizacije počinje ocrtavati kao radničko naselje. Međuratni period ili druga faza obilježena je demografskom ekspanzijom u Zagrebu, koja se s arhitektonsko-urbanističkim izazovima nove društvene situacije neuspješno obračunava neorganiziranim širenjem grada bez kontinuiteta prostora te nelegalnom gradnjom. Nehumani uvjeti života na periferiji u ovom periodu kulminiraju u gorući socijalni problem, a na Trešnjevci se u skladu s aktualnim globalnim trendom socijalno programirane arhitekture počinju graditi radnička naselja s namjerom zbrinjavanja novog radničkog stanovništva i njihovih obitelji. Po završetku Drugog svjetskog rata počinje sljedeća faza u kojoj je glavna zadaća arhitekata obnova razrušenih područja i industrijalizacija zemlje, stoga se na početku intenzivno ulaže u gradnju tvorničkih pogona i željezničkih pruga, a manje u stambene objekte. Nova politička ideologija uvjetuje novu organizacijsku strukturu arhitektonskourbanističke djelatnosti, a svoj trag na Trešnjevci ostavljaju neki od najboljih tadašnjih arhitekata kao što su Marijan Haberle, Mladen Kauzlarić, Stjepan Gomboš, Slavko Jelinek, Marijan Hržić i Andrija Mutnjaković. Sadržaji na Trešnjevci počinju se širiti na sportsko-rekreativne i kulturne, a time obogaćuju svakodnevicu stanovnika i posjetitelja. Stjecanjem neovisnosti Hrvatske počinje posljednja faza obilježena rapidnom privatizacijom i masovnom izgradnjom. Potpuna uzurpacija prostora i identiteta uzrokovana je naglim prijelazom iz niske u visoku gradnju te maksimalnom udovoljavanju investitoru, umjesto stanovnicima. Industrijska baština Trešnjevke napuštena je i zaboravljena, a zbog otvaranja novih shopping centara na rubnim dijelovima grada te gospodarske krize lokali i obrti se zatvaraju, ostavljajući naselje bez osnovnih sadržaja.
Abstract (english) The main focus of this paper is based on the dynamics of the interaction between the space and its consumer, that is, the society, on the urban example of Trešnjevka in Zagreb. The transformation of architecture and everyday life on Trešnjevka, as well as its spatial identity, is divided into several phases. The first phase covers the period from the second half of the nineteenth century to the end of the First World War, when the identity of Trešnjevka begins to form into a workers area as a consequence of industrialization and building the new railway. The period between two world wars or the second phase is marked by a huge demographic expansion in Zagreb and unsuccessful strategies for handling this new social situation resulting in a lack of spatial continuity and the emergence of illegal construction. During this time, the terrible conditions of life on the outskirts culminate into a serious social problem causing an awareness towards building healthier and safer living solutions for the new population of workers and their families. The next stage starts with the end of the Second World War, in which the main architectural task is to rebuild damaged areas and work on the industrialization of the country. This caused intensified investing in factories and railway construction and less in residential buildings. The new political ideology imposed a new organizational structure of architectural and urbanistic activities. Some of the best architects of their time, such as Marijan Haberle, Mladen Kauzlarić, Stjepan Gomboš, Slavko Jelinek, Marijan Hržić and Andrija Mutnjaković left their mark on Trešnjevka. The quality of everyday life has been increased in this phase by a growth of recreational and cultural facilities. Political events around Croatia's independence started the last phase which consists of severe privatization and mass construction. Complete usurpation of space and identity is caused by a sudden transition from low to high buildings and maximum compliance with the investor instead of the residents. The industrial heritage of Trešnjevka is abandoned and forgotten. Due to the opening of new shopping malls on the outskirts of the city as well as the economic crisis, shops are forced to close, leaving Trešnjevka’s residents without solutions for their basic needs.
prostorni identitet
Keywords (english)
everyday life
spatial identity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:803818
Study programme Title: Art History; specializations in: Research, Teaching Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-22 13:33:58