Title Rovinjska osobna imena od 1560. do kraja 20. stoljeća
Title (english) First names of Rovinj from 1560 till the end of the 20th century
Author Maja Milovan
Mentor Anđela Frančić (mentor)
Committee member Bernardina Petrović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anđela Frančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Joža Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Croatian language and literature) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-02-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 80 - Philology 39 - Cultural anthropology. Ethnography. Customs. Manners. Traditions. Way of life 94(497.5) - History of Croatia
Abstract Tema su ovoga rada osobna imena iščitana iz rovinjskih matičnih knjiga krštenih, odnosno rođenih, počevši s imenima zabilježenim 1560. (otkada datira najstariji sačuvani upis krštenja na rovinjskome području) pa sve do kraja 20. stoljeća, točnije zaključno s 1983. godinom. Rad sadrži dvanaest poglavlja. Uvodno je poglavlje podijeljeno u više potpoglavlja. U početnim se potpoglavljima obrazlaže tema rada, definiraju se područje i ciljevi istraživanja te metodologija rada. Slijedi potpoglavlje o
... More matičnim knjigama u kojemu se govori o njihovoj važnosti za onomastička istraživanja i prikazuje se povijest njihova vođenja. U zasebnome se potpoglavlju donose važnije povijesne, zemljopisne, demografske, društveno-kulturne i jezične značajke Rovinja i Rovinjštine. U nastavku se sažeto prikazuju dosadašnja onomastička istraživanja Istre. Drugo je poglavlje posvećeno temama iz onomastičke teorije – definira se ime kao jezični i onomastički znak, osvrće se na neke teorije o imenu, razmatra se odnos između imena i apelativa te se u kratkim se crtama prikazuju osnovne funkcije imena. U trećemu se poglavlju tematizira osobno ime. Nakon definicije i prikaza odnosa osobnoga imena i (vlastitoga) imena donosi se pregled nastanka, razvitka i oblikovanja osobnoimenskoga sustava na hrvatskome prostoru te se osvrće na pravni okvir nadijevanja osobnoga imena. Slijedi poglavlje o izvorima i korpusu, a potom poglavlje u kojem se propituju načela nadijevanja i razine nasljednosti rovinjskih osobnih imena. U šestom, sedmom i osmom poglavlju se, kroz brojna potpoglavlja, opisuje struktura, jezične značajke te frekventnost rovinjskih osobnih imena. Kroz navedena se poglavlja, dakle, iscrpno analizira rovinjska osobnoimenska građa – prikazuje se njihova čestitnost, opisuje struktura, propituju načela nadijevanja i jezične značajke. Kvantitativnom je analizim pokazano da su u promatranim godinama dječaci najčešće dobivali imena Zuanne, Antonio, Francesco, Iseppo i Domenico, a djevojčice Eufemia, Domenica, Antonia, Cattarina i Francesca. Također se pokazalo da se u svim promatranim godinama kroz proučavano četverostoljetno razdoblje (uglavnom u varijantnim likovima) pojavljuju osobna imena Zuanne i Antonio te Antonia i Cattarina. S obzirom na broj sastavnica u analiziranome korpusu dominiraju jednostruka (i muška i ženska) osobna imena, a s obzirom na vjerojatan poticaj izboru imena pokazalo se da je nasljedno načelo zastupljenije od kalendarskoga. Zasebno je potpoglavlje posvećeno iščitavanju jezičnih značajki osobnih imena potvrđenih u analiziranome korpusu – grafijskim, fonetsko-fonološkim i tvorbenim. Analiza je upotpunjena brojnim tabličnim prikazima, grafikonima, koji pridonose preglednosti dobivenih rezultata. U zaključnome se, devetom, poglavlju donose spoznaje do kojih se došlo analizom osobnoimenske građe – zaključuje se da su dominantne značajke osobnih imena krštene/rođene djece u Rovinju: nadijevanje jednostrukih temeljnih osobnih imena biranih ponajprije primjenom nasljednoga načela. I ovim je radom posvjedočeno da su osobna imena sociolingvistički znakovi u kojima se na specifičan način ogleda jezična i izvanjezična stvarnost u kojoj ime nastaje. Rad završava bibliografskim popisom razdijeljenim na izvore i literaturu, popisom kratica, tablica, grafikona i slika te autoričinim životopisom i popisom objavljenih radova. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis deals with the analysis of Rovinj's first names read from the Rovinj's registers of baptisms and births, starting with those names enrolled in 1560 (when the oldest preserved baptismal record in the Rovinj area dates) until the end of the 20th century, more precisely until 1983. This paper is devided into twelve chapters. The introductory chapter contains several subchapters. The initial subchapters explain the topic of the thesis and define the area and methodology of the
... More research. The following subchapter is about registry books, in which is discussed the importance of those books for onomastic research. Next, in a separate subchapter, important historical, geographical, demographic, socio-cultural and linguistic aspects of Rovinj and the Rovinj region are presented. After that follows a summary of previous onomastic research in Istria. The second chapter is devoted to topics concerning onomastic theories—a name is defined as a linguistic and onomastic sign: this chapter deals with some theories about names, discusses the relationship between name and appellative and briefly outlines the basic functions of the name. The third chapter deals with the first name. After the definition and presentation of the relationship between the first name and (proper) name, an overview of the origin, development, and formation of the first name system in Croatia is given, as well as a review of the legal regulations considering the process of naming a person. The following chapter is about sources and corpus, followed by a chapter questioning the principles of stuffing and the level of heredity of Rovinj's first names. The sixth, seventh and eighth chapters, through numerous subchapters, describe in detail the structure, linguistic features and frequency of Rovinj's first names. Those chapters exhaustively analyze Rovinj's first names by showing their frequency, describing their structure, and questioning the principles of naming and linguistic aspects. Since most of the listed names are first names written in Italian (Venetian idiom), this thesis explains at the grapheme level, based on linguistic knowledge of the theory of language in contact, the adaptation of the Croatian phonological system to such Italian graphics. Quantitative analysis showed that in the observed years, boys were most often given the names Zuanne, Antonio, Francesco, Iseppo and Domenico, and to girls Eufemia, Domenica, Antonia, Cattarina and Francesca. It has also been shown that only the first names Zuanne, Antonio, Antonia and Cattarina appear in all the observed years throughout the studied four-hundred-year period. Considering the number of components in the analyzed corpus, single (both male and female) first names dominate, and regarding the likely impetus for the choice of name, it turned out that the hereditary principle is more represented than the calendar. The analysis is supplemented by numerous tabular representations and graphs, which contribute to the clarity of the obtained results. Using literature related to the Rovinj area, we tried to see if there was a connection between the social status of individual families (Rovinj history knows about fifteen noble families) and the choice of first names of members of these families. The concluding, ninth chapter presents the cognitions derived from the analysis of first names; it is concluded that the dominant characteristics of first names of baptized/born children in Rovinj are: naming children with single (one-word) first names chosen primarily by applying the hereditary principle. This paper also demonstrates that first names are sociolinguistic signs in which the linguistic and extralinguistic reality are reflected in a specific way. This thesis ends with a bibliographic list divided into sources and literature, a list of abbreviations, tables, graphs and figures, as well as the author's biography and a list of published works. The analysis of the first name corpus has been supplemented, for a better understanding and insight into the name and naming system of the Rovinj region, with a list of a representative first name corpus excerpted from the Rovinj registers of baptisms and births. Less
matične knjige krštenih/rođenih
onomastički znak
osobna imena
struktura i čestotnost osobnih imena
jezične osobitosti osobnih imena
Keywords (english)
registers of baptisms and births
onomastic signs
first names
structure and frequency of first names
linguistic characteristics of first names
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:291464
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 221 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-05-27 08:31:23