Title Može li se stati na kraj devastaciji jadranske obale?
Title (english) Can the devastation of the Adriatic coast be stopped?
Author Margareta Beltran Miranda
Mentor Jana Vukić (mentor)
Committee member Tijana Trako Poljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bruno Šimac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Duž jadranske obale svjedočimo negativnomu društvenom i prostornom fenomenu devastacije obale, koja je javno dobro. Devastacija se ostvaruje na različite načine, no u ovome je radu primarno prikazana kroz betonizaciju, bespravnu gradnju, nasipavanje plaža i apartmanizaciju. Navedeni problemi posebno su došli do izražaja s nekontroliranim razvojem turizma na prostoru istočne obale Jadrana, koji je započeo još u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća, a s globalizacijom i drugim procesima (od osamostaljenja Hrvatske i prelaska s državno kontroliranoga na tržišno gospodarstvo) značajno se pojačao. Iako su za današnji izgled jadranske obale turizam i njegove djelatnosti uvelike zaslužne jer se zbog ostvarivanja profita od njih obala počinje prepoznavati kao važan resurs, u javnome medijskom prostoru uvelike je prisutno povezivanje devastacije upravo s turizmom. Temeljni cilj rada bio je istražiti devastaciju obale analizom zakonske regulative, njezine primjene i medijske slike o izabranim primjerima devastacije obale: Viru, uvali Vruja i recentnom primjeru šetnice u Puli (Lungomare). I dok su osnovni kriteriji za odabir primjera bili vremenska dimenzija (dugotrajnost i/ili recentnost devastacije, koja je u tijeku) i tip prisutne devastacije (prema Vukić i Kostešić, 2022), kao dodatni kriteriji uzeti su prosvjedi civilnih aktera i medijska eksponiranost navedenih primjera. U provedbi istraživanja služili smo se metodama analize relevantnih dokumenata i sadržaja te prostornih podataka, kao i kvalitativno-kvantitativna analizom internetskih članaka i objava na društvenim mrežama o temi devastacije obale na tri osnovna primjera. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na brojne nedorečenosti i nesustavnost u provedbi zakona koji bi obalni prostor trebali štititi. Takva zakonska regulativa ostavlja sivi prostor podložan manipulacijama onih koji od toga imaju izravnu korist. Analiza devastacije obale u javnome medijskom prostoru pokazala je iznimno negativan stav javnosti prema destrukciji obale i akterima koji su za to zaslužni, ali i spremnost civilnog sektora na proaktivno djelovanje u službi zaštite prostora. Malen broj stručnih radova koji istražuju ovu društveno relevantnu temu samo ukazuje na urgentnost rješavanja toga problema unutar pravnoga okvira, a on se ne može razviti bez akademski relevantnih spoznaja koje bi trebale omogućiti kvalitetnije sagledavanje problema do kojih dovodi neodgovorno ponašanje prema morskoj obali i drugim prirodnim bogatstvima.
Abstract (english) Along the Adriatic coast, we are witnessing the negative social and spatial phenomenon of coastal devastation, which is a public good. Devastation is realized in various ways, but in this work it is primarily shown through concretization, illegal construction, beach filling and excessive apartment building. The stated problems came to the fore especially with the uncontrolled development of tourism on the eastern coast of the Adriatic, which began in the second half of the 20th century, and with globalization and other processes (from the independence of Croatia and the transition from a state-controlled to a market economy), it significantly intensified. Although tourism and its activities are largely responsible for today's appearance of the Adriatic coast, because by making a profit from them the coast is beginning to be understood as an essential resource, in the public media space there is a strong association of devastation with tourism. The main goal of the paper was to investigate coastal devastation through the analysis of legislation, its application and media images of selected examples of coastal devastation, Vir, Vruja bay and the recent example of the promenade in Pula (Lungomare). And while the basic criteria for selecting each individual example were the scope and duration of illegal construction on Vir, the usurpation of public property and later illegal construction on it in Vruja, and the granting of a concession on public property in the case of Pula, protests by civil actors and media coverage were taken as additional criteria. exposure of the mentioned examples. During the research, methods of analysis of relevant documents and content and spatial data were used, as well as qualitative-quantitative analysis of internet articles and posts on social networks on the topic of coastal devastation in three basic examples of this thesis. The research results point to numerous vagueness and inconsistencies in the enforcement of laws that protect the coastal area. This type of legislation leaves a gray area open to manipulation by those who directly benefit from it. The analysis of the devastation of the coast in the public media space showed an extremely negative attitude of the public towards the destruction of the coast and those actors who are responsible for it, but also the willingness of the civil sector to proactively act in the service of space protection. A small number of professional papers that investigate this socially relevant topic only indicate the urgency of solving this problem in a legal framework that cannot be developed qualitatively without academically relevant knowledge that should enable a better understanding of the problems that irresponsible behaviour towards the seashore and other natural resources leads to.
devastacija obale
pravna zaštita obale
medijska ispraćenost devastacije i akteri u prostoru
Keywords (english)
devastation of the coast
legal protection of the coast
media coverage of the devastation and urban actors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:128484
Study programme Title: Sociology (single major); specializations in: Research Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-08 07:44:36