Title Zavičajna zbirka Gradske knjižnice Velika Gorica
Title (english) Local history collecton of the Velika Gorica City Libarary
Author Josipa Radočaj
Mentor Ana Barbarić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Ivanjko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Radovan Vrana (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Barbarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Abstract Tematika ovog diplomskog rada usmjerena je na prikaz zavičajne zbirke Gradske knjižnice Velika Gorica. Rad započinje određenjem pojma narodna knjižnica, predstavljanjem njenih temeljnih zadaća kao i koncepta od kojeg je sačinjena. Sljedeće poglavlje govori o povijesnom pregledu Gradske knjižnice Velika Gorica, ali i opisuje njeno aktualno stanje. Četvrto poglavlje rada dotiče se zavičajne zbirke kao i važnosti samog zavičaja. Osim definicije zavičajne zbirke, obrađene su i ostale značajke poput određivanja njenog teritorija, sadržaja i vrste građe, njenog smještaja, zaštite, nabave i obrade te promocije. Nastavno na opće informacije o zavičajnim zbirkama, rad se u sljedećem poglavlju fokusira na samu zavičajnu zbirku Gradske knjižnice Velika Gorica. Posljednje poglavlje, uz postavljene hipoteze i ciljeve, donosi istraživanje spomenute zavičajne zbirke, a koje je provedeno metodom bibliografske i bibliometrijske analize. Svrha istraživanja bila je analitički prikazati zbirku, odnosno njezinu građu, kako bi korisnicima zbirke bilo omogućeno brzo pronalaženje podataka potrebnih za znanstvena ili stručna istraživanja ili u bilo koju drugu svrhu. Nadalje, rezultati istraživanja dali su i bolji uvid u vrijednosti i nedostatke zavičajne zbirke knjižničnom osoblju zaduženom za njenu izgradnju. Istraživanjem su dobiveni razni podatci, a oni najznačajniji su sljedeći: Najzastupljenija je knjižna građa, jezik publikacije koji prevladava je hrvatski, a nakladnici su najviše ustanove i udruge. Što se tiče autora u zbirci prevladavaju oni sa jednim napisanim djelom. Najviše je građe objavljeno u posljednjih dvadeset godina, a 23% građe je nastalo izvan područja Republike Hrvatske. Na samom kraju, rad se osvrće na preporuke vrsta zavičajne građe kojom bi knjižnica mogla unaprijediti svoju zbirku.
Abstract (english) The theme of this thesis is focused on the presentation of the local history collection of the Velika Gorica City Library. The thesis begins with the definition of the term public library, the presentation of its basic tasks, as well as the concept of which it is made. The next chapter continues with the historical overview of the Velika Gorica City Library but also its current state. The fourth chapter begins with the definition of the local history collection, as well as the importance of the local place. In addition, the other characteristics of the collection, such as the determination of its territories, content and type of the material, its protection, acquisition, processing, as well as its promotions, are also covered here. Following the general information about the local history collections, the next chapter of the thesis focuses on the local history collection of the Velika Gorica City Library. The last chapter, along with the hypotheses and aims, presents the research of the mentioned local history collection, which was carried out using the method of bibliographic and bibliometric analysis. The primary goal in this research was to present the local history collection analytically, so that the users of the collection can quickly find the data needed for scientific or professional research or any other purposes. Furthermore, the results of the research gave a better insight into the collection's values and disadvantages to the library staff in charge of its construction. The research yielded various data, and the most significant are the following: the most represented materials are books, the predominant language of publication is Croatian and the publishers are mostly institutions and associations. As for the authors in the collection, those with one work predominate. Most of the material was published in the last twenty years, and 23% was created outside Croatia. Finally, recommendations are given for the the type of local history materials with which the library could improve its collection.
Narodna knjižnica
zavičajna zbirka
zavičajna zbirka Gradske knjižnice Velika Gorica
Keywords (english)
National Library
local history collection
local land
local history collection of the Velika Gorica City Library
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:322624
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Archivistics Study, Library Science, Information Sciences (research), Information Sciences (teaching), Museology and heritage management, Informatology Course: Library Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra bibliotekarstva (magistar/magistra bibliotekarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-21 17:18:08