Abstract | Ovaj se završni rad bavi švedskim sociolektima. Oni zajedno s dijalektima, kronolektima i registrom čine jezične varijante. Dok se dijalekti uvijek vežu uz određeno geografsko područje, sociolekti se vežu uz pripadajuću društvenu klasu, status, razina obrazovanja i druge društvene varijable. Kod istraživanja ovoga fenomena javlja se problematika povezivanja društvenih varijabli i sociolekata zato što je teško odrediti koje su točne varijable koje utječu na jezični izričaj. Upravo se zbog tih poteškoća sociolekti dijele na podvrste prema godinama, spolu, klasi, etnicitetu itd. Nadalje se u radu ovaj fenomen ilustrira primjerom jezika mladih u Švedskoj. Mladi su često buntovni prema društvenim normama i vrijednostima kao i prema svijetu odraslih pa tako stvaraju jezične inovacije kao oblik pobune. Za jezik mladih karakteristična je upotreba slenga, pogrdnih riječi, diskursnih oznaka te skraćena artikulacija raznih izraza. S takvom upotrebom jezika mladi oblikuju vlastiti identitet, ali i grupni identitet. |
Abstract (english) | This bachelor thesis deals with Swedish sociolects. Together with dialects, chronolects and register, they form language variants. While dialects are always associated with a specific geographical area, sociolects are associated with the certain social class, status, level of education and other social variables. When researching this phenomenon, the problem of connecting social variables and sociolects arises. Namely, it is difficult to determine which are the exact variables that influence language expression. It is precisely because of these difficulties that sociolects are divided into subtypes according to age, gender, class, ethnicity, etc. Furthermore, the paper illustrates this phenomenon with the example of the language of youth in Sweden. Young people are often rebellious towards social norms and values as well as towards the world of adults, so they create language innovations as a form of rebellion. The language of youth is characterized by the use of slang, derogatory words, discourse markers and abbreviated articulation of various expressions. With this use of language, young people shape their own identity, but also group identity. |