Title Srednjovjekovni prikazi carskih ustoličenja: Sveto Rimsko Carstvo i Bizant
Title (english) Medieval depicitons of imperial inaugurations: Holy Roman Empire and Byzantium
Author Paola Brodej
Mentor Nikolina Maraković (mentor)
Committee member Ana Munk (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Maraković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Zeman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of History of Art) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-04-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Rad donosi kratki povijesni pregled dosadašnjeg istraživanja srednjovjekovnih carskih ustoličenja te iscrtava dosadašnje tendencije u proučavanju ove teme. Interes za povijest rituala postoji od druge polovice 19. stoljeća, no tek se posljednjih 30-tak godina kao izvor u proučavanju rituala koriste i likovna djela. Postoji niz likovnih prikaza koje možemo dovesti u vezu s carevima Svetog Rimskog Carstva i Bizantskog carstva. Car predstavlja središnju figuru carstva u kojoj se spajaju svjetovni i duhovni elementi i koji, da bi osigurao moć u društvima koja tu moć stalno preispituju, konstruira vlastitu sliku na način koji tu moć potvrđuje. Radi boljeg razumijevanja problematike, ulogu cara je potrebno kontekstualizirati unutar kulturno-političkih okolnosti pojedinog carstva te razjasniti višeslojnost njegove funkcije. Sveto Rimsko Carstvo nastalo je na tekovinama Karolinga, dok je Bizant proizašao iz nasljeđa Rima obogaćenog helenizmom te oba carstva polažu pravo na rimsku prošlost i tradiciju. Za daljnje razumijevanje inauguracijskih prikaza potrebno je razumijevanje rituala ustoličenja, stoga rad donosi sintezu geneze ceremonije te njezinih pojedinih elemenata, a potom se okreće k traženju sličnosti i poveznica dvaju carstava. Slijedi analiza likovnih primjera odabrane teme, počevši od razmatranja modela biblijskog kralja kao duhovnog uzora, ali i likovnog pandana caru. Prikazi careva svetog Rimskog Carstva pozivaju se na karolinške prethodnike, ali ih se nadograđuje bizantskim utjecajima te vlastitom simbolikom i estetikom. Riječ je o simboličkom ustoličenju koju izvršava božanska osoba krunidbom cara. Prve prikaze susrećemo u vrijeme Otona, a zamjećujemo ih i u doba Salijevaca te Hohenstaufena. U Bizantskom Carstvu simbolički prikazi nastaju u vrijeme makedonske dinastije, a i članovi dinastije Dukas te komnenske dinastije također posežu za ovim prikazima. Razmotren je i fenomen rukopisa Madridskog Skilice, koji prikazima pristupa s narativne strane. Cilj rada je uvidjeti sličnosti i razlike likovnih prikaza iste teme i različitih kulturno-političkih pozadina radi shvaćanja različitih odnosa moći srednjovjekovnog društva.
Abstract (english) This paper provides a brief historical overview of previous research on medieval inaugurations and outlines current trends in the study of this topic. An interest in the history of rituals is on its rise since the second half of the 19th century, but works of art as a relevant source in ritual studies have been used only for the past 30 years. This paper aims to show how a significant number of inaugural elements has simultaneously appeared in the visual representations of Holy Roman and Byzantine emperors. The emperor is the empire’s key figure and the person in which secular and spiritual elements come together in an everlasting attempt to balance out different power groups. To secure power in a society that constantly questions it, the emperor constructs his image in a way that affirms that power. His multi-layered societal function needs to be set against the political and cultural context of each empire if we are to better understand how the inaugural elements transpire into the visual tradition. The Holy Roman Empire was founded on the Carolingian tradition, while Byzantium originated from the Roman heritage enriched by Hellenism, and both empires laid claim to the Roman past. Further understanding of the inaugural depictions requires a comprehension of the inauguration ritual, so the paper summarizes the genesis and some elements of the ceremony and then turns to cultural similarities and political relations between the two empires. An analysis of inaugural representation starts with the notion of the Biblical king as the emperor's spiritual role model and also his visual counterpart. The depictions of the Holy Roman emperors are based on the representations of their Carolingian predecessors together with additional Byzantine influences and their symbolism and aesthetics. This symbolic type of inauguration comes down to the act of being crowned by a divinity. The oldest surviving depictions of Holy Roman imperial inaugurations are those made during the Ottonian period, and which the Salians and Hohenstaufens have adopted and continued to replicate, alongside inventing a different approach to this theme. In the Byzantine Empire, the oldest surviving visual representations of imperial inaugurations were made during the Macedonian dynasty, but it is important to note that the emperors of the later dynasties of Doukai and Komnenoi also resorted to such depictions. The paper additionally studies the Madrid Skylitzes, a richly decorated manuscript that takes a narrative approach to inaugural images. This paper aims to outline the similarities and differences of inaugural representation made roughly at the same time, but against the backdrop of different cultural and political circumstances to comprehend the intricate power relations of a medieval society.
srednjovjekovni ritual
simbolički prikazi
Bizantsko Carstvo
Keywords (english)
simbolic representations
Byzantine Empire
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:646705
Study programme Title: Art History; specializations in: Research, Teaching Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-09-23 12:19:48