Title Interpretacija kulturne baštine Turopolja na primjeru manifestacija u starom gradu Lukavcu
Title (english) Interpretation of the cultural heritage of Turopolje on the example of manifestations in the old town Lukavec
Author Magda Karavanić
Mentor Darko Babić (mentor)
Committee member Žarka Vujić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Babić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Stublić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-02-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Museology
Abstract Turopolje je mikroregija južno od Zagreba, omeđena desnim tokom rijeke Save na
sjeveroistoku i obroncima Vukomeričkih gorica na jugozapadu. Iako se naziv Turopolje prvi
puta spominje u 13. stoljeću, njegova burna povijest seže sve do rimskog doba. Kao jedan od
svjedoka turopoljske povijesti, u naselju Lukavec kraj Velike Gorice nalazi se stari grad
Lukavec, jedan od simbola čitavog turopoljskog kraja. Riječ je o jedinoj obrambenoj utvrdi na
tom području. Prvotna građevina bila je od drveta, dok je današnji oblik zidane utvrde Lukavec
dobio u 18. stoljeću. Kvadratnog tlocrta, s četiri ugaone kule i visokim središnjim tornjem iznad
ulaza te unutarnjim dvorištem, ovaj renesansni kaštel sa svojom okolicom predstavlja jednu od
najpoznatijih vizura Turopolja. Budući da je građen u obrambene svrhe, pretpostavlja se da
njegova povijest počinje s prvim napadima Turaka na ovom području. Kroz povijest se
izmijenilo nekoliko vlasnika utvrde, dok je danas ona sjedište plemenite općine Turopolje.
Ispred starog grada Lukavca svake se godine održavaju manifestacije vezane uz običaje
i tradiciju turopoljskog kraja. Tako se svakog travnja na blagdan sv. Jurja održava turopoljsko
Jurjevo, manifestacija kojom se, uz središnji događaj paljenja velikog krijesa, simbolički tjera
zima te slavi početak proljeća i nove poljoprivredne sezone. To je već tradicionalna
manifestacija poznata u Turopolju na kojoj se mogu vidjeti i nastupi lokalnih folklornih
skupina, a privlači posjetitelje iz cijelog kraja. U svibnju se održava Perunfest – festival
zaboravljenih priča i narodnih predaja na kojem se u dvodnevnom programu organiziraju brojne
radionice, plesne točke, tematske izložbe i slično, a svake godine privlači sve veći broj
posjetitelja ne samo iz Turopolja, već i šire. Osim navedenih manifestacija u svrhu očuvanja
tradicije i prezentacije turopoljske kulturne baštine, drugih oblika interpretacije i prezentacije
kulturne baštine na području starog grada Lukavca nema. Povremene izložbe i organizirani
grupni posjeti koji povremeno oživljavaju stari grad nedostatni su za iskorištavanje svih
potencijala koje on svojim arhitektonskim, kulturnim i povijesnim značajem nudi.
Obnovljen i dobro očuvan, bogate povijesti, stari grad Lukavec vrlo je važan
Turopoljcima i oni ga shvaćaju kao dio svog baštinskog identiteta. Upravo zato važno je uložiti
napore kako bi se iskoristio sav njegov potencijal, a bogata povijesna i kulturna baština
Turopolja interpretirala i prezentirala na neke nove načine i tako odgovorila na potrebe
suvremenog društva.
Abstract (english) Turopolje is a microregion south of Zagreb, bordered by the right bank of the Sava river
to the northeast and the hills of Vukomeričke gorice to the southwest. Although the toponym
Turopolje is first mentioned in the 13th century, the region’s tumultuous past stretches back to
the era of the Roman Empire. One of the symbols of Turopolje’s rich history is the Old Town
Lukavec, located in Lukavec, a village near Velika Gorica. It is a defensive fortress, the only
one of its kind in the area. Originally built as a wooden fortification, the Lukavec Castle was
rebuilt into its present form in the 18th century. The defining features of the Lukavec Castle: the
rectangular layout of the fortress, four corner towers, a tall central tower above the gateway,
and its inner courtyard, make this renaissance castle and its surrounding area one of the most
recognizable symbols of Turopolje. Considering its primary purpose was defence, it is assumed
the beginnings of the fortress are tied to the first waves of Turkish invasions in the area.
Throughout its history the fortress has changed hands several times, and currently serves as
headquarters of the Noble Municipality of Turopolje (Plemenita općina Turopolje).
Each year, festivities inspired by traditional practices of the Turopolje region take place
in front of the castle walls. St. George's festivities, known as Turopoljsko Jurjevo, take place in
April on Saint George's Day. These festivities are centred around lighting bonfires, which
represent a farewell to winter and a symbolic celebration of spring and the upcoming
agricultural season. The events, which feature local folk ensembles as well, have become a
staple of local culture and draw in numerous visitors from the area. Each May, a festival of
forgotten folktales called Perunfest takes place over the course of two days. There, visitors from
all over the region can participate in workshops or enjoy various exhibitions, dance
performances etc. Other than these events, which aim to preserve traditional practices and
present the cultural heritage of Turopolje to visitors, there are no forms of heritage interpretation
and presentation in the Old Town of Lukavec. The occasional exhibitions and tourist group
visits which briefly revive the Old Town insufficiently utilize the potential contained in the
architectural, cultural and historical significance of Lukavec.
The rich history of the well-preserved Lukavec Castle is an important part of the heritage
and identity of Turopolje and its inhabitants. This is why an effort must be made to explore the
castle’s potential and interpret and present the rich historical and cultural heritage of Turopolje
in new ways which correspond to the needs of contemporary society.
kulturna baština
upravljanje baštinom
interpretacija baštine
stari grad Lukavec
Keywords (english)
cultural heritage
heritage management
interpretation of heritage
old town Lukavec
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:793881
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Museology and heritage management Course: Museology and heritage management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom (magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-02-11 11:51:15