Abstract | U današnje vrijeme sve je više pojedinaca koji zbog različitih razloga odlučuju prestati jesti meso, mada je to i dalje marginalizirana praksa. Problemi koje sa sobom donosi masovna proizvodnja mesa, pitanja o očuvanju okoliša i općeniti porast interesa za prava životinja te poboljšanje zdravlja, doveli su do toga da se vegetarijanstvo sve više prakticira u svijetu, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj. Ako je ono jedan od mogućih načina rješavanja navedenih problema, potrebno je dalje istraživati vegetarijanstvo i vegetarijansku praksu, što je važno činiti i u okvirima sociološke znanosti. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio istražiti i pobliže razumjeti mišljenja, stavove i prakse mladih čija je prehrana vegetarijanska u svrhu produbljenja znanja o iskustvima vegetarijanaca povezanih s njihovom prehranom, u kontekstu hrvatskog društva. Istraživanje je donijelo nove uvide u području motivacije za odabir takve prehrane te se pokazalo da je etički motiv glavni za odabir takve prehrane kao i da se s vremenom pojavljuju i drugi motivi za nastavak takve prehrane. Osim toga, pokazalo se da se vegetarijanci susreću s negativnim reakcijama u okolini zbog svoje prehrane, ali i da se one s vremenom smanjuju te da nisu različite s obzirom na spol pojedinaca. Iako su sudionici izrazili stavove da ne smatraju da postoje značajnija vremenska, ekonomska i zdravstvena ograničenja takve prehrane, pokazalo se da postoje ograničenja po pitanju izbora, ali i takoreći socijalna ograničenja zbog pritiska okoline. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, there are more and more individuals who, for various reasons, decide to stop eating meat, although it is still a marginalized practice. The problems brought about by the mass production of meat, questions about protection of the environment and the general increase in interest in animal rights and improving health have led to the fact that vegetarianism is practiced more and more throughout the world, including Croatia. If it is one of the possible ways to contribute to solutions of the mentioned problems, it is necessary to further research vegetarianism and vegetarian practices, which is important to do also within the framework of sociology. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to investigate and understand in more detail the opinions, attitudes and practices of young people whose diet is vegetarian in order to deepen knowledge about the experiences of vegetarians related to their diet, in the context of Croatian society. The research brought new insights in the field of motivation for choosing such a diet, and it was shown that the ethical motive is the main one for choosing it, and that other motives for continuing it appear over time. In addition, it has been shown that vegetarians encounter negative reactions in the environment due to their diet choices, but also that these decrease over time and that they are not different with respect to gender of individuals. Although the participants expressed that they do not think that there are significant time, economic and health limitations of such a diet, it turned out that there are limitations in terms of possibility of choice, but also, so to speak, social limitations due pressure of others. |