Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je identifikacija individualnih i psiholoških obilježja punoljetnih sportaša natjecatelja poput roda, dobi, veličine mjesta u kojem su sportaši proveli većinu svojih života, vrste sporta (individualni/timski), dužine bavljenja sportom, samoefikasnosti, znanja o području djelovanja sportskih psihologa, zadovoljstva prethodnom suradnjom sa sportskim psiholozima te spremnosti na suradnju sa sportskim psiholozima koja su povezana sa stavovima sportaša prema sportskim psiholozima. Osim toga, cilj je bio i utvrđivanje doprinosa ispitivanih varijabli u objašnjavanju individualnih razlika u stavovima sportaša prema sportskim psiholozima. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 270 sportaša natjecatelja oba spola, a u svrhu mjerenja stavova konstruirana je skala stavova sportaša prema sportskim psiholozima. Rezultati su pokazali značajnu povezanost stavova sportaša prema sportskim psiholozima s rodom, dobi, vrstom sporta, samoefikasnosti, zadovoljstvom prethodnom suradnjom sa sportskim psiholozima te spremnosti na suradnju sa sportskim psiholozima. Značajan su samostalni doprinos u objašnjavanju individualnih razlika u stavovima sportaša prema sportskim psiholozima imali rod, dob te samoefikasnost. U konačnici, rezultati su pokazali da je oko 78% sudionika ovog istraživanja spremno na individualni rad sa sportskim psihologom. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this research was to identify individual and psychological characteristics of adult competitive athletes, such as gender, age, size of the town where athletes spent most of their lives, type of sport (individual/team), length of time spent in sports, self-efficacy, knowledge of the field of sports psychology, satisfaction with previous cooperation with sports psychologists, and willingness to cooperate with sports psychologists, which are associated with athletes' attitudes towards sports psychologists. Additionally, the goal was to determine the contribution of these variables in explaining individual differences in athletes' attitudes towards sports psychologists. The study included 270 male and female competitive athletes, and a scale of athletes' attitudes towards sports psychologists was constructed for the purpose of measuring attitudes. The results showed a significant correlation between athletes' attitudes towards sports psychologists and gender, age, type of sport, self-efficacy, satisfaction with previous cooperation with sports psychologists, and willingness to cooperate with sports psychologists. Gender, age, and self-efficacy made a significant independent contribution in explaining individual differences in athletes' attitudes towards sports psychologists. Ultimately, the results showed that around 78% of the participants in this study were willing to engage in individual work with a sports psychologist. |