Abstract | Radi ispitivanja utjecaja raznolikosti bračkih govora na prepoznavanje, snimljeno je 150 izvornih govornika iz 10 mjesta: Bol, Gornji Humac, Milna, Nerežišća, Postira, Pražnica, Pučišća, Selca, Sumartin i Supetar. Odsječke spontanoga govora prepoznavao je 81 srednjoškolac iz dviju škola na Braču: „Bol“ i „Brač“. Rad uključuje teorijski pregled, fonetski opis, akustičku analizu i analizu prepoznavanja. Fonetska je analiza provedena jer je tek nekoliko obuhvaćenih govora iscrpnije opisano i to uglavnom dijalektološki i na malom uzorku. Stoga je sociofonetski opisana segmentalna razina svih govornika te su utvrđene varijacije s obzirom na dob i prijašnje opise. Također, ustanovljeni su kriteriji prepoznatljivosti, tj. fonetski markeri govora. Analizom u Praatu pomoću posebnih skripti izračunate su mjere F0 (x̅, C, S.D., Fb i Alt Fb) relevantne u forenzičnoj fonetici. Pokazalo se da je kod muškaraca značajniji utjecaj dobi na F0 nego kod žena. Prema rezultatima, Fb je vrlo robusna mjera koja se ne mijenja značajno s dobi, no mijenja se s obzirom na govornikov idiom. Ispitanici su uspješnije prepoznali je li govornik s Brača ili iz Splita negoli točno mjesto podrijetla. Pritom su najveći utjecaj na prepoznavanje imali fonetski markeri (dvoglasi, tonska razvedenost i cakavizam) i prosječni osnovni ton glasa jer su značajno bolje prepoznavali govornike s višim vrijednostima F0. Spol, dob i obrazovanje govornika nisu bili značajni prediktori. Značajno su bolji u prepoznavanju bili učenici srednje škole „Bol“, strukovnjaci, učenici viših razreda i procjenitelji čija su oba roditelja s Brača. Rezultati upućuju na to da nisu svi naivni procjenitelji jednako vješti u prepoznavanju te da su uspješniji oni koji imaju više jezičnoga iskustva. Zahvaljujući akademskoj i kulturnoj brizi organski idiom među bračkim govornicima i dalje uživa prestiž. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper was to examine the ability of young naive listeners to distinguish speeches of the island of Brač. Therefore, the first goal was to gather a speech corpus of a greater number of native speakers. The spontaneous spoken utterance of 150 speakers was recorded according to new sociophonetic research and with a high-quality recorder (model PMD 660) and microphone (model AKGC 391). Fifteen speakers from each of the ten selected settlements (Bol, Gornji Humac, Milna, Nerežišća, Postira, Pražnica, Pučišća, Selca, Sumartin, and Supetar) were recorded and divided into groups according to age and gender. Apart from speakers from Brač, two speakers from Split (Čakavian – Štokavian speech) were also included in the recognition, to examine if the listeners distinguish the speech of Split from the speeches of Brač. The listeners (N=81) were native speakers from Brač, who were born and live there as well. They were students from two high schools on the island of Brač that are located in Supetar and Bol. The recognition test had 304 questions in total. Even though the phonetic description of the speeches of Bol, Gornji Humac, Milna, Nerežišća, Postira, Pražnica, Pučišća, Selca, Sumartin, and Supetar wasn't the main goal of this research, it was brought out to more accurately interpret the results of a recognition test. Variations between speeches and between speakers of the same speech are present in vowel and consonant systems. The main goal of the acoustic analysis was to calculate the average measures of fundamental frequency of speakers from Brač that are relevant in forensic phonetics. F0 mean (x̅ F0), median (C F0), average baseline value (Fb), alternative baseline (Alt Fb), and standard deviation (S.D.) of F0 in Hz were calculated. For the calculation, special programs in Praat (Boersma and Weenink, 2015; ver. 6.0.21) were used. Anova was used to test the differences between groups. Overall, these results show that all naive native listeners do not have the same language experience, i.e residents of the periphery, senior high-school students, students from the vocational secondary school and listeners with both parents from Brač were more successful in recognizing the speaker’s origin. In the recognition, young naive listeners relied mostly on the phonetic markers (diphthongs, tonal intonation, Cakavism) and the basic tone of the voice, so they recognized better speeches with prominent phonetic markers and speakers with higher average values of the fundamental frequency. Finally, it can be concluded that high-school students from Brač differentiate between speeches of Brač and that of Split, and for some speakers they can even successfully recognize the exact place of origin. The recognition test confirmed the results of the phonetic analysis, so the settlements in which all the speakers had all the characteristic phonetic features were recognized best. Hopefully, this paper will contribute to acoustic and phonetic research of dialects, as previous studies have not involved a large number of speakers or acoustic analysis. Also, collected spontaneous spoken utterances will be available in the sound base of the Croatian language, which will contribute to the preservation of these speeches and their linguistic diversity. |