Abstract | Pregledom povijesti pedagogije i školstva uočava se kako su organizirana odgojnoobrazovna nastojanja oduvijek željela svoje namjere ostvariti što jasnijim određenjem odgojnog cilja s obzirom na svrhu formiranja poželjne čovjekove osobnosti, odnosno pojedinca te šire zajednice u cjelini. Pritom se nastojalo da odgojni cilj bude konkretniji, bliži i određeniji postavljenim polazištima, znanstveno objašnjen i praktično prihvatljiv stručnoj i široj javnosti. Kako je pojam odgojnog cilja višestruko određen i često prijeporan u međusobnim odnosima unutar znanstvenog korpusa, ali i šire društvene zajednice, tako se proučavanjem i analiziranjem sadržaja uočava nedostatak temeljnih istraživanja koja objedinjuju stalna i trajna gledišta s obzirom na određenje odgojnog cilja, uzimajući u obzir interdisciplinarnost i integrativnost odgojno-obrazovnog procesa, uvažavajući činjenicu da i druge društveno-humanističke znanosti, koje se primarno bave čovjekom, mogu svojim spoznajama i gledištima doprinijeti jasnijem razumijevanju tako složenog fenomena kao što je odgoj. Integrativni pristup slijedi koncepciju pedagogijskog i interdisciplinarnog dijaloga, odnosno otvorenosti prema svim nepedagogijskim pristupima i pravcima omogućujući interakciju među njima. Uloga je pedagogije u tom smislu da određuje odgojni cilj na temelju znanstvenih spoznaja koje proučavaju čovjeka i njegov razvoj. To se odnosi na promišljanje o biti čovjeka pri izgradnji pojmova u pedagogiji, traženju smisla i načina čovjekova opstanka, etičkih vrijednosti iz kojih cilj proizlazi uzimajući u obzir i druga područja čovjekova života i kulture kao relevantna za svako pedagoško djelovanje. S druge strane čovjekov razvoj podrazumijeva da svi kognitivni i afektivni odgojno-obrazovni sadržaji predstavljaju fenomene koji se moraju uzeti u obzir pri definiranju odgojnih ciljeva. Nezaobilazno je i promatranje odgoja kao društvenog fenomena, posebice kao procesa definiranja i razumijevanja međovisnosti pojedinca i njegova odnosa spram društva. Određenjem čovjeka i kao rođenjem neformiranog bića, koji jedino odgojem može postati čovjekom, uviđa se potreba za odgojem jer se time pruža čovjeku prilika oplemenjivanja, formiranja sebe, kulture i vođenja života. Pri tome pojmovi odgoja i odgojnog cilja imaju različite reference. Tako se u analizi sadržaja uočava višestruka određenost i prijepornost pojma cilja odgoja u međusobnim odnosima unutar znanstvenog dijaloga, ali i nositelja društvene i javne vlasti, zatim važnost njegova razumijevanja i definiranja, kao i teorijskog značenja za pedagogijsku znanost, činjenica nedovoljno istraženog integrativnog određenja odgojnog cilja te postojanje proturječnosti u teorijskom pristupu problemu s obzirom na različita istraživačka gledišta, što zajednički predstavlja polazišta ovoga rada. Kako se suvremena pedagogijska znanost, u ekspanziji empirijskih istraživanja i brzih društvenih promjena posljednjih godina sve više usmjerava reformama i inoviranjima školskih sustava (katalozi znanja, Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard, Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum, kurikulumske reforme, mjerenja, skaliranja, rangiranja i sl.), nedovoljno se baveći temeljnim pojmovima pedagogijske teorije i odgojne prakse, u radu se fundamentalnim istraživačkim pristupom i kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja istražuju i integrativno povezuju različiti pristupi određenja odgojnog cilja osobito s gledišta danas aktualne kurikulumske pedagoške perspektive. Vodeći se kurikulumskom teorijom sa znanstveno određenim odgojnim ciljem kao jasnim polazištem, istraživanje objedinjuje spoznaje njegova određenja, kao krajnjeg ishodišta svakog pedagoškog čina. S obzirom na suvremeno razmatranje čovjekova razvoja, istraživanje daje uvid u odgojni cilj kojem teži suvremena pedagogija kao i nove kriterije u razradi odgojnog cilja uz mogućnost njihove implementacije u odgojno-obrazovni proces pristupajući pritom odgojnom cilju iz humanistički usmjerene kurikulumske perspektive. Pritom kurikulumska perspektiva tako predstavlja sustavnu cjelokupnost planiranog procesa odgoja i obrazovanja koje se ostvaruje kurikulumskim sastavnicama (znanstveno zasnovanim ciljem, zadacima, sadržajem, planom i programom, organizacijom i tehnologijom provođenja, evaluacijom) radi ostvarenja jasno određene svrhe odgoja i pedagogije manifestirajući se u sinergijskom jedinstvu svih elemenata odgojnog procesa, kontinuiranoj dijalektičkoj povezanosti kurikulumskih sastavnica koje zajednički teže ostvarenju postavljenog cilja i ostvarivanju idealnog i realnog u odgoju pritom ne sputavajući one koji su u nečemu brži ili sporiji. Baveći se integrativnim određenjem cilja odgoja u radu se objedinjuju i povezuju različita gledišta interdisciplinarno razmatrana iz perspektive kurikuluma kao svojevrsne filozofije određenja, uređenja i provođenja odgojno-obrazovnog procesa. Tako se u radu, u pristupu odgoju i odgojnom cilju, naglašavaju humanistička, slobodna i pedagogijska kurikulumska perspektiva. |
Abstract (english) | In an overview of the history of pedagogy and education, one notices that organized educational attempts always tried to achieve their intents with an educational aim which was as clear as possible regarding the purpose of forming a desirable man i.e. an individual, but also the community as a whole. It was attempted to make the educational aim as concrete, close, and particular to the supposed starting points and intents as possible. If possible, it was to be scientifically explained, but also practically acceptable. The starting point of this paper is the noticed multiple determination and controversial nature of the term educational aim in the relations within the scientific dialogue, but also the carriers of social and public authority, then the relevance of the understanding and definition of the educational aim and its theoretical meaning for the pedagogical science, as well as the fact that the integrative determination of the educational aim is insufficiently researched. We start from the thesis that integration in the postmodern time achieves its full meaning, as well as the development of pedagogy being closely connected to the understanding of other sciences. By studying and analyzing relevant literature, one notices a lack of basic research which would unify the constant and permanent viewpoints of the determination of the educational aim taking into consideration the interdisciplinary nature of the educational process and validating the fact that many social sciences and humanities, which primarily deal with man, can contribute to a clearer understanding of a phenomenon as complex as education with their cognitions and viewpoints. Therefore, the contemporary pedagogical science, within the expansion of empirical research and fast processes of social changes of the last 20 years, focuses more and more on reforms and innovations of the school systems (knowledge catalogues, Croatian National Educational Standard (hr. HNOS), National Framework Curriculum (hrv. NOK), the curriculum reform, numerous measurements, scale usage, ranking etc.) but it does not deal with the fundamental terms of pedagogical theory and educational practice enough. If we do not want to defer the future of individual and social-collective progress to inertia, the education phenomenon needs to be observed as the pedagogical paradigm of priority. It is important to highlight that the educational phenomena are not under the sole jurisdiction of the pedagogical science, which is justified considering the fact that a pedagogical act of such importance as education has needs to be observed from the viewpoint of several scientific determinations within the social macro and micro levels. This is why the cognitions of other sciences need to be validated, because educational action should be a theme for the entire society. While doing so, we need to take into consideration the contemporary time we live in and observe man, education, the educational aim, and the scientific determination affecting it according to the creative level of man’s development. The role of pedagogy is then in the determination of the educational aim based on cognitions relating to man. Herbart also points to the thought about man’s essence when constructing terms in pedagogy. Seeking meaning and ways for a human being to survive touches on the determination of the educational aim and ethical values from which the aim stems, taking into consideration the other areas of a human being’s life and culture as relevant for every pedagogical action. Furthermore, man’s development demands that cognitive and affective educational contents present phenomena which needs to be taken into consideration when defining educational aims. Observation of education as a social phenomenon is also inevitable as well, especially as the process of defining and understanding the inter-dependence of an individual and his or her relationship towards society, which is also an element of the educational aim. The definition of a man as a being which is not formed by birth and which can only become a man by way of education is also a way of providing necessary insight into the abundance of flaws requiring education because it gives man an opportunity to elevating, forming, culturing oneself and living life. That is why the center of this paper is the problem of organizing cognition thinking that parts cannot be known outside of a whole, as well as the whole that cannot be known without knowing its parts. In that sense, the integrative approach follows the concept of a pedagogical and interdisciplinary dialogue i.e. openness towards all non-pedagogical approaches and directions by enabling interaction between them due to a better understanding of man. According to this, the integrative approach represents the demand of pedagogy, but also the possibility of increasing its theoretical and practical potential. Therefore, the integrative nature of determining the educational goal starts from the fact that the educational goal always expresses the essence of some concept of man, understanding the foundation of a human being, the purpose of his existence, the level of his development, social order, social status of a personality where the relationship between an individual and a community represents an important determination of each educational goal, imagined and real possibilities of a man as an individual, the understanding of his developmental possibilities, ethical and value determinations, which are discussed in this paper. This paper uses the fundamental research approach and a qualitative analysis of the contents of literature, the ideas and thoughts of relevant authorities from the area of certain scientific determinations the subject of which is man, to research and, in an integrative way, connect various approaches and determinations of the educational aim, especially from the viewpoint of the curriculum pedagogical perspective current today. The theoretical analysis and elaboration of the educational aim, as well as making it more specific, represent a significant research problem where pedagogy is pointed towards cooperation with other social sciences and humanities given that the problem is multidimensional in nature. Lead by the current curriculum theory with a clear starting point of its action being in the educational aim, the research unifies the cognitions on the structuring of the scientific determination of an educational goal as the final outcome of each pedagogical act. The goal of this paper was to use fundamental research procedures and study and analyze relevant literature in detail, starting from a curriculum viewpoint, in order to bind and unify the determination of the educational aim in an integrative way. This paper points out the differences in the understanding of cognitions tied to the educational aim of traditional theoretical assumptions and new scientific cognitions and answers the old questions on the relation between the individual and social, then the relation between a monistic and pluralistic-focused educational aim, the relation of the educational ideal, educational aim, specific aims and educational tasks in the educational process. It suggests a humanistic vision of the curriculum as an answer to the differences in traditions of comprehension of the teaching process (the European, didactic, one and the Anglo-Saxon, curriculum, one). Considering the examination of the center of man’s development, this research provides insight into the educational aim to which contemporary pedagogy strives with its characteristic cognitions, as well as new criteria in the creation of an educational aim and making it more specific with the possibility of implementing it into the educational process. The educational aim is approached from a humanist-oriented curriculum perspective. By dealing with the integrative determination of the aim of education, this paper unifies and connects various viewpoints which were observed in an interdisciplinary fashion from the perspective of a curriculum as a sort of philosophy of determining, editing, and conducting the educational process. This sort of study of the educational aim opens new perspectives to a further elaboration of all dialectic links which make up the educational process, which is especially explained by the curriculum approach, as well as the possibility of bridging the gap between ideality and reality in the pedagogical theory and practice. This paper provides new cognitions on the determined nature of the educational aim as the starting point of new suppositions and theoretical research of basic educational questions. It contributes to the clarity of understanding the cognitions of individual scientific determinations while interpreting the educational aim in an integrative way, as well as to the scientific synthesis of the interdisciplinary clarity of determining the educational aim. The theoretical approach of the paper and new cognitions related to the educational aim contributes to the spreading of clear pedagogical authority in the wider area of educational action. |