Abstract | Uz gotovo svaku industrijsku granu veže se i problem zbrinjavanja otpadnih voda. Tekstilna industrija spada u najveće konzumere vode kao i proizvođače otpadnih voda. Osim što time nameće veliko opterećenje na već male zalihe pitke i čiste vode, predstavlja i veliki ekološki problem. Korištena bojila te mnoge druge kemikalije prijeko potrebne za tekstilni proces obrade tkanine izazov su za pronalazak efikasne metode pročišćavanja otpadnih voda. Veliki potencijal uočen je kod ultrafiltracije (UF) kao membranske tehnologije obrade voda. Stoga, svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ispitati učinkovitost ultrafiltracije u pročišćavanju tekstilne otpadne vode (TOV) pomoću 6 različitih UF membrana (GH, GK, PT, PU, PW i MW) različitih MWCO vrijednosti (2 – 50 kDa) prilikom čega se gledala kvaliteta permeata kroz bitne fizikalno-kemijske parametre te se posebno obratila pozornost na smanjenje obojenja i intenziteta obojenja TOV-a. Također, ispitao se utjecaj promjene procesnih uvjeta na učinkovitost membrana kroz promjenu tlaka kod GH i GK membrana kao i utjecaj blokiranja membrana na izvedbu istih. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su prije svega znatan utjecaj MWCO vrijednosti membrana na kvalitetu dobivenog permeata. Naime, membrane nižih MWCO vrijednosti (GH i GK) postigle su zavidne rezultate na području svih ispitivanih fizikalno-kemijskih, organskih i anorganskih parametara. Povišenjem MWCO vrijednosti ispitivanih membrana uočeno je slabije smanjenje istih. Uzimajući u obzir izvedbu svih ispitivanih membrana postignuti su sljedeći faktori zadržavanja (R) vrijednosti: kemijska potrošnja kisika 56,55 – 79,78 %, biološka potrošnja kisika unutar 5 dana 26,13 – 83,79 %, koncentracija otopljenog organskog ugljika 59,67 – 82,37 %, ukupan dušik 55,27 – 81,00 %, mutnoća > 99,3 %, provodnost 11,05 – 79,18 %. Postotak smanjenja obojenja iznosio je od 55,58 % do 97,30 %, a intenziteta obojenja od 56,35 % do 97,94 %. Promjenom radnog tlaka GH i GK membrane nisu uočene značajnije promjene u efikasnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Almost all industries are associated with the problem of wastewater disposal. The textile industry is one of the largest consumers of water as well as producers of wastewater. In addition to imposing a heavy burden on already small supplies of drinking and clean water, it is also a major environmental problem. Used dyes and many other chemicals essential for the textile process of fabric processing are a challenge to find an effective method of wastewater treatment. Great potential was observed in ultrafiltration (UF) as a membrane water treatment technology.Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the efficiency of ultrafiltration in textile wastewater treatment (TOV) using 6 different UF membranes (GH, GK, PT, PU, PW and MW) with different MWCO values (2 – 50 kDa) during which the effluent quality was observed through important physicochemical parameters. Special attention was also paid to the reduction of color and color intensity of TOV. Also, the influence of the change of process conditions on the efficiency of membranes was investigated through the change of pressure in GH and GK membranes as well as the influence of blocking membranes on their performance. The obtained results showed, a significant influence of the MWCO value of the membranes on the quality of the obtained effluent. Namely, membranes of lower MWCO values (GH and GK) achieved enviable results in the area of all examined physicochemical, organic and inorganic parameters.With increasing MWCO values of the tested membranes, weaker removal was observed. Taking into account the performance of all tested membranes, the following R values were achieved: chemical oxygen demand 56,55 – 79,78 %, biochemical oxygen demand 26,13 – 83,79 %, total organic carbon 59,67 – 82,37 %, total nitrogen 55,27 - 81,00 %, turbidity > 99,3 %, conductivity 11,05 – 79,18 %. The percentage of color reduction ranged from 55,58 % to 97,30 % and the color intensity from 56,35 % to 97,94 %. No significant changes in efficiency were observed with the change in the working pressure of the GH and GK membranes. |