Title Utjecaj vrste i veličine mikroplastike na adsorpciju farmaceutika
Title (english) Influence of type and size of microplastics on adsorption of pharmaceutics
Author Laura Keran
Mentor Ana Lončarić Božić (mentor)
Committee member Ana Lončarić Božić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Vrsalović Presečki (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Kovačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering
Abstract Plastika ima vrlo značajnu ulogu u svakodnevnom životu ljudi. Zbog dobrih svojstava, kao što su niska cijena i velika iskoristivost, ista postaje ključan materijal današnjice pa se tako koristi za izradu ambalaže, medicinskog pribora, dijelova vozila, itd. Međutim, loše upravljanje plastičnim otpadom dovodi do nastanka mikroplastike (MP) koja postaje jedna od glavnih onečišćujućih tvari u vodenim ekosustavima. Također, problem u vodenim ekosustavima predstavljaju i farmaceutici, predstavnici
... More skupine „novih onečišćivala“. Zbog sve veće potrebe za korištenjem, isti dospijevaju u okoliš na razne načine. Jedan od najčešće detektiranih farmaceutika u okolišu je diklofenak (DCF). Farmaceutici se mogu adsorbirati na površinu mikroplastike i tako ući u hranidbeni lanac te uzrokovati još veće probleme za okoliš i zdravlje ljudi. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj vrste i veličine čestica mikroplastike na adsorpciju farmaceutika. Plastika je prethodno izložena kombiniranom starenju pod utjecajem topline i UV zračenja tijekom 14, 28 i 42 dana. Primjenom metode odzivnih površina ispitan je utjecaj različitih procesnih parametara te stupnja starosti mikroplastike na odziv procesa adsorpcije. Pri uvjetima pri kojima je postignut maksimalni stupanj adsorpcije, ispitana je kinetika procesa, a termodinamički aspekt obuhvaćen je određivanjem adsorpcijskih izotermi. Nadalje, predložen je i mehanizam adsorpcije s obzirom na prethodno provedenu karakterizaciju uzoraka površine mikroplastike. Na kraju je provedeno i ispitivanje toksičnosti uzoraka kako bi se utvrdila štetnost sustava mikroplastike u interakciji s farmaceutikom. Ovim radom utvrđeno je da su degradaciji skloniji materijali koji su duže izlagani starenju, a rezultat je najveći udio čestica najmanjih dimenzija u odnosu na uzorke koji su kraće izlagani starenju. Također, ustanovljeno je da je maksimalni odziv ostvaren primjenom materijala koji je najduže izložen starenju. Termodinamički parametri upućuju na to da da je adsorpcijski proces u oba slučaja (boce i folije) spontan te da se radi o fizisorpciji. Testom toksičnosti utvrđeno je da je sustav MP + DCF toksičniji od samog DCF-a te da uzorak boce u većoj mjeri inhibira rast mikroalgi od uzorka folije. Less
Abstract (english) Plastic has a very important function in people's daily lives. Due to its good properties, such as low cost and high usability, it is becoming a key material today and is used to make packaging, medical supplies, vehicle parts, etc. However, poor plastic waste management leads to the formation of microplastics which become one of the main pollutants in aquatic ecosystems. Also, the problem in aquatic ecosystems is posed by pharmaceuticals, representatives of the group of "new pollutants".
... More Due to the growing need for use, they reach in the environment in various ways. One of the most commonly detected pharmaceuticals in the environment is diclofenac (DCF). Pharmaceuticals can adsorb to the surface of microplastics and thus enter the food chain and cause even greater problems for the environment and human health. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of microplastic particle type and size on pharmaceutical adsorption. The plastic was previously exposed to combined aging under the influence of heat and UV radiation for 14, 28 and 42 days. Using the method of response surfaces, it was examined the influence of different process parameters and the degree of age of microplastics on the response of the adsorption process. Under conditions under which is reached the maximum degree of adsorption, it were examined the kinetics of the process and the thermodynamic aspect was included in the determination of adsorption isotherms. Furthermore, it has been proposed an adsorption mechanism with respect to the previously performed characterization of microplastic surface samples. Finally, it was performed the toxicity testing of the samples to determine the harmfulness of system with microplastic and pharmaceuticals on living beings. It was found that materials that are longest exposed to aging degrade more easily, and the result is the largest amount of particles of the smallest dimensions compared to samples that are less exposed to aging. It was also found that the maximum response was achieved by applying the material that was longest exposed to aging. Thermodynamic parameters indicate that the adsorption process in both cases (bottles and foils) is spontaneous and that it is physisorption. The toxicity test determined that the MP + DCF system is more toxic than DCF itself and that the bottle sample inhibits the growth of microalgae to a greater extent than the foil sample. Less
„nova onečišćivala“
adsorpcijske izoterme
Keywords (english)
„new pollutants“
adsorption isotherms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:760127
Project Number: IP-2020-02-6033 Title: Mikroplastika u vodi; sudbina, ponašanje i uklanjanje Title: Microplastics in water; fate and behavior and removal Acronym: ReMiCRO Leader: Ana Lončarić Božić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: Materials Science and Engineering - Graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2023-04-20 12:47:20