Abstract | Mikroplastika je zbog svoje male veličine ozbiljna opasnost za okoliš i sav živi svijet u njemu. Jedan od izvora mikroplastike je pranje sintetskog tekstila prilikom čega se otpuštaju brojna mikrovlakna koja završavaju u otpadnim vodama. Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati učinkovitost ultrafiltracijskih (UF) membrana pri uklanjanju mikrovlakana iz kućanske otpadne vode. Ispitivanje učinkovitosti provedeno je s komercijalnim GH, PU i MW membranama, a ispitivane membrane razlikovale su se prema različitim graničnim molekulskim masama (engl. Molecular weight cut-off, MWCO). Kućanska otpadna voda dobivena je pranjem poliesterskih majica u perilici rublja u prvom slučaju bez deterdženta, dok je u drugom slučaju pranje provedeno s dodatkom deterdženta. Fizikalno – kemijski parametri koji su praćeni prilikom obrade bili su električna provodnost, mutnoća, ukupni ugljik, ukupni organski ugljik, anorganski ugljik, pH vrijednost, suspendirane tvari i obojenje pri 436 nm, 525 nm i 620 nm. Praćen je i protok permeata tijekom obrade otpadne vode. Sve ispitivane membrane smanjile su koncentraciju suspendiranih tvari za 100,0 % te je time utvrđeno da su UF membrane učinkovite pri uklanjanju mikrovlakana iz kućanske otpadne vode. Također, sve UF membrane smanjile su vrijednost mutnoće i obojenja pri valnim duljinama od 436 nm,
525 nm, 620 nm i ukupno za više od 90,0 %. Tijekom obrade došlo je i do smanjenja ostalih praćenih parametara (električne provodnosti, ukupnog ugljika, ukupnog organskog ugljika i anorganskog ugljika). |
Abstract (english) | Due to their small size, microplastics are a serious danger to the environment and all living things in it. One of the sources of microplastics is the washing of synthetic textiles, during which numerous microfibers are released, which end up in wastewater. The main aim of this paper was to examine the efficiency of ultrafiltration (UF) membranes in removing microfibers from domestic wastewater. Efficiency testing was performed with commercial GH, PU, and MW membranes, and the tested membranes differed according to different molecular weight cut-off (MWCO). Domestic wastewater was obtained by washing polyester T-shirts in the washing machine in the first case without detergent, while in the second case the washing was carried out with the addition of detergent. Physico - chemical parameters monitored during processing were electrical conductivity, turbidity, total carbon, total organic carbon, inorganic carbon, pH value, suspended solids, and color at 436 nm, 525 nm, and 620 nm. The flow of permeate during wastewater treatment was also monitored. All tested membranes reduced the concentration of suspended solids by 100,0 % and thus it was found that UF membranes are effective in removing microfibers from domestic wastewater. Also, all UF membranes reduced the value of turbidity and color at wavelengths of 436 nm, 525 nm, 620 nm, and in total by more than 90,0 %. During the processing, there was a decrease in other monitored parameters (electrical conductivity, total carbon, total organic carbon, and inorganic carbon). |