Abstract | Korozijski rizik u ostarjelim vodovodima procjenjuje se kako bi se identificirali mehanizmi, procjenila vjerojatnost, posljedice i ukupni rizik oštećenja sustava. Vodovodni su sustavi ključni u osiguravanju osnovnih ljudskih potreba, te stabilnog i sigurnog pristupa pitkoj vodi. Međutim ostarjela vodovodna infrastruktura susreće se sa mnogim problemima, od kojih je glavni i najveći problem korozija. Postoje mnogi oblici korozije vodovodnih cijevi, svaki sa određenim karakteristikama koji se mogu naći na unutarnjoj ili vanjskoj strani cijevi. Ostarjeli vodovodni sustavi često su konstruirani od materijala i prema standardima koji većinom nisu usklađeni s današnjim zahtjevima i uvjetima okoline što dovodi do veće osjetljivosti na koroziju. Oštećujući vodovodnu infrastrukturu korozija uzrokuje mnoge kvarove ali i zdrastvene probleme kod ljudi. Otpadni metali iz ostarjelih cijevi često uzrokuju umor, glavobolje, mučnine te smanjene kognitivne sposobnosti. Zbog sporije obnove vodovodne infrastrukture Amerika se susreće sa problemom olova u vodi, što ponajviše utječe na zdravlje djece. Stare materijale kao što su lijevano željezo, pocinčani čelik i polibutilen zamijenili su moderniji i otporniji materijali poput bakra, PEX-a i PVC-a. Koristeći se različitim metodama zaštite cijevi od korozije povećava se otpornost na koroziju, a time i životni vijek vodovodnih sustava. Najprimjenjivanije metode zaštite su zaštitni premazi i katodna zaštita, iako ni jedna od metoda ne garantira stopostotnu zaštitu. Zamjena ostarjele vodovodne infrastrukture izvodi se najčešće metodom otvorenog rova, no razvojem novih tehnika omogućena je i zamjena tehnolgijom bez iskopa. Zahvaljujući novim metodama rješenja problema korozije u ostarjelim vodovodnim sustavima sve se više pažnje predaje što manjem oštećenju okoliša i životnog okruženja ljudi. |
Abstract (english) | Corrosion risk in aged water mains is assessed to identify mechanisms, assess probability, consequences and overall risk of system damage. Water systems are crucial in ensuring basic human needs and stable and safe access to drinking water. However, the aging water infrastructure faces many problems, the main and biggest of which is corrosion. There are many forms of water pipe corrosion, each with specific characteristics that can be found on the inside or outside of the pipe. Old plumbing systems are often constructed from materials and according to standards that are mostly not aligned with today's requirements and environmental conditions, which leads to greater susceptibility to corrosion. By damaging the water supply infrastructure, corrosion causes many malfunctions as well as health problems for people. Waste metals from aged pipes often cause fatigue, headaches, nausea and reduced cognitive abilities. Due to the slower restoration of the water infrastructure, Americal faces the problem of lead in water, which affects children's health the most. Old materials such as cast iron, galvanized steel and polybutylene have been replaced by more modern and resistant materials such as copper, PEX and PVC. By using different methods of protecting pipes from corrosion, resistance to corrosion increases, and increases the life span of plumbing systems. The most applicable protection methods are protective coatings and cathodic protection, although none of the methods guarantee 100% protection. The replacement of aging water infrastructure is most often carried out using the open trench method, but with the development of new techniques, it is also possible to replace it with technology without excavation. Thanks to new methods of solving the problem of corrosion in aging water systems, more and more attention is being paid to the least possible damage to the environment and people's living environment. |