Title (croatian) | Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima projekta DAMAT |
Author | Erna Begović Kovač MBZ: 320933 |
Author's institution | University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (Department of Mathematics) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics Numerical Mathematics |
Description (croatian) | Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima za HRZZ projekt Dekompozicije i aproksimacije matrica i tenozra (DAMAT) UIP-2019-04-5200. |
Keywords (croatian) |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Data management plan |
Document version | 1 |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:149:487727 |
Created | 2023 |
Project | Number: UIP-2019-04-5200 Title: Dekompozicije i aproksimacije matrica i tenzora Title: Decompositions and Approximations of Matrices and Tensors Acronym: DAMAT Leader: Erna Begović Kovač Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: UIP |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | |
Created on | 2024-01-10 12:08:03 |