Title Fluorescentni molekularni senzori temeljeni na peptidu WHW, triarilboranima i kaliksarenima
Title (english) Fluorescent molecular sensors based on WHW peptide, triarylboranes and calixarenes
Author Ivona Krošl Knežević
Mentor Ivo Piantanida (mentor)
Mentor Tatjana Gazivoda Kraljević (mentor)
Committee member Silvana Raić-Malić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Škorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Basarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-05-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 577 - Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics 54 - Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy
Abstract Mnoge male organske molekule su nekovalentni fluorescentni senzori za prepoznavanje DNA, RNA ili proteina te su od izuzetnog značaja za biomedicinsku dijagnostiku i istraživanja molekularne biologije. U ovom radu istraživane su interakcije tri različite grupe nekovalentnih fluorescentnih obilježivača pomoću spektroskopije UV/Vis, fluorescencije i cirkularnog dikroizma te temperaturne denaturacije s DNA, RNA i BSA. Prva grupa su analozi peptida triptofan-histidin-triptofan (WHW), karakterizirani
... More zamjenom histidina s triazolilalaninom, te je kod dva nova analoga jedan triptofan zamijenjen pirenima. Ti analozi zadržali su visok afinitet peptida WHW prema Cu2+ kationu, ali i značajno viši afinitet prema DNA i RNA te BSA. Pirenski analozi pod UV svjetlom cijepaju DNA, zbog nastanka singletnog kisika. Ispitana je citotoksičnost sintetiziranih spojeva u suradnji s dr. Majhen s Instituta Ruđer Bošković. Analozi peptida WHW pokazali su slabu toksičnost in vitro na stanice zloćudnih tumora i normalne fibroblaste čovjeka, no bitno pojačanu pod UV svjetlom za pirenske analoge.
Druga grupa nekovalentnih fluorescentnih obilježivača se bazira na bis-triarilboranima, za koje je pokazano da s visokom osjetljivošću u 10 nM koncentracijama mogu detektirati i razlikovati DNA, RNA i BSA, simultano pomoću fluorescencije i površinski pojačane Ramanove spektroskopije (engl. surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, SERS). Ispitani tetrakationski bis-triarilborani s dugom bis(feniletinil)arilnom poveznicom pokazali su snažnu stabilizaciju ds-DNA i ds-RNA u eksperimentu temperaturne denaturacije, a kratki antracenski analog slabiju stabilizaciju, što je pokazalo važnost duljine i fleksibilnosti aromatske poveznice. Rezultati istraživanja dobivena uz pomoć cirkularnog dikroizma (CD) pokazala su da spoj čija je arilna poveznica 9,10-antracen uzrokuje odmotavanje uzvojite strukture polinukleotida pri vezanju i vrlo uniformiranu orijentaciju u odnosu na helikalnu os polinukleotida. Za treću grupu polikationskih kaliksarena i neutralnih analoga, dokazano je da pokazuju fluorescenciju u vodenom mediju, do sada nepoznato svojstvo kaliksarena. Dodatno, dokazano je da svi spojevi vežu mononukleotide (NMP) visokim afinitetom, stvarajući kompleks u obliku 'pincete'. Dobiveni odgovor je selektivan prema pirimidinskim bazama (uracil-monofosfatu i citozin-monofosfatu). S DNA i RNA u interakciju stupaju samo kationski analozi, ukazujući na značaj elektrostatskih interakcija s polianionskom okosnicom DNA/RNA. Eksperiment istiskivanja DAPI-ja iz DNA utora provedeno uz pomoć cirkularnog dikroizma (CD) pokazalo je također bolje istiskivanje uz pomoć kationskih kaliksarena. Dodatni eksperimenti cirkularnog dikroizma pokazali su kako umetanje kaliksarena ne utječe bitno na samu dvostruku uzvojnicu. Less
Abstract (english) Many small organic molecules, non-covalent fluorescent sensors for the recognition of DNA, RNA or proteins, are of great importance for biomedical diagnostics and molecular biology research. In this work, we have investigated the interactions of three different groups of non-covalent fluorescent markers using UV/Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence and circular dichroism as well as temperature denaturation with DNA, RNA and BSA. The first group are analogues of the tryptophan-histidine-tryptophan
... More (WHW) peptide, characterized by the replacement of histidine with triazolyl-alanine, and in the two new analogs one tryptophan is replaced by pyrenes. These analogues retained a high affinity of WHW peptide towards the Cu2+ cation, but also a significantly higher affinity towards DNA, RNA and BSA. Pyrene analogues cleave DNA under UV light, due to the formation of singlet oxygen. The cytotoxicity of the synthesized compounds was tested in collaboration with Dr. Majhen from the Ruđer Bošković Institute. It was found that WHW peptide analogues showed weak toxicity in vitro on malignant tumor cells and normal human fibroblasts, which was significantly increased for pyrene analogs under UV light. The second group of non-covalent fluorescent labels is based on bis-triarylboranes, which have been shown to detect and differentiate DNA, RNA, and BSA at high sensitivity in 10 nM concentrations simultaneously using fluorescence and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Investigated tetracationic bis-triarylboranes with a long bis(phenylethynyl)aryl linker exhibited strong stabilization of ds-DNA and ds-RNA in the temperature denaturation experiment, while the short anthracene analog showed weaker stabilization, highlighting the importance of the length and flexibility of the aromatic linker. Circular dichroism (CD) results showed that the compound with a 9,10-anthracene aryl linker caused unwinding of the helical structure of polynucleotides upon binding and very uniform orientation relative to the helical axis of the polynucleotide. For the third group of polycationic calixarenes and neutral analogs, it was demonstrated that they exhibit fluorescence in an aqueous medium, an unknown property of calixarenes until now. Additionally, it was shown that all compounds bind mononucleotides (NMP) with high affinity, forming a 'tweezer-like' complex. The obtained response is selective towards pyrimidine bases (uracil monophosphate and cytosine monophosphate). Only cationic analogs interact with DNA and RNA, indicating the significance of electrostatic interactions with the polyanionic backbone of DNA/RNA. The displacement experiment of DAPI from DNA grooves conducted using circular dichroism (CD) also showed better displacement with cationic calixarenes. Additional circular dichroism experiments showed that the insertion of calixarenes does not significantly affect the double helix structure. Less
CD spektroskopija
fluorescentni senzori
peptid WHW
Keywords (english)
CD spectroscopy
fluorescent sensors
peptide WHW
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:429777
Promotion 2024
Project Number: IP-2018-01-5475 Title: Višekromoforne probe za prepoznavanje pojedinih struktura DNA, RNA i proteina Acronym: BioMultiChromoProbes Leader: Ivo Piantanida Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Funding stream: Research Projects
Study programme Title: Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry - Doctoral course Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području prirodnih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području prirodnih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent XXII, 116, XLIX str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-05-28 12:22:16