Abstract | Primjena brojnih vrsta ksenobiotika je neupitno doprinijela razvoju i poboljšanju kvalitete ljudskog života, ali njihov negativan utjecaj na cjelokupni ekosustav postaje sve vidljiviji. Većina ksenobiotika nakon primjene završava u otpadnim i površinskim vodama te tlu. Obzirom da ksenobiotici poput pesticida i farmaceutika već u vrlo malim dozama izazivaju određene farmakološke i fiziološke promjene, bitno je pratiti i procijeniti njihovu ekotoksičnost. Glavni cilj ovog rada je određivanje ekotoksičnosti izabaranih ksenobitika iz skupine pesticida (acetamiprid, klotianidin, tiakloprid) i antiparazitika (albendazol, febantel, mebendazol) pri pH-vrijednostima 4, 7 i 10, zatim njihovih binarnih i ternarnih smjesa te smjese svih šest izabranih ksenobiotika. Za određivanje su korišteni brzi testovi ekotoksičnosti bakterijom Vibrio fischeri na temelju standardne metode ISO 11348-3:2010 kojima je mjeren intenzitet bioluminiscencije ovih testnih organizama. Čista aktivna tvar acetamiprida je u kiselom području najviše ekotoksična te se povećanjem pH-vrijednosti ekotoksičnost smanjuje. Klotianidin je pokazao minimalnu ekotoksičnost u kiselom području, dok ostale čiste aktivne tvari nisu bile ekotoksične za Vibrio fischeri. Smjesa svih izabranih ksenobiotika je ekotoksična, najviše u lužnatom, zatim kiselom i, naposljetku, neutralnom mediju. Prisutan je sinergizam među komponentama. Najštetnija binarna smjesa je smjesa albendazola i mebendazola gdje je zamijećen sinergistički efekt kao i u ternarnim smjesama anthelmintika dok je u ternarnim smjesama neonikotinoida više izražen antagonizam. Najviše ekotoksična ternarna smjesa je smjesa albendazola, mebendazola i tiakloprida, što ne iznenađuje uzevši u obzir da je najekotoksičnija binarna smjesa albendazola i mebendazola. Iako su u okolišu najčešće prisutne smjese tvari, a manje čiste komponente, procjena rizika uglavnom je usmjerena na analizu učinka čistih tvari. Problem sa smjesama tvari je mogućnost pojave sinergizma odnosno povećanje ekotoksičnosti u odnosu na zasebne komponente zbog čega je od iznimne važnosti odrediti utječu li štetno i staviti naglasak na monitoring. |
Abstract (english) | The use of numerous types of xenobiotics has undoubtedly contributed to the development and improvement of the quality of human life, but their negative impact on the entire ecosystem is becoming increasingly visible. After application, most xenobiotics end up in waste water, surface water and soil. Given that xenobiotics such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals cause certain pharmacological and physiological changes even in very small doses, it is important to monitor and assess their ecotoxicity. The main goal of this work is to determine the ecotoxicity of selected xenobiotics from the group of pesticides (acetamiprid, clothianidin, thiacloprid) and antiparasitics (albendazole, febantel, mebendazole) at pH-values 4, 7 and 10, then their binary and ternary mixtures and mixtures of all six selected xenobiotics. Rapid ecotoxicity tests with the bacterium Vibrio fischeri based on the standard method ISO 11348-3:2010 were used to determine the bioluminescence intensity of these test organisms. The pure active substance acetamiprid is the most ecotoxic in the acidic range, then in the neutral and, finally, in the alkaline range. Clothianidin showed minimal ecotoxicity in the acidic area, while other pure active substances were not toxic to Vibrio fischeri. The mixture of all selected xenobiotics is ecotoxic, mostly in alkaline, then acidic and, finally, neutral. There is a synergism between the components. The most harmful binary mixture is a mixture of albendazole and mebendazole, where a synergistic effect was observed, as in ternary mixtures of anthelmintics, while antagonism is more pronounced in ternary mixtures of neonicotinoids. The most ecotoxic ternary mixture is a mixture of albendazole, mebendazole and thiacloprid, which is not surprising considering that the most ecotoxic is a binary mixture of albendazole and mebendazole. Although mixtures of substances and less pure components are present in the environment, risk assessment is mainly focused on the analysis of the effect of pure substances. The problem with mixtures is the possibility of synergism, that is, an increase in ecotoxicity compared to the individual components, which is why it is extremely important to determine whether they have a harmful effect and to emphasize monitoring. |