Title Oksidacija polifenolnih spojeva u cijevnom reaktoru
Title (english) Oxidation of polyphenols in plug flow reactor
Author Ivona Filipović
Mentor Vanja Kosar (mentor)
Committee member Vanja Kosar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Karolina Maduna (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoj Vrsaljko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering Reaction Engineering
Abstract Povećanjem broja stanovništva, urbanizacijom i industrijalizacijom istovremeno raste potreba za pitkom vodom, ali i intenzitet njihova onečišćenja. Najvećim problemom smatraju se otpadne vode industrije koje predstavljaju iznimno opterećenje za prijemnike zbog visokog sadržaja tvari organskog i anorganskog podrijetla. Sve veći porast industrije obrade maslina i proizvodnje maslinovog ulja rezultirao je povećanim sadržajem otpadnih voda generiranih iz ove industrije (eng. Oil Mill Wastewater, OMW). Takve otpadne vode sadrže iznimno visoke koncentracije fenola i polifenola, poput tirozola, koji predstavljaju posebnu opasnost za okoliš jer prilikom razgradnje troše kisik iz vode narušavajući prirodnu ravnotežu ekosustava. Iz tih su razloga u zadnjih nekoliko godina istraživanja usmjerena na pronalazak ekonomičnog i djelotvornog procesa obrade ovakvih voda. S ekološkog stajališta, katalitička oksidacija vodikovim peroksidom (eng. Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation, CWPO), pokazala se primjenjivom metodom obrade. U ovom procesu hidroksilni radikali nastali raspadom vodikovog peroksida oksidiraju organske molekule s kojima su ove otpadne vode bogate. Suvišak vodikovog peroksida ne predstavlja problem jer se on spontano raspada na vodu i kisik te ne šteti okolišu. Dodatkom katalizatora reakciju je moguće ubrzati i ekonomski učiniti prihvatljivijom jer se njegovim dodatkom pročišćavanje otpadne vode učinkovito provodi pri atmosferskom tlaku i temperaturama nižim od 353 K. U ovom radu primijenjena je CWPO metoda obrade na modelnoj otpadnoj vodi (vodena otopina tirozola) pri blagim reakcijskim uvjetima u kotlastom i cijevnom reaktoru. U reakciji je korišten Cu/13X-K1273 katalizator koji je pokazao dobre katalitičke značajke u CWPO procesu poput aktivnosti te termičke i kemijske stabilnosti. Poseban interes u ovom radu bio je usmjeren prema istraživanju mogućnosti provedbe CWPO procesa u kontinuiranim reakcijskim sustavima kao što je cijevni reaktor sa nasipnim slojem katalizatora. Kinetička analiza provedena je primjenom integralne metode procjene parametara uz pretpostavku da se kinetika raspada tirozola može opisati ili reakcijom prvog reda s obzirom na tirozol ili reakcijom drugog reda uzimajući u obzir i drugi reaktant vodikov peroksid.
Abstract (english) Rapid population growth, urbanization and industrialization simultaneously increased the need for drinking water, as well as the intensity of their pollution. The biggest problem is considered to be the wastewater from industries that pose an extra burden on recipients of such water due to the high content of organic and inorganic substances. The ever-increasing industrial production of olives and olive oil production has resulted in increased wastewater content generated from this industry (eng. Oil Mill Wastewater, OMW). Such wastewater contains extremely high concentrations of phenols and polyphenols, such as tyrosol, which pose a particular environmental hazard because of the decomposition of oxygen consuming water, disturbing the natural equilibrium ecosystem. For these reasons, over the last few years, research in the field is focused on finding an economical and efficient process for processing such wastes. From an ecological point of view, the catalytic oxidation of hydrogen peroxide (eng. Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation, CWPO) was demonstrated as alternative method to classic wastewater treatment. In this process, the hydroxyl radicals formed by the degradation of hydrogen peroxide oxidize the organic molecules with which are these waters rich in content. The excess of hydrogen peroxide is not a problem because it spontaneously decomposes on water and oxygen and does not harm the environment. By adding the catalyst, the reaction can be accelerated and made economically more acceptable because the process can then effectively be carried out at atmospheric pressure and temperatures below 353 K. In this work CWPO method is used on a model pollutant (aqueous solution of tyrosol), in batch and plug flow reactor. The catalyst that was used, Cu/13X-K1273, showed good catalytic properties in the process such as activity and thermal and chemical stability. The particular interest of this paper is to investigate the possibilities of implementing the CWPO process in continuous reaction systems such as a plug flow reactor with a catalyst support layer. Kinetic analysis was performed using an integral parameter estimation method assuming that tyrosol breakdown kinetics can be described by either the first order of tyrosol or second order reaction taking into account another reactant hydrogen peroxide.
katalitička oksidacija
vodikov peroksid
kotlasti reaktor
cijevni reaktor
kinetička analiza
Keywords (english)
catalytic oxidation
hydrogen peroxide
batch reactor
plug flow reactor
kinetic analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:693765
Study programme Title: Chemical Engineering - Graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-04-29 10:29:58