Title Optimiranje polimernih mikroreaktora izrađenih aditivnom proizvodnjom
Title (english) Optimization of polymeric microreactors produced by additive manufacturing
Author Tin Rahelić
Mentor Domagoj Vrsaljko (mentor)
Committee member Domagoj Vrsaljko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Dejanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinka Buhin Šturlić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering Reaction Engineering
Abstract Cilj ovoga rada je bio ispitati mogućnosti aditivnih tehnologija, taložnog očvršćivanja i stereolitografije u svrhu izrade funkcionalnih mikroreaktora. Drugi glavni cilj je bio osmisliti način spajanja mikroreaktora s teflonskim cijevima malog promjera kako bi se u mikroreaktor mogli dovoditi reaktanti i odvoditi produkti. Osnovni zahtjevi koje spoj mora ispuniti su da je nepropustan, pouzdan, lako rastavljiv i sastavljiv te kemijski inertan. Kako bi se istražio utjecaj dimenzija mikrokanala na kinetiku kemijske reakcije, ali i demonstrirala funkcionalnost cijelog sustava, u mikroreaktoru je provedena sinteza biodizela. Za određivanje konverzije pri različitim vremenima zadržavanja razvijena je metoda za kvantitativnu analizu biodizela FTIR-om. Za izradu mikroreaktora taložnim očvršćivanjem mogu se koristiti komercijalno dostupni transparentni filamenti od različitih polimera. Kemijska kompatibilnost filamenta u kontaktu s reaktantima i produktima sinteze važno je svojstvo koje treba ispitati prije korištenja materijala. Kao najpogodniji materijal odabran je filament na bazi polipropilena te su od njega izrađeni mikroreaktori za sintezu biodizela. Izrađeni su mikroreaktori s kvadratnim poprečnim presjekom mikrokanala različitih veličina te su svi imali manje volumene od onoga predviđenog računalnim modelom. Stereolitografija je pokazala veću rezoluciju te je moguće izraditi puno sitnije detalje u odnosu na postupak taložnim očvršćivanjem. Glavno ograničenje stereolitografije za izradu mikroreaktora je nemogućnost istjerivanja zaostale neočvrsnute smole iz mikrokanala. Zbog toga je ovom metodom uspješno izrađen mikroreaktor s kanalima poprečnog presjeka od 900 μm x 900 μm te duljine od samo 3,5 cm. Postupkom taložnog očvršćivanja uspješno su izrađeni mikroreaktori sa zatvorenim kanalima dimenzija zadanih modelom 400 μm x 400 μm. Dimenzija poprečnog presjeka mikrokanala utječe na konverziju biodizela kod vremena zadržavanja od τ = 0,5 min te je vidljiv jasan trend; smanjenjem dimenzija mikrokanala raste konverzija, ali pri većim vremenima zadržavanja taj trend se gubi i kod vremena zadržavanja od τ = 4 min, neovisno o dimenzijama mikrokanala i o poprečnom presijeku, postiže se slična konverzija.
Abstract (english) The aim of this study was to examine the possibilities of additive technologies, fused filament fabrication and stereolithography for the purpose of manufacturing functional microreactors. Another main objective was to design a way of connecting microreactors with small diameter teflon tubes to allow input of reactants and output of products from microreactor. The basic requirements that the connection must meet are that it does not leak, it is reliable, easy to disassemble and assemble, and chemically inert. In order to investigate the influence of the microchannel dimension on the chemical reaction kinetics but also to demonstrate the functionality of the whole system, a biofuel synthesis was performed in the microreactor. For the determination of conversion at different retention times, a method for quantitative biofuel analysis by FTIR was developed. Commercially available transparent filaments of a variety of polymers can be used for producing microreactors by fused filament fabrication. Chemical compatibility of filaments in contact with reactants and reaction products is an important property to be investigated before using the material. Polypropylene based filaments were selected as the most suitable material and microreactors for the synthesis of biodiesel were made from it. Microreactors with quadratic cross-section of microchannels of different sizes were made and decrease of microchannel volumes were observed from predicted computer model. Stereolithography has shown greater resolution and it is possible to make much smaller details in relation to the fused filament fabrication. The main limitation of stereolithography for microreactor production is the inability to drain residual uncured resin from the microchannel. This method has successfully created a microreactor with 900 μm x 900 μm cross-sections and a length of only 3.5 cm. The microreactors with closed channel dimensions of 400 μm x 400 μm were successfully created by fused filament fabrication. The cross-sectional dimension of the microchannel affects the conversion of biodiesel at the retention time of τ = 0.5 min and a clear trend is visible; by decreasing the size of the microchannel, the conversion is increased, but at higher retention times this trend is lost and with at retention time of τ = 4 min, regardless of the microchannel dimensions and transverse cross-section, a similar conversion is achieved.
konektori mikroreaktora
aditivna proizvodnja
3D tisak
taložno očvršćivanje
sinteza biodizela
Keywords (english)
microreactor connection
additive manufacturing
3D print
fused filament fabrication
synthesis of biodiesel
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:530330
Study programme Title: Chemical Engineering - Graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-04-29 13:00:51