Title Fototransformacije spojeva prisutnih u eteričnim uljima
Title (english) Phototransformations of compounds found in essential oils
Author Ana Škunca
Mentor Irena Škorić (mentor)
Committee member Irena Škorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dragana Vuk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Vuković Domanovac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Abstract Dobra topljivost eteričnih ulja u drugim biljnim uljima i laka apsorpcija kroz kožu omogućuje im primjenu u medicinskoj masaži i aromaterapiji. Komponente eteričnih ulja male su molekulske mase s 10-15 ugljikovih atoma u molekuli. Najvećim dijelom se sastoje od terpena (monoterpeni i seskviterpeni) i fenilpropanskih derivata. Glavnu grupu terpena u eteričnom ulju jele, bora i kleke čine monoterpeni, kod eteričnog ulja lovora to su oksigenirani monoterpeni, dok se eterično ulje smilja najvećim dijelom sastoji od monoterpenskih i seskviterpenskih ugljikovodika. Eterična ulja bora, jele, kleke, lovora i smilja osvjetljavana su na 420 nm i 366 nm 48 sati u fotokemijskom reaktoru. Osvjetljavanjem se ispitala fotostabilnost komponenata eteričnih ulja uz prisutnost zraka, a sve se pratilo i analiziralo vezanim sustavom plinska kromatografija-masena spektrometrija (GC-MS). Analiza je pokazala da se nakon osvjetljavanja događaju promjene u sastavu eteričnih ulja, degradacija komponenata i nastajanje novih. Osvjetljavana ulja su se usporedila sa standardom, odnosno uzorkom ulja koji nije osvjetljavan kako bi se mogle uočiti razlike u sastavu. Najveće promjene u sastavu uočene su kod eteričnog ulja smilja iz čega proizlazi da je u usporedbi s ostalim uljima, smilje najmanje fotostabilno. To znači da se na eterično ulje smilja najviše treba paziti prilikom upotrebe i skladištenja, odnosno treba ga se čuvati u tamnim bocama s prikladnim čepom, te u tamnim i hladnijim prostorijama kao što su podrumi. Od komponenata koje se mijenjaju u sastavu, najzanimljiviji je γ-kurkumen koji je uz neril-acetat jedan od najdragocjenijih komponenata eteričnog ulja smilja. Iz kromatograma frakcije obogaćene γ-kurkumenom nakon osvjetljavanja u trajanju od 48 sati vidi se smanjenje γ-kurkumena, odnosno povećanje drugih komponenata koje su njegovi mogući fotoprodukti. Do sada je jako malo provedenih istraživanja na ovu temu opisanih u literaturi i općenito ima malo informacija o fotostabilnosti eteričnih ulja i sličnih spojeva.
Abstract (english) Good solubility of essential oils in other vegetable oils and easy absorption through the skin allows them to be used in medical massage and aromatherapy. Essential oils are small molecular masses with 10-15 carbon atoms in the molecule. They mostly consist of terpenes (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) and phenylpropane derivatives. The main group of terpenes in essential oil of fir, pine and juniper are monoterpenes, while in the essential oil of laurel main group of terpens are oxygenated monoterpenes. Essential oil of immortelle is mostly composed of monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Essential oil of pine, fir, juniper, laurel and immortelle were illuminated at 420 nm and 366 nm in chemical reactor. Photostability of essential oils was determined by 48 hour long illumination in the presence of air. Process was monitored and analyzed by the linked gas chromatographic-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) system. The analysis has shown that illumination affects on the changes in the composition of essential oils, component degradation and the formation of new ones. Illuminated oils were compared to the standard, which is an oil sample that is not illuminated, in order to notice the differences in the composition. The most significant changes in composition were seen in the essential oil of immortelle, which means that essential oil of immortelle compared to other oils is the least photostable. Poor photostability means that with the essential oil of immortelle should be carefully handeld. It should be kept in dark bottles with a suitable stopper and stored in dark and cold rooms such as basements. Among the components that change, the most interesting is γ-curcumen which with neril acetate is one of the most valuable components of the essential oil of immortelle. From chromatogram of fraction which is enriched by γ-curcumene after 48 h long illumination, reduction of γ-curcumene can be spotted. Also, number of other components that are possible product of γ-curcumene decomposition increases. There is few researches on this subject in the literature and generally there is a small amount of information on the photostability of essential oils and similar compounds.
eterično ulje
fenilpropanski derivati
plinska kromatografija-masena spektrometrija
Keywords (english)
essential oil
phenylpropane derivatives
gas chromatographic-mass spectrometry
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:038947
Study programme Title: Environmental Engineering - Undergraduate study Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka ekoinženjerstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka ekoinženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-22 11:24:10