Title Analiza oblika i sadržaja suradničkih aktivnosti s roditeljima
Title (english) Analysis of forms and content of collaborative activities with parents
Author Iva Vidaković
Mentor Snježana Dubovicki (mentor)
Committee member Valentina Majdenić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Dubovicki (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Brust Nemet (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Abstract Sasvim je neosporno da je suradnja između odgojno-obrazovne ustanove i obitelji učenika vrlo bitna kako bi se postigao optimalan dječji razvoj i dobar školski uspjeh. Suradnja vrlo često može biti ometena nekim drugim čimbenicima, ali vrlo je bitno te čimbenike na vrijeme prepoznati te pronaći najbolje rješenje. Korijeni suradnje obitelji i škole sežu duboko u prošlost pa se može zaključiti kako je suradnja obitelji i škole oduvijek bila ključan element u dječjem razvoju i obrazovanju. Postoje različiti oblici suradnje, no ključno je održavati dva osnovna oblika – roditeljske sastanke i individualne razgovore. Pozitivno je ukoliko škola kao odgojno-obrazovna ustanova njeguje i provodi i neke druge oblike suradnje osim osnovnih. Treba se uzeti u obzir kako je kvaliteta suradnje određena ponašanjem i uključenošću jedne i druge strane. Komunikacija uvijek mora biti otvorena, jasna i konkretna kako bi se postigli određeni rezultati. Također, vrlo je bitno uvažiti i tuđe mišljenje te raspraviti o svemu što jedna i druga strana smatra bitnim. Poštovanje i razumijevanje ključne su stavke za kvalitetnu suradnju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizom 30 godišnjih planova i programa osnovnih škola slavonskih županija istražiti i utvrditi koji se oblici suradnje između obitelji i škole provode u razrednim odjelima od 1. do 4. razreda te koliko su oni učestali. Nadalje, ispitalo se koji stručni suradnici i na koje načine najčešće surađuju s obitelji kao i sadržaji suradničkih aktivnosti s obitelji. Također, istražilo se postoje li razlike u oblicima i broju suradničkih aktivnosti u urbanim i ruralnim područjima s obzirom da je od 30 godišnjih planova i programa osnovnih škola, 15 godišnjih planova i programa bilo s urbanih, a 15 godišnjih planova i programa s ruralnih područja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako se aktivnosti vezane uz školu odvijaju u skladu sa Zakonom o odgoju i obrazovanju te sve škole provode osnovne oblike suradnje. U školama s urbanih područja od 15 škola samo njih 5 provodi radionice/projekte te predavanja obiteljima. Međutim, škole ruralnog područja provode 13 radionica/ projekata s obitelji te 11 tematskih predavanja od ukupnog broja. Može se vidjeti kako su škole s ruralnih područja puno aktivnije u suradnji s obitelji. Nadalje, zaključilo se kako u svim školama najviše surađuju učitelji te stručni suradnici pedagozi.
Abstract (english) The collaboration between the family and the educational institution is unquestionably a highly important element for child's optimal development and school achievement. There are several factors which can disrupt this collaboration and it is of outmost importance to recognize them timely and find the most appropriate solutions. The collaboration between schools and families has a long history, which proves that it has always been a key factor in child's development and learning. There are various forms of collaboration, but it is crucial to maintain two elementary forms – parent-teacher conferences and individual parent-teacher meetings. It is commendable if a school also exercises any other forms of collaboration besides the elementary ones. One should take into consideration the fact that the quality of collaboration is determined by the conduct and involvement of both sides included. The communication always needs to be open, clear and meaningful in order to achieve certain results. It is also crucial to respect diverse opinions and discuss all issues that any of the participants finds important.Respect and understanding are key elements for successful collaboration. The objective of this research is to determine which forms of collaboration are present in grades 1 to 4 and what is their frequency, based on 30 curriculums of elementary schools from the Slavonian counties. It also examines which expert assistants collaborate with the families most frequently, the form of their collaboration and the content of their common activities. Also, the thesis investigates possible differences in the forms and frequency of collaborative activities in urban and rural areas. Therefore, out of 30 elementary school curriculums, 15 were from an urban area and 15 from a rural area. The research results indicate that school-related activities are exercised in accordance with the Primary and Secondary Education Act and mostly elementary in their form. In urban areas, only 5 out of 15 schools practices workshops/projects and lectures involving student's families. On the other hand, schools from rural areas carried out 13 workshops/projects involving families and 11 themed lectures. It is noticeable that rural area schools are significantly more active in collaboration between the school and the family. Further on, the results indicate that teachers and pedagogues are the ones who collaborate with the families most frequently.
stručni suradnici
oblici suradnje
urbana područja
ruralna područja.
Keywords (english)
expert assistants
forms of collaboration
urban areas
rural area.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:815572
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-07-08 12:29:21