Abstract | Kada sam razmišljala koje književno djelo odabrati za diplomski rad, u mnoštvu lektira, najviše mi se svidjelo književno djelo Pale sam na svijetu. Iz više razloga. Glavni razlog je originalnost, priča je posebna i nesvakidašnja, ima pouku i upravo ta poučnost navodi na razmišljanje. Priča počinje realistično, zatim krene u negativnom smjeru i na kraju ima sretan završetak. Još jedan od razloga je razred u kojemu se obrađuje ova lektira, a to je prvi razred. Osobno mi je ovo najdraža dob djece i najviše volim biti u prvom razredu. U toj dobi su djeca potpuno iskrena, neiskvarena i zanimljiva. Posljednji razlog bili su film i predstava. Tražila sam djelo koje je izvedeno scenski, a po kojem je snimljen i film. I pronašla sam sve u jednom, idealnu temu. Tako sam odlučila u ovom diplomskom radu obraditi ovo djelo kroz tri područja: sat medijske kulture (film i predstava) u prvom razredu, sat jezičnoga izražavanja (opis lika) u drugom razredu i sat dramatizacije u trećem razredu. Kako se ovdje radi o unutar predmetnoj korelaciji povezala sam sat Hrvatskoga jezika sa satom Likovne kulture i satom Glazbene kulture.
Knjiga Pale sam na svijetu ušla je u obveznu metodičku literaturu na svim nastavničkim fakultetima u Republici Hrvatskoj za buduće učitelje i profesore Hrvatskoga jezika u razrednoj nastavi. Učenicima 1. razreda osnovne škole ovo je djelo obvezna lektira.
U prilozima su dječji radovi koje sam prikupljala tijekom održanih nastavnih sati, crteži Paleta, nastavni listići na kojima su odgovarali na pitanja, fotografije predstave Pale sam na svijetu i fotografije djece koja izvode dramatizaciju. Za svako snimanje i fotografiranje dobila sam suglasnost roditelja. Također sam razgovarala s glumcima koji su glumili u predstavi, bili su vrlo ljubazni, pristupačni, susretljivi i odgovorili su mi na sva pitanja koja su me zanimala. |
Abstract (english) | When I was thinking about which literary work choose for my thesis, I liked the most a literary work „Pale sam na svijetu“. For many reasons. The main reason was originality, the story is special and unusual, it has had a moral message and exactly that message made me thinking. The story has began realistically, then went in a negative direction and finally it had a happy ending. Another one reason is a class in which this literary work has been done, and this was a first grade. This is my favorite age of children and I like the most to teach and spend time in the first grade. In that age, children are completely honest, good, nice, cute and ineteresting. The final reason were movie and theater performance. I was searching for a literary work which has been performed also in theater and by which movie was filmed. And I found all in one, an ideal work of art. That was when I decided to do this literary work through three elements: one school lesson of media culture ( the movie and the theater performance) in the first grade, one school lesson of language expression (description of a character) in the second grade, and one school lesson of dramatization in the third grade. Considering that here was present within – subject correlation I had linked the Croatian language subject with the Art culture subject and the Music culture subject.
This literary work became a required methodical literature in all teacher faculties in Croatia for a future teachers and Croatian language professors in a lower and upper classes of primary schools. The students of first grades in primary schools have this literary work in their lesson as a required literature.
As an attachment there are childrens' work which I collected during my own lessons in the primary school, there are drawings of the character Pale, work sheets which contain students' questions and answers, photos of the theater performance „Pale sam na svijetu“ and childrens' photos while performing dramatization. For every filming and photographing I had a parents' approval. Also I had talked with the actors who took a part in the teather performance, they were very kind, friendly, helpful and they answered all of questions which interested me. |