Title Čitanjem i slušanjem do uskličnih ustrojstava u književnoumjetničkoj prozi
Title (english) Reading and Listening as a Means of Approaching Exclamation Features in the Literary and Artistic Prose
Author Evica Vinogradac
Mentor Dubravka Smajić (mentor)
Committee member Vedrana Živković Zebec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Mance (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Smajić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Uskličnost se u jeziku javlja na dva načina: kao uskličnost uskličnih sredstava i kao uskličnost uskličnih rečenica. Ovaj će se rad baviti objema vrstama uskličnosti u romanu Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. Opisat će se sve komunikacijske vrste usklične rečenice u toj prozi te utvrditi kakva je stilska uloga takve bogate uskličnosti. Prikazat će se i ispitivanje dječjega sintaktičkog znanja, tj. razine obrazovnih postignuća koja se odnose na primjenu stečenih znanja u prepoznavanju i razlikovanju usklične od izjavne rečenice te na pravilnu uporabu rečeničnih znakova za obilježavanje tih dviju vrsta rečenica (točka i uskličnik) na kraju mlađe školske dobi, dakle u devetogodišnjaka, odnosno desetogodišnjaka. Istraživanje je provedeno 2021. te će se usporediti s istraživanjem provedenim 2013. godine. Ono se provelo na dvjema jezičnim djelatnostima – slušanju i čitanju. Ispitivani sintaktički korpus činile su odabrane rečenice iz Čudnovatih zgoda šegrta Hlapića. Sudionicima istraživanja na ispitaničkim su listićima rečenice predočene bez završnoga rečeničnog znaka. Osnovna je zadaća sudionika istraživanja bila prepoznati i razlikovati (odslušane, odnosno pročitane) rečenice prema ciljnoj usmjerenosti, a svoj su odabir iskazali tako što su označili završetak izjavne rečenice točkom, a završetak usklične rečenice uskličnikom. Za provjeru uskličnih rečenica odabrane su samo one rečenice koje sadrže neko usklično sredstvo (npr. uzvike), zatim dodatne oblike koji imaju ulogu pojačavanja izjave, imperativne rečenice, rečenice koje sadrže poziv ili doziv, rečenice s vokativom i ostale usklične rečenice s bilo kojim drugim obilježjima koja bi upućivala na uskličnost. Odabrane su također i usklične rečenice iz upravnoga govora koje u njegovim obrazloženjima sadrže obavijesti o tome na koji je način rečenica izrečena. Kada je riječ o razlikovanju rečenica prema priopćajnoj svrsi, upitne se rečenice po svojoj općoj sintaktičkoj prirodi lako razlikuju od izjavnih. Znatno je složenije razlikovanje kada je u pitanju odnos uskličnost / izjavnost rečenice, jer kod uskličnih rečenica vrlo često intonacija može sama biti jedinom oznakom usklika, stoga se ispitivalo obrazovno postignuće povezano s takvim zahtjevnijim sintaktičkim razlikovanjem ciljno usmjerenih rečenica.
Abstract (english) An exclamation occurs in a language in two ways: as an exclamation of exclamatory means and as an exclamation of exclamatory sentences. In this master's thesis, we will discuss both types of exclamation in the novel The Strange Adventures of Hlapich the Apprentice by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić. All the communicative types of exclamatory sentences in this prose will be described, and the stylistic role of such rich exclamations will be determined. We will also present the results of an examination of children's syntactic knowledge, i.e., the level of academic achievements related to the application of acquired knowledge in recognizing and distinguishing an exclamatory sentence from a declarative sentence, and the correct use of punctuation to denote these two types of sentences (full stop and exclamation point). The examined population were pupils between nine and ten years of age. The research was conducted in 2021 and will be compared with the same research conducted in 2013. In this research, two language activities were examined – listening and reading. The examined syntactic corpus consisted of carefully selected sentences from the previously mentioned novel. Participants were given sentences without punctuation at the ends of sentences. Their main task was to recognize and differentiate sentences (by listening and reading) according to their message; that is, declarative sentences end with a full stop and exclamatory sentences with an exclamation mark. To check exclamatory sentences, only sentences that contain some exclamatory means (e.g. interjections) were selected, then additional forms whose role is to reinforce the statement, imperative sentences, sentences containing a call or invocation, sentences with vocative, and other exclamatory sentences with any other characteristics that would indicate exclamation. Exclamatory sentences from the administrative speech were also selected, which in their explanations contain information about in what manner every sentence was pronounced. When it comes to the differentiation of sentences according to their communicative purpose, interrogative sentences are, by their general syntactic nature, easily distinguished from declarative sentences. The distinction is much more complex when it comes to the relation between exclamatory and declarative sentences because often the intonation itself is the only sign of exclamation. Therefore, academic success associated with the ability to successfully differentiate between such types of syntactically complex sentences was examined.
Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića
jezične djelatnosti čitanje i slušanje
komunikacijske vrste usklične rečenice
stilska funkcionalnost usklične rečenice
Keywords (english)
The Strange Adventures of Hlapich The Apprentice
language activities of reading and listening
communicative types of exclamatory sentences
stylistic functionality of exclamatory sentences
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:407357
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-26 11:35:23