Abstract | U ovome će se radu govoriti o povijesti naseljenog mjesta Virja, odnosno područja Općine Virje. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest prikazati povijesni razvoj tog područja od nastanka pa sve do današnjice. Virje je smješteno na srednjem toku rječice Zdelje, u središnjem dijelu gornje hrvatske Podravine, na sjeverozapadu Koprivničko – križevačke županije. Ovim radom pruža se detaljniji prikaz i uvid u povijest nastanka mjesta, demografski razvoj, gospodarski razvoj, nastanak i razvoj raznih društava, duhovni život, sport, nastanak i razvoj odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova te prikaz važnih osoba za ovo mjesto. Ovaj rad, Povijest Virja, kako i sam naslov govori obuhvaća povijest mjesta kroz razna vremenska razdoblja u prošlosti. Od mjesta koje je svoje ime mijenjalo više puta kroz povijest, preko nastanka općine i svih demografskih procesa koji su se događali na tom području pa sve do razvoja prometa kakvog danas poznajemo. Gospodarski razvoj mjesta najviše se ostvaruje kroz poljoprivredu, ratarske i stočarske radnje, vinogradarstvo i voćarstvo te razvoj obrtništva. Duhovni život ima, također, veliku ulogu u povijesti Virja, s obzirom da je u tadašnjoj prošlosti crkva bila središte zbivanja te je tako imala važnu ulogu u životima stanovnika. Ovaj završni rad, dakle, predstavlja sveobuhvatnu povijest Virja i njegove općine od samih početaka pa sve do danas, pruža nam detaljniji uvid u uloge mjesta, kako na lokalnoj, tako i na regionalnoj razini. |
Abstract (english) | This paper will discuss the history of the inhabited place Virje, specifically the area of the Municipality of Virje. The aim of this research is to present the historical development of this area from its inception to the present day. Virje is located along the middle course of the Zdelja River, in the central part of Upper Croatian Podravina, in the northwest of Koprivnica- Križevci County. This paper provides a detailed overview and insight into the history of the place, its demographic development, economic development, the emergence and development of various societies, spiritual life, sports, the establishment and development of educational institutions, and a portrayal of important figures for this place. This paper, "The History of Virje," as the title itself suggests, encompasses the history of the place through various time periods in the past. From a place that changed its name several times throughout history, through the establishment of the municipality and all the demographic processes that took place in this area, to the development of transportation as we know it today. The economic development of the place is mainly achieved through agriculture, crop and livestock farming, viticulture and fruit growing, and the development of crafts. Spiritual life also plays a significant role in the history of Virje, as the church was the center of events in the past and thus had an important role in the lives of the inhabitants. Therefore, this final paper presents a comprehensive history of Virje and its municipality from the very beginning to the present day, providing us with a detailed insight into the roles of the place both locally and regionally. |