Abstract | Folklor predstavlja tradiciju i kulturu svakog naroda. Razlikuje se od naroda do naroda po svojim običajima, sadržajima, nošnjama, pjesmama i plesovima koje su stvarali ljudi i djeca. Prenosi se s generacije na generaciju, a danas je poznat i zastupljen u svakom kraju Hrvatske. U dječji folklor ubrajaju se brojalice, uspavanke, igre s pjesmom, folklorne pjesme i plesovi te sviranje na tradicijskim instrumentima. Upravo zbog svoje raznolikosti sadržaja dječji folklor je zanimljiv i interesantan djeci. Osim toga ima brojne pozitivne utjecaje na djecu i njihove sposobnosti. Potiče razvoj brojnih sposobnosti, osjećaja za pokret, ritam, potiče maštu i kreativnost te osjećaj sreće i vedrine. Tema ovog rada je dječji folklor, njegov sadržaj i njegova zastupljenost u dječjim vrtićima. Provedeno je istraživanje u nekoliko dječjih vrtića na području grada Vinkovaca. Ispitano je 41 odgojitelja, a rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako većina odgojitelja provodi više puta mjesečno folklorne sadržaje u radu sa svojom djecom. Najviše provode brojalice, igre s pjesmom, uspavanke i folklorne pjesme. Njih 90% ispitanih smatra kako njegovanje dječjeg folklora treba započeti u predškolskom odgoju te polovina ispitanih smatra kako se ne radi dovoljno na tome. |
Abstract (english) | Folklore represents the tradition and the culture of every nation. It is different from country to country by its customs, content, costumes, poems and dances which were created by people and children. It is transfered from generation to generation, and today it is known and represented in every part of Croatia. There are many form of folkloric music such as counters, lullabies, song games, folk songs, dances and playing on traditional instruments. Because of its variety of contents, children's folklore is interesting to children. In addition, there are numerous positive impacts on children and their abilities. It promotes the development of many abilities, feelings of movement, rhythm, stimulation of imagination and creativity and a sense of happiness and serenity. The subject of this work is children's folklore, its content and its representation in kindergartens. A survey was conducted in several kindergartens in the area of Vinkovci. 41 educators were surveyed, and research results showed that most educators spend several times a month on folkloric content in working with children. Numbers, song games, lullabies and folk songs are most popular. 90% of those surveyed believe that child folklore nursing should begin in pre-school education, and half of surveyed think it is not working enough on child folklore |