Title Kako do zelene zastave u dječjem vrtiću?
Title (english) How to get a green flag in a kindergarten?
Author Valentina Vondrak
Mentor Irella Bogut (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Kelam (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Smajić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irella Bogut (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Od početaka čovječanstva ljudi su trebali razmišljati o zaštiti okoliša. No, uvijek je bilo važnijih stvari. Svojim izumima čovječanstvo je bez razmišljanja narušilo prirodnu ravnotežu, a početkom ovog stoljeća počelo se govoriti o ekološkim problemima jer oni izravno utječu na zdravlje čovjeka. Pojam održivi razvoj je koncipiran tako da pojedinac uspješno zadovolji vlastite potrebe, ne ugrožavajući pritom sposobnost budućih generacija na zadovoljavanje istih. Kako bi se uspješno utjecalo na pojedinca, potrebno ga je od najranije dobi upozoravati na važnost očuvanja okoliša. Odgojno-obrazovne institucije se trude usaditi u osobu ekološku svijest, no potrebno je isto njegovati i kod kuće. Svi su svjedoci da odgoj dolazi od kuće, ali što kada su mala djeca veći dio dana u vrtiću? Za odgojno – obrazovne ustanove je koncipiran program Eko škola koji se provodi u cijeloj Europi. Kako bi ustanova postala Eko škola, treba se prijaviti na mrežnoj stranici, provesti 7 programskih koraka, prijaviti se za stjecanje statusa te nakon dvije godine obnoviti status Eko škole. U programu mogu sudjelovati sve odgojno – obrazovne institucije, uključujući i dječje vrtiće. Iako je to tako, ove godine je samo 11 dječjih vrtića na području Republike Hrvatske prijavljeno u taj program. Neki vrtići njeguju ekološki odgoj, no ne prijavljuju se u program jer nedostaje adekvatno obrazovnog kadra koji bi proširio njihove spoznaje i uputio ih do toga da postanu Eko vrtić. U bližoj okolini se nalazi nekoliko vrtića koji su ipak dobili Zelenu zastavu i prestižan status Eko škole. To su Dječji vrtić Sisak Stari – objekt „Pčelica“ i Dječji vrtić Osijek – objekt „Mak“. Oni su svojim trudom i zalaganjem dobili Zelenu zastavu ali i dugo godina održavaju status Eko vrtića. U budućnosti se očekuje veća osviještenost populacije jer odrasli rade na tome da u sadašnje generacije ugrade osjećaj za okoliš od najranije dobi. Odgojitelji se svakodnevno educiraju i rade na sebi kako bi postali kvalitetniji, a time i unaprijedili svoj rad. Uključivanjem djece u aktivnosti s ekološkim naglaskom stvaraju se generacije koje brinu o budućnosti okoliša u kojem žive. Shvaćaju da je on samo mjesto gdje su trenutno i da ga kao takvog treba čuvati za ostale, za potomke. Razumijevanjem ekološke problematike i uključivanjem u ekološke aktivnosti, ponašanje djece se mijenja, a preko djece se utječe i na odrasle.
Abstract (english) From the beginning of humanity, people should think about environmental protection. But there were always more important things. With its inventions, humanity has disturbed the natural balance without thinking, so at the beginning of this century, ecological problems began to be discussed as they directly affect human health. The concept of sustainable development is conceived so that an individual can successfully meet his own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy itselve. In order to successfully affect an individual, it is necessary to warn from the earliest age on the importance of environmental conservation. Educational institutions strive to build an ecological conscious person, but it also needs to be nurtured at home. They all testify that nurture comes from home, but what when children spend most of their day in kindergarten? Eco - school program is being developed for the educational institutions in Europe. In order for an institution to become an Eco School, it should be logged on the web site, implement 7 program steps, apply for status and after two years renew the status of Eco School. All educational institutions, including kindergartens, can participate in the program. Although everyone can be in program, this year only 11 kindergartens in the Republic of Croatia have been reported to program. Some kindergartens nurture eco-education, but do not report to the program because they lack the adequate educational staff to expand their knowledge and send them to become an Eco-kindergarten. In the immediate vicinity there are several kindergartens who still receive the Green Flag and the prestigious status of Eco School. These are the kindergarten Sisak Stari - object „Pčelica“ and Kindergarten Osijek - object „Mak“. They have received the Green Flag with their effort and dedication, but have also maintained the status of Eco School for a long time. In the future, more population awareness is expected because adults are working to build a sense of the environment from the earliest age in the present generation. Educators are educated and working on their daily basis to become more quality and improve their work. Including children in ecologically focused activities generates generations that care about the future of the environment they live in. They realize that environment is just where they are at the moment and that they should be kept it as such for the rest, for the offspring. By understanding ecological issues and incorporating into ecological activities, the behavior of children is changing, and through children it affects adults too.
održivi razvoj
odgojno – obrazovne institucije
Eko škole
Zelena zastava
najranija dob
Keywords (english)
sustainable development
educational institutions
Eco Schools
Green Flag
early age
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:583832
Study programme Title: Graduate pre-school education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2019-06-24 09:35:23