Abstract | Pravilna i uravnotežena prehrana je važan aspekt zdravlja koji mnogi ljudi danas zapostavljaju. Užurbani tempo i drugačiji način života u velikoj mjeri negativno djeluju na naše prehrambene navike. Pod utjecajem raznih čimbenika u organizam unosimo premalo nutritivno bogate hrane i zdrave tekućine, a rafinirana i procesuirana hrana zauzimaju visoko mjesto u ovoj priči. No, na vrhu liste prioriteta nam mora biti zdravlje, a ne neki sekundani ciljevi kojima ćemo žrtvovati našu dobrobit za danas i sutra. Stoga je naša odgovornost i dužnost upoznavati naše najmlađe članove društva sa pozitivnim životnim navikama kako bi živjeli kvalitetnije te kako bi bili zdravi, sretni i ispunjeni. Zdrave prehrambene navike mogu uvelike utjecati na psihofizički razvoj osobe i zato bismo ih trebali razvijati i dosljedno provoditi, odnosno živjeti ih. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je bio istražiti prehrambene navike učitelja i njihovih učenika. U svrhu provođenja istraživanja konstruirana su dva anketna upitnika, jedan se odnosio na učitelje, a drugi na učenike. Oba anketna upitnika se sastoje od pitanja kojima su se ispitale prehrambene navike, način provođenja slobodnog vremena te provođenje određenih higijenskih postupaka. Rezultati su pokazali da većina djece ima zdrave prehrambene navike, uglavnom konzumiraju sve potrebne obroke, slobodno vrijeme ne provode previše pred računalom i tv-om već igrajući se s prijateljima te se bave sportom. Također istraživanjem smo saznali da vole jesti voće i povrće, ali isto tako vole i slatkiše, no jedu ih u umjerenim količinama. Zatim, rezultati su pokazali da učitelji od tri glavna obroka najčešće jedu ručak, često konzumiraju međuobroke, a kada su žedni najčešće piju vodu. Važna im je zdrava prehrana i podijeljenog su mišljenja oko pitanja jesu li učenici dovoljno educirani o zdravim i pravilnim prehrambenim navikama. |
Abstract (english) | Proper and balanced nutrition is an important aspect of health which is neglected by many people nowadays. The hectic pace and a different way of life have a largely negative effect on our eating habits. Under the influence of various factors, we take too little nutritionally rich food and healthy liquids in our body and refined and processed foods have a big impact in this story. At the top of the priority list, there should be our health, not some secondary objectives for which we will sacrifice our well-being for today and tomorrow. Therefore, it is our responsibility and duty to get to know our youngest members of society with the positive life habits in order to live better and to be healthy, happy and fulfilled. Healthy eating habits can greatly affect the physical and mental development of a person and therefore we should develop them and consistently implement them while being able to live them, too. The main idea of this Master thesis was to investigate the nutrition habits of teachers and their students. For the research conducting, two questionnaires have been made, one related to the teachers and the other one for the students. Both questionnaires consist of questions which examine eating habits, the way of spending spare time and the implementation of certain hygiene procedures. The results have showed that most children have healthy eating habits, mainly consume all the meals, while spending not much spare time in front of the computer and TV, yet playing with friends and participating in sports. Also, thanks to the research, we have learned that children like to eat fruits and vegetables, but also love sweets, but eat them in moderate amounts. Then, the results showed that the teachers usually eat lunch, when it comes to the number of three meals, often consume snacks, and when thirsty, they often drink water. A healthy nutrition is important to them, but they have divided opinions regarding the issue whether the students are sufficiently educated for healthy and proper eating habits. |