Title Privatna zaštita u pomorskim lukama
Title (english) Private protection in seaports
Author Tomislav Vila
Mentor Tonći Prodan (mentor)
Committee member Tonći Prodan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Kasum (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Mišić Radanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split University Department of Forensic Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2021-07-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Security and Defense Science
Abstract Promet roba i svjetska trgovina većim se dijelom vrši morem i ovisi o pomorskim putovima, stoga je i sigurnost u javnim lukama i pomorstvu od velike važnosti. Izvori koji predstavljaju najveću opasnost pomorstvu i pomorskim lukama su terorizam, krijumčarenje ljudi, organizirani kriminalitet i ekoterorizam. Terorizam, kao jedna od ugroza, smišljena je protuzakonita uporaba nasilja s namjerom postizanja određenih vjerskih, ideoloških ili političkih ciljeva, a glavne terorističke mete u pomorstvu
... More mogu biti: morske luke, brodovi, mostovi, naftne i plinske platforme. Sve spomenute ugroze predstavljaju veliku opasnost za sigurnost ljudi, imovine i okolišate je stoga u pomorskim lukama nužno uspostaviti učinkovitu zaštitu, razraditi sigurnosne postupke i protokole te donijeti smjernice za postupanje u slučaju nastanka neke prijetnje. Jedan od najvažnijih međunarodnih pravilnika u ovome području je Međunarodni pravilnik o sigurnosnoj zaštiti brodova i lučkih prostora (ISPS – International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) iz 2002. godine, a Republika Hrvatska također ima svoj nacionalni Zakon o sigurnosnoj zaštiti pomorskih brodova i luka. Cilj pravilnika i zakona je odrediti postupke i mjere zaštite kada se dogodi određena sigurnosna ugroza ili štetni događaj, odnosno postupke kojima se sprječavaju mogući incidenti i akcidentne situacije. S obzirom da je pomorska sigurnost od izuzetne važnosti za svjetsku ekonomiju, ekologiju i nacionalna gospodarstva, uspostavljaju se sigurnosne konfederacije, strukovni cehovi, tvrtke privatne zaštite, te se uređuju mnogi zakoni, pravilnici i kodeksi o sigurnosnoj zaštiti pomorskih luka i brodova. CoESS (Confederation ofEuropean Security Services), Konfederacija europskih sigurnosnih službi,Hrvatski ceh zaštitara i privatne zaštitarske tvrtke, uz državne institucije i tijela, usredotočeni su na rješavanje problema u pomorstvu i pomorskim lukama te na razvoj kvalificiranog osoblja i tehnologije. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti temeljne pojmove sigurnosti u lukama i kako se osigurava, prikazati ulogu ustroja sigurnosnih segmenata same luke, temeljito proučiti stanje sigurnosti u lukama u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj te proučiti kako to funkcionira u praksi. Poseban akcent stavljen je na izučavanje uloge privatne zaštite u sigurnosti pomorskih luka. Less
Abstract (english) Movement and international trade of goods is largely done by sea and depends on maritime routes, placing great importance on security in public ports, harbours and other maritime facilities. Principal sources of danger to maritime transport and seaports include terrorism, human trafficking, organized crime and eco-terrorism. Terrorism - one of the most prominent threats - is the calculated use of unlawful violence with the intention of creating generalized pervasive fear for the purpose of
... More attaining religious, ideological or political goals, with the main terrorist targets within the maritime sector being: seaports, ships, bridges, oil and gas platforms. These threats pose significant danger to the safety of people, property and the environment, making it necessary to implement effective protection measures in seaports, develop security procedures and protocols and issue suitable guidelines for assessing and combating identified threats. One of essential international regulations for enhancing the security of ships and port facilities is the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) in force since 2002. Republic of Croatia adopted the national Act on Maritime Ship and Port Security for the same purpose. Aim of such ordinances and legislation is to establish procedures and protection measures for handling specific security threats or harmful events, i.e. procedures used to prevent possible incidents and accidents. Given that maritime security is of paramount importance to the world economy, ecology, as well as national economies, various security-related confederations, professional guilds and private security companies are being established, supported by numerous laws, regulations and codes regulating the security of seaports and ships. Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS), Croatian Security Association and private security companies, along with relevant state institutions and bodies, are focused on solving maritime and port security issues and developing qualified personnel and technologies. The goal of this paper is to explore basic concepts of port security and understand how it is attained, review roles and features of security segments within the port, thoroughly examine the state of security in ports around the world and in Croatia and how it is implemented in real-situations. Special emphasis was placed on studying the role of private security actors in the governance of port security. Less
pomorske luke
organizirani kriminalitet
Keywords (english)
protection measures
organized crime
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:227:399536
Study programme Title: Forensic Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra forenzike (magistar/magistra forenzike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-18 18:16:39