Title Nezakoniti dokazi u kaznenom postupku
Title (english) Illegal evidence in criminal proceeding
Author Ružica Jerković
Mentor Nevena Aljinović (mentor)
Committee member Marija Đuzel (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Mišić Radanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevena Aljinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split University Department of Forensic Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Danas u hrvatskom pravu postoje dokazne zabrane ex lege propisane zakonom koje su se razvile
iz apsolutnog ekskluzijskog pravila anglosaksonskog prava i ex iudicio dokazne zabrane na
volju suda koje su se razvile iz teorije odvagivanja njemačkog prava i načela razmjernosti.
Odvagivanje suprotstavljenih interesa i jačanje temeljnih prava obilježile su razvoj instituta
nezakonitih dokaza u svijetu. U jugoslavenskom zakonodavstvu nezakoniti dokazi prvi put su
propisani 1985. godine. Sustav nezakonit dokaza u hrvatskom pravu razvio se u složen i
zahtjevan, uspoređujući s drugim europskim zemljama. Važeći ZKP/08 propisuje kao
nezakonite, dokaze pribavljene kršenjem zabrane mučenja te drugog okrutnog i nečovječnog
postupanja. Nadalje, nezakoniti dokazi su dokazi pribavljeni povredom zajamčenih prava
okrivljenika, osim u propisanim opravdanim iznimkama kada se ti dokazi ne smatraju
nezakonitima. Centralnu skupinu nezakonitih dokaza čine dokazi izričito propisani odredbama
ZKP/08, rezultati dokaznih radnji pretraga, ispitivanja okrivljenika i svjedoka, vještačenja i
posebnih dokaznih radnji. U sudskoj praksi, u žalbenim zahtjevima upućenim VSRH i ESLJP,
žalitelji prigovaraju na postupanje u kaznenim postupcima, zbog istih nezakonitih dokaza.
Međutim, ESLJP ne provjerava nezakonitost dokaza prema domaćem zakonodavstvu, već samo
provjerava povrede članaka Konvencije. U zahtjevima po žalbenim osnovama nezakonitih
dokaza ESLJP provjerava povrede zabrane mučenja iz čl. 3., povrede pravičnog postupka iz čl.
6. i povrede prava na poštovanje privatnog i obiteljskog života iz čl. 8. Povrede prava
Konvencije u kaznenom postupku, mogu biti posljedica nezakonitih načina pribavljanja
dokaza, ali su ipak neovisne od propisa domaćeg zakonodavstva o nezakonitosti dokaza.
Abstract (english) Today in Croatian law, there are ex lege evidentiary prohibitions prescribed by law, which
developed from absolute exclusivity of Anglo-Saxon law, and ex iudicio evidentiary
prohibitions at the will of the court, which developed from the theory of balancing of German
law and the principle of proportionality. Balancing the conflicting interests and strengthening
fundamental rights have marked the development of an institute of illegal evidence in the world.
In the Yugoslav legislation, illegal evidence was first prescribed in 1985. The system of illegal
evidence in Croatian law has developed into a complex and demanding way, in comparison
with other European countries. The valid Law of Criminal Procedure (ZKP/08) prescribes as
illegal evidence obtained in violation of the prohibition of torture and other cruel and inhuman
treatment. Furthermore, illegal evidence is evidence obtained in breach of the defendant's
guaranteed rights, except in duly justified exceptions where such evidence is not considered
illegal. The central group of illegal evidence consists of evidence expressly prescribed by the
provisions of the ZKP/08, the results of evidentiary actions of searches, interrogations of
defendants and witnesses, expert reports and special evidentiary actions. In judicial practice, in
the appeal requests sent to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia (VSRH) and ECtHR,
the appellants object to treatment in criminal proceedings due to the same illegal evidence.
However, the ECtHR does not check the illegality of the evidence according to the domestic
legislation, but only checks the violations of the articles of the Convention. In requests based
on appellate grounds of illegal evidence, the ECtHR verifies violations of the prohibition of
torture from Art. 3., violations of fair procedure from Art. 6. and violations of the right to respect
for private and family life from Art. 8. Violations of the rights of the Convention in criminal
proceedings may be the result of illegal methods of obtaining evidence, but they are, however,
independent of the regulations of domestic legislation on the illegality of evidence.
Zakon o kaznenom postupku
nezakoniti dokazi
dokazne radnje
povreda prava
Europska konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda
Keywords (english)
Law of Criminal Procedure
illegal evidence
evidentiary actions
violation of rights
Supreme Court of the Republic Croatia
European Convention on Human Rights
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:227:260670
Study programme Title: Forensic Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/sveučilišna magistra forenzike (sveučilišni magistar/sveučilišna magistra forenzike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-27 11:44:28