Title Suvremene cestovne prometne infrastrukture
Title (english) Modern road traffic infrastructures
Author Damir Marijan
Mentor Josip Kasum (mentor)
Mentor Marko Pilić (komentor)
Committee member Nina Mišić Radanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tonći Prodan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Kasum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split University Department of Forensic Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2022-05-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract Promet predstavlja ključan sektor u gospodarstvu i za samo gospodarstvo zbog toga što
ono obuhvaća složenu mrežu društava (privatnih i javnih) koja građanima i poduzećima
pružaju usluge i robu. U prometu se podudaraju proizvodnja i potrošnja jer se pružena
usluga mora potrošiti upravo onog trena kada se i proizvodi, odnosno pruža. Gospodarski i
društveni razvitak u suvremenom dobu ima sve veće značenje zbog razvoja sektora usluga
koje karakterizira sporiji porast potražnje cestovnog
... More prijevoza i veći zahtjevi za kvalitetom
koju cestovni prijevoz može pružiti, koja podrazumijeva brzinu, redovnost, sigurnost,
udobnost i slično. Cestovni prometni podsustav u obliku sastavnog dijela sustava prometne
infrastrukture ima utjecaj na razvoj naselja, razmještaj i migraciju stanovništva, lociranje
gospodarskih kapaciteta, kvalitetu života ljudi, korištenje prirodnih resursa, dostupnost
prostora, zaštitu okoliša, cjelovitost državnog teritorija, razvitak manje razvijenih područja
te brzinu i kapacitet putovanja. Cilj razvoja suvremenog prometa se temelji na pretpostavci
samog postojanja potencijalnih potreba u prometnom sustavu kao i raspoloživih kapaciteta
i resursa s ciljem zadovoljenja tih potreba. Osnovna metoda korištena u izradi ovog rada
bila je analiza sadržaja prikupljenih znanstvenih i stručnih literatura, proučavanjem Zakona
i pravilnika za područje analize rada. Za izradu ovog Završnog rada kao prikladne metode
odabrane su pretraživanja i skupljanja odnosno, spajanja prikupljenih materijala u jednu
kvalitetnu cjelinu. U radu su se za istraživanje koristile metode sinteze, indukcije,
dedukcije te logičke interpretacije. Rad je strukturiran u pet cjelovitih poglavlja. Prvo
poglavlje je uvodno poglavlje. Drugo poglavlje obuhvaća cestovni promet i gospodarstvo.
Treće poglavlje prikazuje infrastrukturu cestovnog prometa. Četvrto poglavlje govori o
novim tehnologijama i infrastrukturi. Peto poglavlje je zaključno poglavlje. Nakon čega se
nalazi literatura i ostali prilozi. Less
Abstract (english) Transport is a key sector in the economy and for the economy itself because it includes a
complex network of companies (private and public) that provide services and goods to
citizens and businesses. In traffic, production and consumption coincide because the
service provided must be consumed at the very moment when it is produced or provided.
Economic and social development in modern times is increasingly important due to the
development of the service sector characterized by
... More slower growth in road transport demand
and higher demands for quality that road transport can provide, which includes speed,
regularity, safety, comfort and the like. The road transport subsystem in the form of an
integral part of the transport infrastructure system has an impact on settlement
development, distribution and migration, locating economic capacities, quality of life, use
of natural resources, availability of space, environmental protection, integrity of state
territory, development of less developed areas. travel capacity. The goal of the
development of modern transport is based on the assumption of the very existence of
potential needs in the transport system as well as available capacities and resources in
order to meet these needs. The basic method used in the preparation of this paper was the
analysis of the content of collected scientific and professional literature, by studying the
Law and regulations for the field of labor analysis. For the preparation of this Final Thesis,
searches and collections, ie merging the collected materials into one quality unit, were
selected as appropriate methods. The methods of synthesis, induction, deduction and
logical interpretation were used in the research. The paper is structured in five complete
chapters. The first chapter is the introductory chapter. The second chapter covers road
transport and the economy. The third chapter shows the road transport infrastructure. The
fourth chapter talks about new technologies and infrastructure. The fifth chapter is the
concluding chapter. After which there is literature and other contributions. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:227:027196
Study programme Title: Forensic Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra forenzike (magistar/magistra forenzike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-10-06 17:55:35