Title Forenzika paleži radi stjecanja materijalne koristi
Title (english) Forensics of arson for gaining material benefit
Author Kristina Žunić
Mentor Bernardin Peroš (mentor)
Mentor Damir Kulišić (komentor)
Committee member Željana Bašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Kasum (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bernardin Peroš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split University Department of Forensic Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Science (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Abstract Cilj rada je prikazati forenziĉno vaţne tragove koji ukazuju na paleţ i moguće motive paleţi s naglaskom na one radi stjecanja materijalne koristi. Povezivanje tih tragova s istraţno vaţnim indicijama koje upućuju na moguće poĉinitelje i njihove pomagaĉe i/ili nalogodavce vaţno je za dokazivanje i procesuiranje kaznenog djela paleţi. Svi pronaĊeni tragovi i predmeti trebaju se pravilno forenziĉno interpretirati kako bi se na sudu prihvatili kao dokaz.
Metode: U radu je prikazano pet sluĉajeva
... More paleţi kod kojih je, zahvaljujući kvalitetnom radu istraţitelja na pronalaţenju tragova te povezivanju s istraţno znaĉajnim indicijama, došlo do uspješnog procesuiranja poĉinitelja kaznenog djela paleţi. Izvori podataka o obraĊenim sluĉajevima su internetske stranice Ministarstva pravosuĊa Sjedinjenih Ameriĉkih Drţava, stranica FBI-a te stranica Vatrogasne uprave Sjedinjenih Ameriĉkih Drţava.
Rezlutati: Rezultati analize navedenih sluĉajeva ukazuju na potrebu da se osobita paţnja prilikom istrage paleţi treba posvetiti sredstvu koje je korišteno za podmetanje poţara, mjestu izbijanja i naĉinu širenja poţara, motivu te prigodi za paleţ. Polica osiguranja, financijska izvješća i drugi relevantni dokumenti imaju vaţnost za otkrivanje uzroka, ali mogu posluţiti i kao dokaz o podrijetlu paleţi.
Zakljuĉak: Na osnovu ovog rada moţe se zakljuĉiti da je paleţ radi pribavljanja osigurnine prijevarom osiguravateljske tvrtke iznimno teško dokazati. Uspjeh u kvalitetnom otkrivanju i procesuiranju ovog kaznenog djela ovisi o uspjehu u otkrivanju, prepoznavanju i rasvjetljavanju uzroĉno-posljediĉnih veza, te meĊusobnom povezivanju predpoţarno, zapoţarno i poslijepoţarno istraţno/dokazno mogućih vaţnih indicija. Multidisciplinarni pristup istraţivanju te stalni rad na usvajanju novih znanja, uz prouĉavanje postojećih poznatih primjera paleţi, osnova su za kvalitetno rješavanje sluĉaja paleţi i procesuiranje poĉinitelja ovog kaznenog djela. Less
Abstract (english) Aim: The aim of the paper is to show forensically important traces that point to arson and possible motives for arson with an emphasis on those for gaining material benefit. Connecting these traces with for the investigation important clues that point to possible perpetrators and their helpers and/or principals is important for proving and prosecuting the crime of arson. All found traces and objects should be properly forensically interpreted in order to be accepted as evidence in court.
... More Methods: The paper presents five cases of arson in which, thanks to the quality work of the investigators in finding clues and connecting them with for the investigation significant indicators, the perpetrators of the crime of arson were successfully prosecuted. Sources of data on processed cases are the website of the United States Department of Justice, the website of the FBI and the website of the U.S. Fire Administration.
Results: The results of the analysis of the mentioned cases indicate the need to pay special attention during the arson investigation to the means used to start the fire, the place of outbreak and the way the fire spread, the motive and occasion for the arson. The insurance policy, financial statements and other relevant documents are important for discovering the cause, but they can also serve as evidence of the origin of the arson.
Conclusion: Based on this paper, it can be concluded that arson for the purpose of obtaining insurance by defrauding the insurance company is extremely difficult to prove. Success in the quality detection and prosecution of this criminal offense depends on the success in discovering, recognizing and elucidating cause-and-effect relationships, as well as interlinking possible important pre-fire, during the fire and post-fire clues. A multidisciplinary approach to research and constant work on acquiring new knowledge, along with the study of existing known examples of arson, are the basis for quality resolution of arson cases and the prosecution of perpetrators of this crime. Less
motivi paleţi
indicije paleţi
tragovi kod paleţi
paleţ radi materijalne koristi
Keywords (english)
motives for arson
indications of arson
traces of arson
arson for gaining material benefit
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:227:771479
Study programme Title: Forensic Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra forenzike (magistar/magistra forenzike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2023-09-20
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-11 16:34:06