Title Sigurnost Grada Sinja i sustav video nadzora javnih površina
Title (english) Security of the City of Sinj and video surveillance system of public areas
Author Ivan Bilić
Mentor Josip Kasum (mentor)
Committee member Toni Perković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Mišić Radanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Kasum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split University Department of Forensic Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2019-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Science (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Abstract Grad Sinj pripada Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji i s užom okolicom ima 24 832 stanovnika. Poznat je po viteškoj igri naziva Sinjska alka i svojoj zaštitnici Čudotvornoj Gospi Sinjskoj. Najveći je grad dalmatinskog zaleđa, te gospodarsko i zemljopisno središte Cetinske krajine. Bogat je kulturno-povijesnim nasljeđem i prekrasnom prirodom. Grad Sinj iz godine u godinu privlači sve veći broj turista, što je vidljivo u statističkim podaci o dolascima i noćenjima turista. Javna sigurnost je temeljni
... More čimbenik razvoja i održivosti turizma kao najvažnije gospodarske grane u RH. Grad Sinj se može pohvaliti da je četiri godine za redom (2014. - 2017.) proglašen najsigurnijim hrvatskim gradom, međutim tijekom 2019. godine u javnost je izašao veći broj medijski natpisi o povećanju počinjenih kaznenih djela i prekršaja na njegovu području. Prema osobnom dojmu sudionika ankete, koja je provedena u ljeto 2019. godine, njih 53% ocijenilo je stanje sigurnosti u Sinju sigurno, dok njih 47% smatra da je stanje sigurnosti u Sinju nesigurno. Provedena je i analiza poslova i broja policijskih službenika u Policijskoj postaji Sinj, kojom prilikom je uočeno da je zaposlen nedovoljan broj policijskih službenika u usporedbi s brojem stanovnika. Cilj ovog rada je prvenstveno potaknuti implementiranje sustava videonadzora javnih površina, kako bih se razina javne sigurnosti podignula na viši razinu i kako bi Grad Sinj u RH i šire bio prepoznat kao pametan grad koji ulaže u sigurnost i nove tehnologija. Svi stanovnici i zaposlenici u Gradu Sinju trebaju „razmišljati globalno, a djelovati lokalno“, te se voditi mišlju „tko ne napreduje, taj nazaduje“. Komparativnom analizom predmetnog sustava u odabranim gradovima i općinama s Gradom Sinjom uočava se da Sinj zaostaje u korištenju istoga. U radu se navedene brojne prednosti sustava videonadzora javnih površina, dok je naveden vrlo mali broj nedostatka, sukladno rezultatu brojnih analiziranih izvorima. Uz kvalitetno izrađen projekt kao temelj uspješnog sustava videonadzora javnih površina Grada Sinja, u kojem se može koristiti prikazana logička matrica, izvor financiranja istoga neće biti teško pronaći. Less
Abstract (english) The City of Sinj belongs to the Split-Dalmatia County and has a population of 24 832. He is known for his knightly game called Sinjska alka and his patron saint the Miraculous Lady of Sinj. It is the largest city in the Dalmatian hinterland, and the economic and geographical center of the Cetina region. It is rich in cultural and historical heritage and beautiful nature. The City of Sinj is attracting more and more tourists from year to year, which is evident in the statistics on tourist
... More arrivals and overnight stays. Public safety is a fundamental factor in the development and sustainability of tourism as the most important economic branch in the Republic of Croatia. The City of Sinj boasts that it has been proclaimed the safest Croatian city for four consecutive years (2014-2017), however, during 2019, a number of media reports on the increase of crimes and misdemeanors in its area were released to the public. According to the personal impression of the survey participants, which was conducted in the summer of 2019, 53% rated the security situation in Sinj safe, while 47% considered the security situation in Sinj unsafe. An analysis of the jobs and the number of police officers in the Sinj Police Station was also carried out, which revealed that there were insufficient number of police officers in comparison to the population. The aim of this paper is primarily to encourage the implementation of video surveillance systems for public areas, to raise the level of public safety to a higher level and to make the City of Sinj in the Republic of Croatia and beyond recognized as a smart city investing in security and new technologies. All residents and employees of the City of Sinj need to "think globally and act locally" and be guided by the thought "who does not prosper, that declines. A comparative analysis of the system in question in selected cities and municipalities with the City of Sinj reveals that Sinj is lagging behind in its use. The paper outlines a number of advantages of a video surveillance system for public areas, while a very small number of disadvantages is stated, in accordance with the result of numerous analyzed sources. With a well-designed project, as the basic successful system of video surveillance of public areas of the City of Sinj, in which a logical matrix can be displayed, the source of financing for it will not be difficult to find. Less
Grad Sinj
Gospa Sinjska
javna sigurnost
nadzorne kamere
umjetna inteligencija
Keywords (english)
City of Sinj
Lady of Sinj
public safety
video surveillance
surveillance cameras
video analytics
artificial intelligence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:227:353433
Study programme Title: Forensic Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra forenzike (magistar/magistra forenzike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Public note Forenzika i nacionalne sigurnosti
Created on 2019-12-04 14:11:09